tiff 0.9.1

TIFF decoding and encoding library in pure Rust
# image-tiff
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TIFF decoding and encoding library in pure Rust

## Supported

### Features
- Baseline spec (other than formats and tags listed below as not supported)
- Multipage
- Incremental decoding

### Formats
This table lists photometric interpretations and sample formats which are supported for encoding and decoding. The entries are `ColorType` variants for which sample bit depths are supported. Only samples where all bit depths are equal are currently supported. For example, `RGB(8)` means that the bit depth [8, 8, 8] is supported and will be interpreted as an 8 bit per channel RGB color type.

| `PhotometricInterpretation` | UINT Format                             | IEEEFP Format             |
| --------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| `WhiteIsZero`               | Gray(8\|16\|32\|64)                     | Gray(32\|64)              |
| `BlackIsZero`               | Gray(8\|16\|32\|64)                     | Gray(32\|64)              |
| `RGB`                       | RGB(8\|16\|32\|64), RGBA(8\|16\|32\|64) | RGB(32\|64), RGBA(32\|64) |
| `RGBPalette`                |                                         |                           |
| `Mask`                      |                                         |                           |
| `CMYK`                      | CMYK(8\|16\|32\|64)                     | CMYK(32\|64)              |
| `YCbCr`                     |                                         |                           |
| `CIELab`                    |                                         |                           |

### Compressions

|          | Decoding | Encoding |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| None     |||
| LZW      |||
| Deflate  |||
| PackBits |||

## Not yet supported

Formats and interpretations not listed above or with empty entries are unsupported.

- Baseline tags
  - `ExtraSamples`
- Extension tags

## Fuzzing

This crate uses [cargo-fuzz](https://github.com/rust-fuzz/cargo-fuzz) in order to test the image parser.

After installing it with `cargo install cargo-fuzz` on a nightly rustc, the
fuzzing harness can be run with recommended settings using 
`cargo fuzz run decode_image -snone -- -timeout=5`.