string-interner 0.13.0

Efficient string interner with minimal memory footprint and fast access to the underlying strings.

String Interner

Continuous Integration Test Coverage Documentation
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A data structure to cache strings efficiently, with minimal memory footprint and the ability to assicate the interned strings with unique symbols. These symbols allow for constant time comparisons and look-ups to the underlying interned string contents. Also, iterating through the interned strings is cache efficient.



Test the project using

cargo test

Memory Allocation Tests

To further test memory consumption and allocatios performed by the different string interner backends test the project as follows:

cargo test --features test-allocations -- --test-threads 1
  • The --features test-allocations enables the memory allocations tests.
  • The --test-thread 1 argument is required for the memory allocations tests since otherwise they interfere with each other causing them to randomly fail.
  • Use --nocapture to receive verbose output useful for debugging.


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