termsearch 0.3.0

A minimalist and super fast terminal history search tool.
# termsearch


A minimalist and super fast terminal history search tool, that uses a weighted scoring system to rank commands.

- Recency: more recent commands are given higher priority
- Frequency: commands used more frequently are given higher priority

*Note: it only works with `zsh` on Linux for now.*

## Usage

### Initialize termsearch

Add the following line to your `~/.zshrc` file:

eval "$(termsearch init)"

This rebinds **Ctrl+R** to use termsearch for searching your command history.

### Search for a command

termsearch search

- **Up/Down** and **Shift+Tab/Tab** navigate up/down through the search results.
- **Enter** selects the highlighted command and pastes it into the terminal's input line.
- **Ctrl+C**, **Ctrl+D**, **Esc** cancel the search.

### Options

-m, --max-history <MAX_HISTORY>  Maximum number of history lines to read [default: 10000]
-r, --max-results <MAX_RESULTS>  Maximum number of results to display [default: 10]

## Installation

### From crates.io (recommended)

cargo install termsearch

### From source

cargo install --path .

## Uninstallation

cargo uninstall termsearch

## Debug

Set log level with `TERMSEARCH_LOG` environment variable:

export TERMSEARCH_LOG=debug