tokio-socks 0.3.0

Asynchronous SOCKS proxy support for Rust.
# 0.3.0

* Allow to take arbitrary socket instead of address to establish connections to proxy (#20)

# 0.2.2

* Replace failure with thiserror (#17)

# 0.2.1

* Remove dependency derefable (#16)

# 0.2.0

* Support tokio 0.2 (#10)

# 0.1.3

* Implement `IntoTargetAddr<'static>` for `String` (#8)

# 0.1.2

* Fix ConnectFuture buffer too small (#1)

# 0.1.1

* Support SOCKS5 `BIND` command.

* Implement `std::net::ToSocketAddrs` for `TargetAddr`.

# 0.1.0

* Support SOCKS5 `CONNECT` command.

* Support username authentication.