time-macros 0.2.8

Procedural macros for the time crate. This crate is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon directly.
version = "=0.1.0"

formatting = []
large-dates = []
parsing = []
serde = []

proc-macro = true

authors = ["Jacob Pratt <open-source@jhpratt.dev>", "Time contributors"]
categories = ["date-and-time"]
description = "    Procedural macros for the time crate.\n    This crate is an implementation detail and should not be relied upon directly.\n"
edition = "2021"
keywords = ["date", "time", "calendar", "duration"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
name = "time-macros"
repository = "https://github.com/time-rs/time"
rust-version = "1.63.0"
version = "0.2.8"