tempfile 3.10.1

A library for managing temporary files and directories.

notice = "deny"
unmaintained = "deny"
vulnerability = "deny"
yanked = "deny"
ignore = []

allow = [
default = "deny"
confidence-threshold = 1.0
unlicensed = "deny"

allow = []
deny = []
multiple-versions = "deny"
skip = [
    # Transitive dependency of both redox_syscall and rustix (rustix has newer).
    # Only one version of bitflags ultimately gets compiled in due to OS-based feature flags in tempfile.
    { name = "bitflags" },
skip-tree = []
wildcards = "deny"

allow-git = []
allow-registry = ["https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"]
unknown-git = "deny"
unknown-registry = "deny"

github = []
gitlab = []
bitbucket = []