Inspired by ceres-solver, tiny-solver, and minisam.
This is a general optimizer written in Rust, including bindings for Python. If you're familiar with ceres-solver or factor-graph optimizers, you'll find it very easy to use.
Other great rust optimizers
Current Features
- Automatic Derivatives using num-dual
- Sparse QR, Sparse Cholesky using faer
- GaussNewtonOptimizer
- LevenbergMarquardtOptimizer
- Multithreading jacobian
- loss functions (Huber, CauchyLoss, ArctanLoss)
- Parameter on manifold (SO3, SE3)
- information matrix
On m3 macbook air
dataset | tiny-solver | gtsam | minisam |
m3500 | 128.3ms | 130.7ms | 123.6 ms |
It's not extremely optimized, but it's easy to install and use.
// define your own Cost/Factor struct
// impl residual function
// and the jacobian will be auto generated
use nalgebra as na;
Python (Currently not maintaining)
# define custom cost function in python
# the trade off is the jacobian for the problem cannot be done in parallel
# because of gil
= + 2 * + 4 *
= *
# initialize problem (factor graph)
# factor defined in python
# prior factor import from rust
# initial values
# optimizer
# result
Basic example
M3500 dataset
# run rust version
# run python version
Sphere 2500 dataset
cargo run -r --example sphere2500
Parking garage dataset
cargo run -r --example parking-garage