# TAM - Tasks Manager CLI Tool
`tam` is a lightweight and efficient CLI tool for managing tasks. Use it to create, update, track, and list your tasks directly from the terminal.
for the [task-tracker](https://roadmap.sh/projects/task-tracker) challenge from [roadmap.sh](https://roadmap.sh/).
## Features
- [x] Add new tasks
- [x] Update existing tasks
- [x] Remove tasks
- [x] Mark tasks as done or in progress
- [x] List tasks by various statuses
- [ ] Support multiple task processing
## Installation
To install `tam` via [crates.io](https://crates.io):
cargo install tam
## Usage
### Commands
| `add` | Add a new task |
| `update` | Update an existing task |
| `remove` | Remove a task |
| `done` | Mark a task as done |
| `start` | Start a task |
| `list` | List tasks |
| `help` | Show help information |
### Options
| `-h, --help` | Print help information |
| `-V, --version` | Print version |
## Examples
### Add a Task
tam add "Finish Rust project"
### Update a Task
tam update 1 "Complete CLI tool documentation"
### Mark a Task as Done
tam done 1
### List All Tasks
tam list
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome! Please submit an issue or pull request on the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/wst7/tam).
## License
`tam` is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).