# Type-Length-Value
Library with utilities for working with Type-Length-Value structures.
## Example usage
This simple examples defines a zero-copy type with its discriminator.
use {
bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable},
spl_discriminator::{ArrayDiscriminator, SplDiscriminate},
state::{TlvState, TlvStateBorrowed, TlvStateMut}
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Pod, Zeroable)]
struct MyPodValue {
data: [u8; 32],
impl SplDiscriminate for MyPodValue {
// Give it a unique discriminator, can also be generated using a hash function
const SPL_DISCRIMINATOR: ArrayDiscriminator = ArrayDiscriminator::new([1; ArrayDiscriminator::LENGTH]);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Pod, Zeroable)]
struct MyOtherPodValue {
data: u8,
// Give this type a non-derivable implementation of `Default` to write some data
impl Default for MyOtherPodValue {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
data: 10,
impl SplDiscriminate for MyOtherPodValue {
// Some other unique discriminator
const SPL_DISCRIMINATOR: ArrayDiscriminator = ArrayDiscriminator::new([2; ArrayDiscriminator::LENGTH]);
// Account will have two sets of `get_base_len()` (8-byte discriminator and 4-byte length),
// and enough room for a `MyPodValue` and a `MyOtherPodValue`
let account_size = TlvStateMut::get_base_len()
+ std::mem::size_of::<MyPodValue>()
+ TlvStateMut::get_base_len()
+ std::mem::size_of::<MyOtherPodValue>()
+ TlvStateMut::get_base_len()
+ std::mem::size_of::<MyOtherPodValue>();
// Buffer likely comes from a Solana `solana_account_info::AccountInfo`,
// but this example just uses a vector.
let mut buffer = vec![0; account_size];
// Unpack the base buffer as a TLV structure
let mut state = TlvStateMut::unpack(&mut buffer).unwrap();
// Init and write default value
// Note: you'll need to provide a boolean whether or not to allow repeating
// values with the same TLV discriminator.
// If set to false, this function will error when an existing entry is detected.
// Note the function also returns the repetition number, which can be used to
// fetch the value again.
let (value, _repetition_number) = state.init_value::<MyPodValue>(false).unwrap();
// Update it in-place
value.data[0] = 1;
// Init and write another default value
// This time, we're going to allow repeating values.
let (other_value1, other_value1_repetition_number) =
assert_eq!(other_value1.data, 10);
// Update it in-place
other_value1.data = 2;
// Let's do it again, since we can now have repeating values!
let (other_value2, other_value2_repetition_number) =
assert_eq!(other_value2.data, 10);
// Update it in-place
other_value2.data = 4;
// Later on, to work with it again, we can just get the first value we
// encounter, because we did _not_ allow repeating entries for `MyPodValue`.
let value = state.get_first_value_mut::<MyPodValue>().unwrap();
// Or fetch it from an immutable buffer
let state = TlvStateBorrowed::unpack(&buffer).unwrap();
let value1 = state.get_first_value::<MyOtherPodValue>().unwrap();
// Since we used repeating entries for `MyOtherPodValue`, we can grab either one by
// its repetition number
let value1 = state
let value2 = state
## Motivation
The Solana blockchain exposes slabs of bytes to on-chain programs, allowing program
writers to interpret these bytes and change them however they wish. Currently,
programs interpret account bytes as being only of one type. For example, a token
mint account is only ever a token mint, an AMM pool account is only ever an AMM pool,
a token metadata account can only hold token metadata, etc.
In a world of interfaces, a program will likely implement multiple interfaces.
As a concrete and important example, imagine a token program where mints hold
their own metadata. This means that a single account can be both a mint and
To allow easy implementation of multiple interfaces, accounts must be able to
hold multiple different types within one opaque slab of bytes. The
scheme facilitates this exact case.
## How it works
This library allows for holding multiple disparate types within the same account
by encoding the type, then length, then value.
The type is an 8-byte `ArrayDiscriminator`, which can be set to anything.
The length is a little-endian `u32`.
The value is a slab of `length` bytes that can be used however a program desires.
When searching through the buffer for a particular type, the library looks at
the first 8-byte discriminator. If it's all zeroes, this means it's uninitialized.
If not, it reads the next 4-byte length. If the discriminator matches, it returns
the next `length` bytes. If not, it jumps ahead `length` bytes and reads the
next 8-byte discriminator.
## Serialization of variable-length types
The initial example works using the `bytemuck` crate for zero-copy serialization
and deserialization. It's possible to use Borsh by implementing the `VariableLenPack`
trait on your type.
use {
borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize},
solana_borsh::v1::{get_instance_packed_len, try_from_slice_unchecked},
spl_discriminator::{ArrayDiscriminator, SplDiscriminate},
state::{TlvState, TlvStateMut},
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
struct MyVariableLenType {
data: String, // variable length type
impl SplDiscriminate for MyVariableLenType {
const SPL_DISCRIMINATOR: ArrayDiscriminator = ArrayDiscriminator::new([5; ArrayDiscriminator::LENGTH]);
impl VariableLenPack for MyVariableLenType {
fn pack_into_slice(&self, dst: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
borsh::to_writer(&mut dst[..], self).map_err(Into::into)
fn unpack_from_slice(src: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ProgramError> {
fn get_packed_len(&self) -> Result<usize, ProgramError> {
let initial_data = "This is a pretty cool test!";
// Allocate exactly the right size for the string, can go bigger if desired
let tlv_size = 4 + initial_data.len();
let account_size = TlvStateMut::get_base_len() + tlv_size;
// Buffer likely comes from a Solana `solana_account_info::AccountInfo`,
// but this example just uses a vector.
let mut buffer = vec![0; account_size];
let mut state = TlvStateMut::unpack(&mut buffer).unwrap();
// No need to hold onto the bytes since we'll serialize back into the right place
// For this example, let's _not_ allow repeating entries.
let _ = state.alloc::<MyVariableLenType>(tlv_size, false).unwrap();
let my_variable_len = MyVariableLenType {
data: initial_data.to_string()
let deser = state.get_first_variable_len_value::<MyVariableLenType>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(deser, my_variable_len);