svgdx-pandoc 0.2.0

pandoc filter for svgdx codeblocks in Markdown
# svgdx-pandoc

A [pandoc][] filter to convert [svgdx][] fenced code blocks into inline images.


## Installation

For now installation requires a working Rust toolchain, e.g. installed from [](

Install `svgdx-pandoc` as follows:

cargo install svgdx-pandoc

## Usage

Basic usage of the filter is as follows; note the output format is inferred from the output file extension.

pandoc --filter svgdx-pandoc -o output.html

An [example Markdown file](example/ with embedded `svgdx` diagrams is present in the [example/](/example/) directory.

To create various other documents from this, try the following after cloning this repository. Note this assumes both pandoc and this project are installed.

svgdx-pandoc$ cd example/
svgdx-pandoc/example$ ./

Try opening the various generated files; note that some output formats tend to work more reliably than others,

## How it works

This filter has three modes of operation, selected automatically based on the target document format
(which pandoc provides as the sole argument to a filter):

* For `html` and `epub` output, the rendered SVG is included inline within the rendered document;
  for example a generated HTML document will contain an SVG element at the appropriate location.
* For formats such as `PDF`, `odt`, raw inline SVG elements are not supported, so temporary
  image files are created with associated image links.
* For `docx` and `pptx`, support for SVG images isn't great, so images are converted to PNG files
  using `ImageMagick` or `Inkscape` if present.

### Temporary files

Since the `svgdx-pandoc` filter will exit prior to the final output being rendered,
it cannot clean up after itself, and any temporary files created in order to create
e.g. a PDF file will remain, typically in the directory given by the `TMPDIR` environment
variable or other system-specific location.

If necessary, the location of temporary rendered SVG images can be controlled by defining
the `SVGDX_PANDOC_TMPDIR` environment variable, which should point to a directory which
already exists.

## Developing

To test changes to `svgdx-pandoc`, run as follows:

cargo build && pandoc --filter target/debug/svgdx-pandoc [input] -o [output]

In order to test changes to the `svgdx` library itself, update the appropriate `dependencies`
entry of [Cargo.toml](Cargo.toml) of this (svgdx-pandoc) repo to point to a local clone of `svgdx`,
rather than providing a version specifier:

svgdx = { path = "/path/to/svgdx", default-features = false }

## License

svgdx-pandoc is released under the MIT license; for more information see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.