target-lexicon 0.10.0

Targeting utilities for compilers and related tools
language: rust
    - stable
    - beta
    - nightly
        - rust: beta
        - rust: nightly
dist: trusty
sudo: false
    # If an old version of rustfmt from cargo is already installed, uninstall
    # it, since it can prevent the installation of the new version from rustup.
    - cargo uninstall rustfmt || true
    - cargo install --list
    # If we're testing beta or nightly, we still need to install the stable
    # toolchain so that we can run the stable version of rustfmt.
    - rustup toolchain install stable
    # Install the stable version of rustfmt.
    - rustup component add --toolchain=stable rustfmt-preview
    - rustup component list --toolchain=stable
    - rustup show
    - rustfmt +stable --version || echo fail
    # Sometimes the component isn't actually ready after being installed, and
    # rustup update makes it ready.
    - rustup update
    # Add targets for testing cross-compilation.
    - rustup target add arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
    - rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
    - rustfmt +stable --version
    - cargo test
    - cargo build --target arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi
    - cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
    cargo: true