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# 📺 television
**Blazing fast general purpose fuzzy finder TUI.**


## About
`Television` is a fast and versatile fuzzy finder TUI.
It lets you quickly search through any kind of data source (files, git repositories, environment variables, docker
images, you name it) using a fuzzy matching algorithm and is designed to be easily extensible.

It is inspired by the neovim [telescope](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim) plugin and leverages [tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio) and the [nucleo](https://github.com/helix-editor/nucleo) matcher used by the [helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix) editor to ensure optimal performance.
## Features
- ⚡️ **High Speed**: asynchronous I/O and multithreading to ensure a smooth and responsive UI.
- 🧠 **Fuzzy Matching**: cutting-edge fuzzy matching library for efficiently filtering through lists of entries.
- 🔋 **Batteries Included**: comes with a set of builtin channels and previewers that you can start using out of the box.
- 🐚 **Shell Integration**: benefit from smart completion anywhere using `television`'s shell integration.
- 📺 **Channels**: designed around the concept of channels, which are a set of builtin data sources that you can search through (e.g. files, git repositories, environment variables, etc).
- 📡 **Cable Channels**: users may add their own custom channels to tv using a simple and centralized configuration file.
- 📜 **Previewers**: allows you to preview the contents of an entry in a separate pane.
- 🖼️ **Builtin Syntax Highlighting**: comes with builtin asynchronous syntax highlighting for a wide variety of file types.
- 🎛️ **Keybindings**: includes a set of intuitive default keybindings inspired by vim and other popular terminal shortcuts.
- 🌈 **Themes**: either use one of the 10 builtin themes or create your own easily.
- 📦 **Cross-platform**: works on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
- ✅ **Terminal Emulator Compatibility**: television works flawlessly on all major terminal emulators.
## Installation
See the [installation docs](https://github.com/alexpasmantier/television/wiki/Installation).
## Usage
tv [channel] #[default: files] [possible values: env, files, git-repos, text, alias]
# e.g. to search through environment variables
tv env
# piping into tv (e.g. logs)
my_program | tv
# piping into tv with a custom preview command
*For more information on the different channels, see the [channels](./docs/channels.md) documentation.*
> [!TIP]
> 🐚 *Television provides smart autocompletion based on the commands you start typing out of the box.*
> *Take a look at [this page](https://github.com/alexpasmantier/television/wiki/Shell-Autocompletion) for how to set it up for your shell.*
## Keybindings
For information about available keybindings, check the [associated page of the wiki](https://github.com/alexpasmantier/television/wiki/Keybindings)
## Configuration
For information about tv's configuration file, check the [associated page of the wiki](https://github.com/alexpasmantier/television/wiki/Configuration-file)
## Themes
Builtin themes are available in the [themes](./themes) directory. Feel free to experiment and maybe even contribute your own!
|  **solarized-dark** |  **nord** |
You may create your own custom themes by adding them to the `themes` directory in your configuration folder and then referring to them by file name (without the extension) in the configuration file.
├── themes/
│ └── my_theme.toml
└── config.toml
## Search Patterns
For information on how to use search patterns with tv, refer to the [associated page of the wiki](https://github.com/alexpasmantier/television/wiki/Search-patterns)
## Contributions
Contributions, issues and pull requests are welcome.
See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) and [good first issues](https://github.com/alexpasmantier/television/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22good+first+issue%22) for more information.
## Credits
This project was inspired by the **awesome** work done by the [telescope](https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim) neovim plugin.
It also leverages the great [helix](https://github.com/helix-editor/helix) editor's nucleo fuzzy matching library, the [tokio](https://github.com/tokio-rs/tokio) async runtime as well as the **formidable** [ratatui](https://github.com/ratatui/ratatui) library.