
1use crate::{code_gen::CodeGenBuilder, compile_settings::CompileSettings};
3use super::Attributes;
4use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
5use prost_build::{Config, Method, Service};
6use quote::ToTokens;
7use std::{
8    collections::HashSet,
9    ffi::OsString,
10    io,
11    path::{Path, PathBuf},
14/// Configure `tonic-build` code generation.
16/// Use [`compile_protos`] instead if you don't need to tweak anything.
17pub fn configure() -> Builder {
18    Builder {
19        build_client: true,
20        build_server: true,
21        build_transport: true,
22        file_descriptor_set_path: None,
23        skip_protoc_run: false,
24        out_dir: None,
25        extern_path: Vec::new(),
26        field_attributes: Vec::new(),
27        message_attributes: Vec::new(),
28        enum_attributes: Vec::new(),
29        type_attributes: Vec::new(),
30        boxed: Vec::new(),
31        btree_map: None,
32        bytes: None,
33        server_attributes: Attributes::default(),
34        client_attributes: Attributes::default(),
35        proto_path: "super".to_string(),
36        compile_well_known_types: false,
37        emit_package: true,
38        protoc_args: Vec::new(),
39        include_file: None,
40        emit_rerun_if_changed: std::env::var_os("CARGO").is_some(),
41        disable_comments: HashSet::default(),
42        use_arc_self: false,
43        generate_default_stubs: false,
44        compile_settings: CompileSettings::default(),
45        skip_debug: HashSet::default(),
46    }
49/// Simple `.proto` compiling. Use [`configure`] instead if you need more options.
51/// The include directory will be the parent folder of the specified path.
52/// The package name will be the filename without the extension.
53pub fn compile_protos(proto: impl AsRef<Path>) -> io::Result<()> {
54    let proto_path: &Path = proto.as_ref();
56    // directory the main .proto file resides in
57    let proto_dir = proto_path
58        .parent()
59        .expect("proto file should reside in a directory");
61    self::configure().compile_protos(&[proto_path], &[proto_dir])
64/// Simple file descriptor set compiling. Use [`configure`] instead if you need more options.
65pub fn compile_fds(fds: prost_types::FileDescriptorSet) -> io::Result<()> {
66    self::configure().compile_fds(fds)
69/// Non-path Rust types allowed for request/response types.
70const NON_PATH_TYPE_ALLOWLIST: &[&str] = &["()"];
72/// Newtype wrapper for prost to add tonic-specific extensions
73struct TonicBuildService {
74    prost_service: Service,
75    methods: Vec<TonicBuildMethod>,
78impl TonicBuildService {
79    fn new(prost_service: Service, settings: CompileSettings) -> Self {
80        Self {
81            // CompileSettings are currently only consumed method-by-method but if you need them in the Service, here's your spot.
82            // The tonic_build::Service trait specifies that methods are borrowed, so they have to reified up front.
83            methods: prost_service
84                .methods
85                .iter()
86                .map(|prost_method| TonicBuildMethod {
87                    prost_method: prost_method.clone(),
88                    settings: settings.clone(),
89                })
90                .collect(),
91            prost_service,
92        }
93    }
96/// Newtype wrapper for prost to add tonic-specific extensions
97struct TonicBuildMethod {
98    prost_method: Method,
99    settings: CompileSettings,
102impl crate::Service for TonicBuildService {
103    type Method = TonicBuildMethod;
104    type Comment = String;
106    fn name(&self) -> &str {
107        &
108    }
110    fn package(&self) -> &str {
111        &self.prost_service.package
112    }
114    fn identifier(&self) -> &str {
115        &self.prost_service.proto_name
116    }
118    fn comment(&self) -> &[Self::Comment] {
119        &self.prost_service.comments.leading[..]
120    }
122    fn methods(&self) -> &[Self::Method] {
123        &self.methods
124    }
127impl crate::Method for TonicBuildMethod {
128    type Comment = String;
130    fn name(&self) -> &str {
131        &
132    }
134    fn identifier(&self) -> &str {
135        &self.prost_method.proto_name
136    }
138    /// For code generation, you can override the codec.
139    ///
140    /// You should set the codec path to an import path that has a free
141    /// function like `fn default()`. The default value is tonic::codec::ProstCodec,
142    /// which returns a default-configured ProstCodec. You may wish to configure
143    /// the codec, e.g., with a buffer configuration.
144    ///
145    /// Though ProstCodec implements Default, it is currently only required that
146    /// the function match the Default trait's function spec.
147    fn codec_path(&self) -> &str {
148        &self.settings.codec_path
149    }
151    fn client_streaming(&self) -> bool {
152        self.prost_method.client_streaming
153    }
155    fn server_streaming(&self) -> bool {
156        self.prost_method.server_streaming
157    }
159    fn comment(&self) -> &[Self::Comment] {
160        &self.prost_method.comments.leading[..]
161    }
163    fn deprecated(&self) -> bool {
164        self.prost_method.options.deprecated.unwrap_or_default()
165    }
167    fn request_response_name(
168        &self,
169        proto_path: &str,
170        compile_well_known_types: bool,
171    ) -> (TokenStream, TokenStream) {
172        let convert_type = |proto_type: &str, rust_type: &str| -> TokenStream {
173            if (is_google_type(proto_type) && !compile_well_known_types)
174                || rust_type.starts_with("::")
175                || NON_PATH_TYPE_ALLOWLIST.contains(&rust_type)
176            {
177                rust_type.parse::<TokenStream>().unwrap()
178            } else if rust_type.starts_with("crate::") {
179                syn::parse_str::<syn::Path>(rust_type)
180                    .unwrap()
181                    .to_token_stream()
182            } else {
183                syn::parse_str::<syn::Path>(&format!("{}::{}", proto_path, rust_type))
184                    .unwrap()
185                    .to_token_stream()
186            }
187        };
189        let request = convert_type(
190            &self.prost_method.input_proto_type,
191            &self.prost_method.input_type,
192        );
193        let response = convert_type(
194            &self.prost_method.output_proto_type,
195            &self.prost_method.output_type,
196        );
197        (request, response)
198    }
201fn is_google_type(ty: &str) -> bool {
202    ty.starts_with(".google.protobuf")
205struct ServiceGenerator {
206    builder: Builder,
207    clients: TokenStream,
208    servers: TokenStream,
211impl ServiceGenerator {
212    fn new(builder: Builder) -> Self {
213        ServiceGenerator {
214            builder,
215            clients: TokenStream::default(),
216            servers: TokenStream::default(),
217        }
218    }
221impl prost_build::ServiceGenerator for ServiceGenerator {
222    fn generate(&mut self, service: prost_build::Service, _buf: &mut String) {
223        if self.builder.build_server {
224            let server = CodeGenBuilder::new()
225                .emit_package(self.builder.emit_package)
226                .compile_well_known_types(self.builder.compile_well_known_types)
227                .attributes(self.builder.server_attributes.clone())
228                .disable_comments(self.builder.disable_comments.clone())
229                .use_arc_self(self.builder.use_arc_self)
230                .generate_default_stubs(self.builder.generate_default_stubs)
231                .generate_server(
232                    &TonicBuildService::new(service.clone(), self.builder.compile_settings.clone()),
233                    &self.builder.proto_path,
234                );
236            self.servers.extend(server);
237        }
239        if self.builder.build_client {
240            let client = CodeGenBuilder::new()
241                .emit_package(self.builder.emit_package)
242                .compile_well_known_types(self.builder.compile_well_known_types)
243                .attributes(self.builder.client_attributes.clone())
244                .disable_comments(self.builder.disable_comments.clone())
245                .build_transport(self.builder.build_transport)
246                .generate_client(
247                    &TonicBuildService::new(service, self.builder.compile_settings.clone()),
248                    &self.builder.proto_path,
249                );
251            self.clients.extend(client);
252        }
253    }
255    fn finalize(&mut self, buf: &mut String) {
256        if self.builder.build_client && !self.clients.is_empty() {
257            let clients = &self.clients;
259            let client_service = quote::quote! {
260                #clients
261            };
263            let ast: syn::File = syn::parse2(client_service).expect("not a valid tokenstream");
264            let code = prettyplease::unparse(&ast);
265            buf.push_str(&code);
267            self.clients = TokenStream::default();
268        }
270        if self.builder.build_server && !self.servers.is_empty() {
271            let servers = &self.servers;
273            let server_service = quote::quote! {
274                #servers
275            };
277            let ast: syn::File = syn::parse2(server_service).expect("not a valid tokenstream");
278            let code = prettyplease::unparse(&ast);
279            buf.push_str(&code);
281            self.servers = TokenStream::default();
282        }
283    }
286/// Service generator builder.
287#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
288pub struct Builder {
289    pub(crate) build_client: bool,
290    pub(crate) build_server: bool,
291    pub(crate) build_transport: bool,
292    pub(crate) file_descriptor_set_path: Option<PathBuf>,
293    pub(crate) skip_protoc_run: bool,
294    pub(crate) extern_path: Vec<(String, String)>,
295    pub(crate) field_attributes: Vec<(String, String)>,
296    pub(crate) type_attributes: Vec<(String, String)>,
297    pub(crate) message_attributes: Vec<(String, String)>,
298    pub(crate) enum_attributes: Vec<(String, String)>,
299    pub(crate) boxed: Vec<String>,
300    pub(crate) btree_map: Option<Vec<String>>,
301    pub(crate) bytes: Option<Vec<String>>,
302    pub(crate) server_attributes: Attributes,
303    pub(crate) client_attributes: Attributes,
304    pub(crate) proto_path: String,
305    pub(crate) emit_package: bool,
306    pub(crate) compile_well_known_types: bool,
307    pub(crate) protoc_args: Vec<OsString>,
308    pub(crate) include_file: Option<PathBuf>,
309    pub(crate) emit_rerun_if_changed: bool,
310    pub(crate) disable_comments: HashSet<String>,
311    pub(crate) use_arc_self: bool,
312    pub(crate) generate_default_stubs: bool,
313    pub(crate) compile_settings: CompileSettings,
314    pub(crate) skip_debug: HashSet<String>,
316    out_dir: Option<PathBuf>,
319impl Builder {
320    /// Enable or disable gRPC client code generation.
321    pub fn build_client(mut self, enable: bool) -> Self {
322        self.build_client = enable;
323        self
324    }
326    /// Enable or disable gRPC server code generation.
327    pub fn build_server(mut self, enable: bool) -> Self {
328        self.build_server = enable;
329        self
330    }
332    /// Enable or disable generated clients and servers to have built-in tonic
333    /// transport features.
334    ///
335    /// When the `transport` feature is disabled this does nothing.
336    pub fn build_transport(mut self, enable: bool) -> Self {
337        self.build_transport = enable;
338        self
339    }
341    /// Generate a file containing the encoded `prost_types::FileDescriptorSet` for protocol buffers
342    /// modules. This is required for implementing gRPC Server Reflection.
343    pub fn file_descriptor_set_path(mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
344        self.file_descriptor_set_path = Some(path.as_ref().to_path_buf());
345        self
346    }
348    /// In combination with with file_descriptor_set_path, this can be used to provide a file
349    /// descriptor set as an input file, rather than having prost-build generate the file by
350    /// calling protoc.
351    pub fn skip_protoc_run(mut self) -> Self {
352        self.skip_protoc_run = true;
353        self
354    }
356    /// Set the output directory to generate code to.
357    ///
358    /// Defaults to the `OUT_DIR` environment variable.
359    pub fn out_dir(mut self, out_dir: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
360        self.out_dir = Some(out_dir.as_ref().to_path_buf());
361        self
362    }
364    /// Declare externally provided Protobuf package or type.
365    ///
366    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.extern_path`.
367    /// Note that both the Protobuf path and the rust package paths should both be fully qualified.
368    /// i.e. Protobuf paths should start with "." and rust paths should start with "::"
369    pub fn extern_path(mut self, proto_path: impl AsRef<str>, rust_path: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
370        self.extern_path.push((
371            proto_path.as_ref().to_string(),
372            rust_path.as_ref().to_string(),
373        ));
374        self
375    }
377    /// Add additional attribute to matched messages, enums, and one-offs.
378    ///
379    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.field_attribute`.
380    pub fn field_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: P, attribute: A) -> Self {
381        self.field_attributes
382            .push((path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string()));
383        self
384    }
386    /// Add additional attribute to matched messages, enums, and one-offs.
387    ///
388    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.type_attribute`.
389    pub fn type_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: P, attribute: A) -> Self {
390        self.type_attributes
391            .push((path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string()));
392        self
393    }
395    /// Add additional attribute to matched messages.
396    ///
397    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.message_attribute`.
398    pub fn message_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(
399        mut self,
400        path: P,
401        attribute: A,
402    ) -> Self {
403        self.message_attributes
404            .push((path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string()));
405        self
406    }
408    /// Add additional attribute to matched enums.
409    ///
410    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.enum_attribute`.
411    pub fn enum_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: P, attribute: A) -> Self {
412        self.enum_attributes
413            .push((path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string()));
414        self
415    }
417    /// Add additional boxed fields.
418    ///
419    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.boxed`.
420    pub fn boxed<P: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: P) -> Self {
421        self.boxed.push(path.as_ref().to_string());
422        self
423    }
425    /// Configure the code generator to generate Rust `BTreeMap` fields for Protobuf `map` type
426    /// fields.
427    ///
428    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.btree_map`.
429    ///
430    /// Note: previous configured paths for `btree_map` will be cleared.
431    pub fn btree_map<I, S>(mut self, paths: I) -> Self
432    where
433        I: IntoIterator<Item = S>,
434        S: AsRef<str>,
435    {
436        self.btree_map = Some(
437            paths
438                .into_iter()
439                .map(|path| path.as_ref().to_string())
440                .collect(),
441        );
442        self
443    }
445    /// Configure the code generator to generate Rust `bytes::Bytes` fields for Protobuf `bytes`
446    /// type fields.
447    ///
448    /// Passed directly to `prost_build::Config.bytes`.
449    ///
450    /// Note: previous configured paths for `bytes` will be cleared.
451    pub fn bytes<I, S>(mut self, paths: I) -> Self
452    where
453        I: IntoIterator<Item = S>,
454        S: AsRef<str>,
455    {
456        self.bytes = Some(
457            paths
458                .into_iter()
459                .map(|path| path.as_ref().to_string())
460                .collect(),
461        );
462        self
463    }
465    /// Add additional attribute to matched server `mod`s. Matches on the package name.
466    pub fn server_mod_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(
467        mut self,
468        path: P,
469        attribute: A,
470    ) -> Self {
471        self.server_attributes
472            .push_mod(path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string());
473        self
474    }
476    /// Add additional attribute to matched service servers. Matches on the service name.
477    pub fn server_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: P, attribute: A) -> Self {
478        self.server_attributes
479            .push_struct(path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string());
480        self
481    }
483    /// Add additional attribute to matched client `mod`s. Matches on the package name.
484    pub fn client_mod_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(
485        mut self,
486        path: P,
487        attribute: A,
488    ) -> Self {
489        self.client_attributes
490            .push_mod(path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string());
491        self
492    }
494    /// Add additional attribute to matched service clients. Matches on the service name.
495    pub fn client_attribute<P: AsRef<str>, A: AsRef<str>>(mut self, path: P, attribute: A) -> Self {
496        self.client_attributes
497            .push_struct(path.as_ref().to_string(), attribute.as_ref().to_string());
498        self
499    }
501    /// Set the path to where tonic will search for the Request/Response proto structs
502    /// live relative to the module where you call `include_proto!`.
503    ///
504    /// This defaults to `super` since tonic will generate code in a module.
505    pub fn proto_path(mut self, proto_path: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
506        self.proto_path = proto_path.as_ref().to_string();
507        self
508    }
510    /// Configure Prost `protoc_args` build arguments.
511    ///
512    /// Note: Enabling `--experimental_allow_proto3_optional` requires protobuf >= 3.12.
513    pub fn protoc_arg<A: AsRef<str>>(mut self, arg: A) -> Self {
514        self.protoc_args.push(arg.as_ref().into());
515        self
516    }
518    /// Disable service and rpc comments emission.
519    pub fn disable_comments(mut self, path: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
520        self.disable_comments.insert(path.as_ref().to_string());
521        self
522    }
524    /// Emit `Arc<Self>` receiver type in server traits instead of `&self`.
525    pub fn use_arc_self(mut self, enable: bool) -> Self {
526        self.use_arc_self = enable;
527        self
528    }
530    /// Emits GRPC endpoints with no attached package. Effectively ignores protofile package declaration from grpc context.
531    ///
532    /// This effectively sets prost's exported package to an empty string.
533    pub fn disable_package_emission(mut self) -> Self {
534        self.emit_package = false;
535        self
536    }
538    /// Enable or disable directing Prost to compile well-known protobuf types instead
539    /// of using the already-compiled versions available in the `prost-types` crate.
540    ///
541    /// This defaults to `false`.
542    pub fn compile_well_known_types(mut self, compile_well_known_types: bool) -> Self {
543        self.compile_well_known_types = compile_well_known_types;
544        self
545    }
547    /// Configures the optional module filename for easy inclusion of all generated Rust files
548    ///
549    /// If set, generates a file (inside the `OUT_DIR` or `out_dir()` as appropriate) which contains
550    /// a set of `pub mod XXX` statements combining to load all Rust files generated.  This can allow
551    /// for a shortcut where multiple related proto files have been compiled together resulting in
552    /// a semi-complex set of includes.
553    pub fn include_file(mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
554        self.include_file = Some(path.as_ref().to_path_buf());
555        self
556    }
558    /// Enable or disable emitting
559    /// [`cargo:rerun-if-changed=PATH`](
560    /// instructions for Cargo.
561    ///
562    /// If set, writes instructions to `stdout` for Cargo so that it understands
563    /// when to rerun the build script. By default, this setting is enabled if
564    /// the `CARGO` environment variable is set. The `CARGO` environment
565    /// variable is set by Cargo for build scripts. Therefore, this setting
566    /// should be enabled automatically when run from a build script. However,
567    /// the method of detection is not completely reliable since the `CARGO`
568    /// environment variable can have been set by anything else. If writing the
569    /// instructions to `stdout` is undesirable, you can disable this setting
570    /// explicitly.
571    pub fn emit_rerun_if_changed(mut self, enable: bool) -> Self {
572        self.emit_rerun_if_changed = enable;
573        self
574    }
576    /// Enable or disable directing service generation to providing a default implementation for service methods.
577    /// When this is false all gRPC methods must be explicitly implemented.
578    /// When this is true any unimplemented service methods will return 'unimplemented' gRPC error code.
579    /// When this is true all streaming server request RPC types explicitly use tonic::codegen::BoxStream type.
580    ///
581    /// This defaults to `false`.
582    pub fn generate_default_stubs(mut self, enable: bool) -> Self {
583        self.generate_default_stubs = enable;
584        self
585    }
587    /// Override the default codec.
588    ///
589    /// If set, writes `{codec_path}::default()` in generated code wherever a codec is created.
590    ///
591    /// This defaults to `"tonic::codec::ProstCodec"`
592    pub fn codec_path(mut self, codec_path: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
593        self.compile_settings.codec_path = codec_path.into();
594        self
595    }
597    /// Skips generating `impl Debug` for types
598    pub fn skip_debug(mut self, path: impl AsRef<str>) -> Self {
599        self.skip_debug.insert(path.as_ref().to_string());
600        self
601    }
603    /// Compile the .proto files and execute code generation.
604    pub fn compile_protos(
605        self,
606        protos: &[impl AsRef<Path>],
607        includes: &[impl AsRef<Path>],
608    ) -> io::Result<()> {
609        self.compile_protos_with_config(Config::new(), protos, includes)
610    }
612    /// Compile the .proto files and execute code generation using a custom
613    /// `prost_build::Config`. The provided config will be updated with this builder's config.
614    pub fn compile_protos_with_config(
615        self,
616        mut config: Config,
617        protos: &[impl AsRef<Path>],
618        includes: &[impl AsRef<Path>],
619    ) -> io::Result<()> {
620        if self.emit_rerun_if_changed {
621            for path in protos.iter() {
622                println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.as_ref().display())
623            }
625            for path in includes.iter() {
626                // Cargo will watch the **entire** directory recursively. If we
627                // could figure out which files are imported by our protos we
628                // could specify only those files instead.
629                println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", path.as_ref().display())
630            }
631        }
633        self.setup_config(&mut config);
634        config.compile_protos(protos, includes)
635    }
637    /// Execute code generation from a file descriptor set.
638    pub fn compile_fds(self, fds: prost_types::FileDescriptorSet) -> io::Result<()> {
639        self.compile_fds_with_config(Config::new(), fds)
640    }
642    /// Execute code generation from a file descriptor set using a custom `prost_build::Config`.
643    pub fn compile_fds_with_config(
644        self,
645        mut config: Config,
646        fds: prost_types::FileDescriptorSet,
647    ) -> io::Result<()> {
648        self.setup_config(&mut config);
649        config.compile_fds(fds)
650    }
652    fn setup_config(self, config: &mut Config) {
653        if let Some(out_dir) = self.out_dir.as_ref() {
654            config.out_dir(out_dir);
655        }
656        if let Some(path) = self.file_descriptor_set_path.as_ref() {
657            config.file_descriptor_set_path(path);
658        }
659        if self.skip_protoc_run {
660            config.skip_protoc_run();
661        }
662        for (proto_path, rust_path) in self.extern_path.iter() {
663            config.extern_path(proto_path, rust_path);
664        }
665        for (prost_path, attr) in self.field_attributes.iter() {
666            config.field_attribute(prost_path, attr);
667        }
668        for (prost_path, attr) in self.type_attributes.iter() {
669            config.type_attribute(prost_path, attr);
670        }
671        for (prost_path, attr) in self.message_attributes.iter() {
672            config.message_attribute(prost_path, attr);
673        }
674        for (prost_path, attr) in self.enum_attributes.iter() {
675            config.enum_attribute(prost_path, attr);
676        }
677        for prost_path in self.boxed.iter() {
678            config.boxed(prost_path);
679        }
680        if let Some(ref paths) = self.btree_map {
681            config.btree_map(paths);
682        }
683        if let Some(ref paths) = self.bytes {
684            config.bytes(paths);
685        }
686        if self.compile_well_known_types {
687            config.compile_well_known_types();
688        }
689        if let Some(path) = self.include_file.as_ref() {
690            config.include_file(path);
691        }
692        if !self.skip_debug.is_empty() {
693            config.skip_debug(&self.skip_debug);
694        }
696        for arg in self.protoc_args.iter() {
697            config.protoc_arg(arg);
698        }
700        config.service_generator(self.service_generator());
701    }
703    /// Turn the builder into a `ServiceGenerator` ready to be passed to `prost-build`s
704    /// `Config::service_generator`.
705    pub fn service_generator(self) -> Box<dyn prost_build::ServiceGenerator> {
706        Box::new(ServiceGenerator::new(self))
707    }