spl-token-metadata-interface 0.3.3

Solana Program Library Token Metadata Interface
## Token-Metadata Interface

An interface describing the instructions required for a program to implement
to be considered a "token-metadata" program for SPL token mints. The interface
can be implemented by any program.

With a common interface, any wallet, dapp, or on-chain program can read the metadata,
and any tool that creates or modifies metadata will just work with any program
that implements the interface.

There is also a `TokenMetadata` struct that may optionally be implemented, but
is not required because of the `Emit` instruction, which indexers and other off-chain
users can call to get metadata.

### Example program

Coming soon!

### Motivation

Token creators on Solana need all sorts of functionality for their token-metadata,
and the Metaplex Token-Metadata program has been the one place for all metadata
needs, leading to a feature-rich program that still might not serve all needs.

At its base, token-metadata is a set of data fields associated to a particular token
mint, so we propose an interface that serves the simplest base case with some
compatibility with existing solutions.

With this proposal implemented, fungible and non-fungible token creators will
have two options:

* implement the interface in their own program, so they can eventually extend it
with new functionality or even other interfaces
* use a reference program that implements the simplest case

### Required Instructions

All of the following instructions are listed in greater detail in the source code.
Once the interface is decided, the information in the source code will be copied

#### Initialize

Initializes the token-metadata TLV entry in an account with an update authority,
name, symbol, and URI.

Must provide an SPL token mint and be signed by the mint authority.

#### Update Field

Updates a field in a token-metadata account. This may be an existing or totally
new field.

Must be signed by the update authority.

#### Remove Key

Unsets a key-value pair, clearing an existing entry.

Must be signed by the update authority.

#### Update Authority

Sets or unsets the token-metadata update authority, which signs any future updates
to the metadata.

Must be signed by the update authority.

#### Emit

Emits token-metadata in the expected `TokenMetadata` state format. Although
implementing a struct that uses the exact state is optional, this instruction is

### (Optional) State

A program that implements the interface may write the following data fields
into a type-length-value entry into an account:

type Pubkey = [u8; 32];
type OptionalNonZeroPubkey = Pubkey; // if all zeroes, interpreted as `None`

pub struct TokenMetadata {
    /// The authority that can sign to update the metadata
    pub update_authority: OptionalNonZeroPubkey,
    /// The associated mint, used to counter spoofing to be sure that metadata
    /// belongs to a particular mint
    pub mint: Pubkey,
    /// The longer name of the token
    pub name: String,
    /// The shortened symbol for the token
    pub symbol: String,
    /// The URI pointing to richer metadata
    pub uri: String,
    /// Any additional metadata about the token as key-value pairs. The program
    /// must avoid storing the same key twice.
    pub additional_metadata: Vec<(String, String)>,

By storing the metadata in a TLV structure, a developer who implements this
interface in their program can freely add any other data fields in a different
TLV entry.

You can find more information about TLV / type-length-value structures at the
[spl-type-length-value repo](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/tree/master/libraries/type-length-value).