tiny-solver 0.13.0

Factor graph solver
# tiny-solver-rs
> Warning! This project is still under development.

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Inspired by [ceres-solver](https://github.com/ceres-solver/ceres-solver), [tiny-solver](https://github.com/keir/tinysolver), and [minisam](https://github.com/dongjing3309/minisam).

This is a general optimizer written in Rust, including bindings for Python. If you're familiar with ceres-solver or factor-graph optimizers, you'll find it very easy to use.

## Installation
### rust
cargo add tiny-solver

## Current Features

- [x] Automatic Derivatives using [num-dual]https://github.com/itt-ustutt/num-dual
- [x] Sparse QR, Sparse Cholesky using [faer]https://github.com/sarah-quinones/faer-rs
- [x] GaussNewtonOptimizer
- [x] LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer
- [x] Multithreading jacobian
- [x] loss functions (Huber, CauchyLoss, ArctanLoss)
- [x] Define factor in python

#### TODO
- [ ] information matrix

## Benchmark
| dataset | tiny-solver | gtsam   | minisam  |
| m3500   | 161.1ms     | 130.7ms | 123.6 ms |
|         |             |         |          |

It's not extremely optimized, but it's easy to install and use.

## Usage
// define your own Cost/Factor struct
// impl residual function
// and the jacobian will be auto generated
use nalgebra as na;
struct CustomFactor {}
impl<T: na::RealField> tiny_solver::factors::Factor<T> for CustomFactor {
    fn residual_func(&self, params: &[nalgebra::DVector<T>]) -> nalgebra::DVector<T> {
        let x = &params[0][0];
        let y = &params[1][0];
        let z = &params[1][1];

                + y.clone() * T::from_f64(2.0).unwrap()
                + z.clone() * T::from_f64(4.0).unwrap(),
            y.clone() * z.clone()

fn main() {
    // init logger, `export RUST_LOG=trace` to see more log

    // init problem (factor graph)
    let mut problem = tiny_solver::Problem::new();

    // add residual blocks (factors)
    // add residual x needs to be close to 3.0
        &[("x", 1)],
        Box::new(tiny_solver::factors::PriorFactor {
            v: na::dvector![3.0],
    // add custom residual for x and yz
    problem.add_residual_block(2, &[("x", 1), ("yz", 2)], Box::new(CustomFactor {}), None);

    // the initial values for x is 0.7 and yz is [-30.2, 123.4]
    let initial_values = HashMap::<String, na::DVector<f64>>::from([
        ("x".to_string(), na::dvector![0.7]),
        ("yz".to_string(), na::dvector![-30.2, 123.4]),

    // initialize optimizer
    let optimizer = tiny_solver::GaussNewtonOptimizer::new();

    // optimize
    let result = optimizer.optimize(&problem, &initial_values, None);

    // result
    for (k, v) in result {
        println!("{}: {}", k, v);
Python (Currently not maintaining)
import numpy as np
from tiny_solver import Problem, GaussNewtonOptimizer
from tiny_solver.factors import PriorFactor, PyFactor

# define custom cost function in python
# the trade off is the jacobian for the problem cannot be done in parallel
# because of gil
def cost(x: np.ndarray, yz: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
    r0 = x[0] + 2 * yz[0] + 4 * yz[1]
    r1 = yz[0] * yz[0]
    return np.array([r0, r1])

def main():

    # initialize problem (factor graph)
    problem = Problem()

    # factor defined in python
    custom_factor = PyFactor(cost)
            ("x", 1),
            ("yz", 2),

    # prior factor import from rust
    prior_factor = PriorFactor(np.array([3.0]))
    problem.add_residual_block(1, [("x", 1)], prior_factor, None)

    # initial values
    init_values = {"x": np.array([0.7]), "yz": np.array([-30.2, 123.4])}

    # optimizer
    optimizer = GaussNewtonOptimizer()
    result_values = optimizer.optimize(problem, init_values)

    # result
    for k, v in result_values.items():
        print(f"{k}: {v}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

## Example
### Basic example
cargo run -r --example small_problem
### M3500 dataset
<img src="docs/m3500_rs.png" width="300" alt="m3500 dataset rust result.">

git clone https://github.com/powei-lin/tiny-solver-rs.git
cd tiny-solver-rs

# run rust version
cargo run -r --example m3500_benchmark

# run python version
pip install tiny-solver matplotlib
python3 examples/python/m3500.py