use super::code_builder::CodeBuilder;
use crate::traversal::{traverse_for_changes, Change};
use ropey::Rope;
use std::sync::Arc;
use sway_core::BuildConfig;
pub fn get_formatted_data(
file: Arc<str>,
formatting_options: FormattingOptions,
build_config: Option<&BuildConfig>,
) -> Result<(usize, String), Vec<String>> {
let parsed_res = sway_core::parse(file.clone(), build_config);
match parsed_res.value {
Some(parse_program) => {
let changes = traverse_for_changes(&parse_program.root.tree);
let mut rope_file = Rope::from_str(&file);
let mut offset: i32 = 0;
for change in changes {
let (new_offset, start, end) = calculate_offset(offset, &change);
offset = new_offset;
rope_file.insert(start, &change.text);
let mut code_builder = CodeBuilder::new(formatting_options.tab_size);
let file = rope_file.to_string();
let lines: Vec<&str> = file.split('\n').collect();
for line in lines {
None => Err(parsed_res
.map(|e| format!("{} at line: {}", e, e.line_col().0.line,))
fn calculate_offset(current_offset: i32, change: &Change) -> (i32, usize, usize) {
let start = change.start as i32 + current_offset;
let end = change.end as i32 + current_offset;
let offset = current_offset + (start + change.text.len() as i32) - end;
(offset, start as usize, end as usize)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub struct FormattingOptions {
pub align_fields: bool,
pub tab_size: u32,
impl FormattingOptions {
pub fn default() -> Self {
Self {
align_fields: true,
tab_size: 4,
mod tests {
use crate::FormattingOptions;
use super::get_formatted_data;
const OPTIONS: FormattingOptions = FormattingOptions {
align_fields: false,
tab_size: 4,
fn test_indentation() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
// this is a comment
let o = 123;
let p = {
/* this is some
multi line stuff t
add(1, 2);
pub fn add(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {
a + b
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
// this is a comment
let o = 123;
/* this is some
multi line stuff t
add( 1,
) ;
a:u32 ,
b: u32) ->u32{
a +b}
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_multiline_string() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let multiline_string = " sadsa
sadasd sadsdsa
sadasd sadasd
storage {
foo: u64 = 0,
bar: i32 = 0,
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main(){
let multiline_string=" sadsa
sadasd sadsdsa
sadasd sadasd
storage {
foo: u64 = 0, bar:i32 = 0,
} ;
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_whitespace_handling() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let word = "word";
let num = 12;
let multi = {
let k = 12;
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let word="word";
let num= 12 ;
let multi = {
let k = 12;
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_comments() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
// this is a comment
let o = 123; // this is an inline comment
asdasdsad asdasdasd */
/* multiline closed on the same line */
let p = {
/* this is some
multi line stuff t
}; // comment here as well
} // comment here too
// example struct with comments
struct Example { // first comment
prop: bool, // second comment
age: u32, // another comment
} // comment as well
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
// this is a comment
let o = 123; // this is an inline comment
asdasdsad asdasdasd */
/* multiline closed on the same line */
let p = {
/* this is some
multi line stuff t
}; // comment here as well
} // comment here too
// example struct with comments
struct Example { // first comment
prop: bool,// second comment
age: u32// another comment
} // comment as well
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_data_types() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let rgb: Rgb = Rgb {
red: 255,
blue: 0,
green: 0,
if (true) {
let rgb: Rgb = Rgb {
red: 255,
blue: 0,
green: 0,
struct Rgb {
red: u64,
green: u64,
blue: u64,
struct Structure {
age: u32,
name: string,
struct Structure {
age: u32, /* completely meaningless multiline comment
not sure why would anyone write this but let's deal with it as well!
name: string,
struct Structure {
age: u32,
name: string, // super comment
struct Structure {
age: u32,
name: string, // super comment
struct Vehicle {
age: u32,
name: string, // some comment middle of nowhere
struct Environment {
age: u32,
name: string,
} // lost my train of thought
struct Person { // first comment
age: u32, // second comment
name: string, // third comment
} // fourth comment
pub fn get_age() -> u32 {
pub fn read_example() -> Example {
Example {
age: get_age(),
name: "Example face",
struct Example {
age: u32,
name: string,
struct C {
/// a docstring
a: A,
/// b docstring
b: byte,
struct A {
a: u64,
b: u64,
fn get_gas() -> A {
A {
a: asm() {
b: asm() {
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let rgb:Rgb=Rgb {
red: 255,
blue: 0,
green: 0,
let rgb: Rgb = Rgb {
red:255, blue: 0,
green: 0,
struct Rgb {
red: u64,
green: u64,
blue: u64,
struct Structure {
age: u32,
name: string,
struct Structure {
age: u32, /* completely meaningless multiline comment
not sure why would anyone write this but let's deal with it as well!
name: string
struct Structure {
age: u32,
name: string// super comment
struct Structure {
age: u32,
name: string, // super comment
struct Vehicle
{ age: u32, name: string , // some comment middle of nowhere
struct Environment{age:u32,name:string} // lost my train of thought
struct Person {// first comment
age: u32,// second comment
name: string, // third comment
} // fourth comment
pub fn get_age() -> u32 {
pub fn read_example() -> Example {
Example {
age: get_age() ,name: "Example face"
struct Example {age: u32, name: string}
struct C {
/// a docstring
a: A,
/// b docstring
b: byte,
struct A {
a: u64,
b: u64,
fn get_gas() -> A {
A {
a: asm() {
b: asm() {
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_enums() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
pub fn main() {
let k = Story::Pain;
enum Story {
Pain: (),
Gain: (),
enum StoryA {
Pain: (),
Gain: (),
pub fn tell_a_story() -> Story {
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
pub fn main() {
let k =
Story :: Pain;
enum Story {
enum StoryA {Pain:(),Gain:()}
pub fn tell_a_story() ->Story {
Story :: Gain
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_comparison_operators() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
if 1 >= 0 {
} else if 4 <= 0 {
} else if 5 == 0 {
} else if 4 != 4 {
} else {
fn one_liner() -> bool {
if 1 >= 0 {
} else if 1 <= 0 {
} else {
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
if 1 >= 0 {
} else if 4 <= 0
else if 5 == 0 { } else if 4 != 4
else {
fn one_liner() -> bool {
if 1 >= 0 { true } else if 1 <= 0 { true } else { true }
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_use_statement() {
let test_sway = r#"script;
use std::chain::{panic,log_u8};
use std::chain::assert;
use std::hash::{sha256, keccak256 };
use a::b::{c,d::{f,e}};
use a::b::{c,d::{f,self}};
fn main() {
let expected_sway = r#"script;
use std::chain::{log_u8, panic};
use std::chain::assert;
use std::hash::{keccak256, sha256};
use a::b::{c, d::{e, f}};
use a::b::{c, d::{self, f}};
fn main() {
let result = get_formatted_data(test_sway.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
println!("{}\n{}", formatted_code, expected_sway);
assert_eq!(formatted_code, expected_sway);
fn test_logical_not_operator() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let a = true;
let b = false;
if (!a) {
} else if !(!a) {
} else if !(a == b) {
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let a = true;
let b = false;
if ( ! a ) {
} else if ! ( !
a ) {
} else if ! ( a == b) {}
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_string_in_brackets() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let sha_hashed_str = sha256("Fastest Modular Execution Layer!");
let result = get_formatted_data(correct_sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let sha_hashed_str = sha256( "Fastest Modular Execution Layer!" );
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);
fn test_op_equal() {
let correct_sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let mut a = 1;
a += 1;
a -= 1;
a /= 1;
a *= 1;
a <<= 1;
a >>= 1;
let sway_code = r#"script;
fn main() {
let mut a = 1;
a += 1;
a -= 1;
a /= 1;
a *= 1;
a <<= 1;
a >>= 1;
let result = get_formatted_data(sway_code.into(), OPTIONS, None);
let (_, formatted_code) = result.unwrap();
assert_eq!(correct_sway_code, formatted_code);