todoterminal 0.1.2

A CLI tool for managing TODOs on a remote server
todoterminal-0.1.2 is not a library.


A CLI for interacting with a remote server to manage TODOs!

What is this?

Its a CLI written in Rust connecting to an API written in Python. I went all out on the auth so it uses tokens to verify stuff after a user has logged in. It features todo creation, completion, deletion, and more! Some examples below!

Getting started

Starting is as simple as a cargo add todoterminal and creating a .env file in any directory with one key HOST=" as defined here. After having set up the env file you can optionally pass it to todoterminal, the default path it uses is ./.env ( in the same directory as the binary ). Passing the custom path can be done as follows, on windows: set "CREDS=D:\mypath\.env" && todoterminal ..., on linux: CREDS="~/mypath/.env todoterminal .... After this you can use todoterminal <command> [arguments] a list of commands is down here.

Encountering any issues? DM tuinboon on discord (or submit a PR!)


todoterminal account login | logout | create todoterminal 2fa <code> todoterminal todos complete | uncomplete | delete <id> todoterminal todos import <fs|git> <path|github url> [clone dest] todoterminal todos create "<text>" todoterminal todos list

Examples/ demos

Account Creation:

Importing TODOs from git:

Creating and updating TODOs: