stderrlog 0.4.1

Logger that logs to stderr based on verbosity specified
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Logger that aims to provide a simple case of
[env_logger]( that just
logs to `stderr` based on verbosity.

## Documentation

For a working example for [StructOpt](https::/,
[clap](, and
[docopt]( please see the
[crate level documentation](*/stderrlog/).

For example binaries showing how
[module level logging]( works, please see the `large-example` crate in `examples/`.

## Supported Versions

* `stderrlog` 0.4.x supports
  1) Rust 1.16.0 and newer
  2) `log` >= 0.4.1
* `stderrlog` 0.3.x supports
  1) Rust 1.16.0 and newer
  2) `log` 0.3.x
* `stderrlog` 0.2.x supports
  1) Rust 1.13.0 and newer
  2) `log` >= 0.3.0,  < 0.3.9

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

stderrlog = "0.4"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate stderrlog;

and this to your main():


where your args struct is defined as:

struct Args {
    flag_v: usize,
    flag_q: bool,