# Changes
## 0.6.3
* Resolve [RUSTSEC-2020-0031](https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2020-0031.html) by preventing
HTTP request smuggling enabled by our normalisation of header values.
## 0.6.2
* Remove deprecated use of `AsciiExt` trait.
* Expose `with_chunked_threshold` on `Response` for configuring exactly when chunking should begin.
## 0.6.0
* Bump dependencies
## 0.5.9
* Expanded and changed status code description mapping according to IANA registry:
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/138
## 0.5.8
* Update links to reflect repository ownership change: https://github.com/frewsxcv/tiny-http -> https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http
## 0.5.7
* Fix using Transfer-Encoding: identity with no content length
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/126
## 0.5.6
* Update link to documentation
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/123
* Fix websockets
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/124
* Drop the request reader earlier
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/125
## 0.5.5
* Start using the log crate
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/121
* Unblock the accept thread on shutdown
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/120
## 0.5.4
* Fix compilation warnings
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/118
## 0.5.3
* Add try_recv_timeout function to the server
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/116
## 0.5.2
* Update ascii to version 0.7
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/114
## 0.5.1
* Request::respond now returns an IoResult
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/110
## 0.5.0
* HTTPS support
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/107
* Rework the server creation API
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/106
## 0.4.1
* Allow binding to a nic by specifying the socket address
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/103
## 0.4.0
* Make Method into an enum instead of a character string
* https://github.com/tiny-http/tiny-http/pull/102