Available on crate features
or decompression-deflate
or decompression-gzip
or decompression-zstd
only.Expand description
Middleware that decompresses request and response bodies.
use bytes::Bytes;
use flate2::{write::GzEncoder, Compression};
use http::{header, HeaderValue, Request, Response};
use http_body_util::{Full, BodyExt};
use std::{error::Error, io::Write};
use tower::{Service, ServiceBuilder, service_fn, ServiceExt};
use tower_http::{BoxError, decompression::{DecompressionBody, RequestDecompressionLayer}};
// A request encoded with gzip coming from some HTTP client.
let mut encoder = GzEncoder::new(Vec::new(), Compression::default());
let request = Request::builder()
.header(header::CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip")
// Our HTTP server
let mut server = ServiceBuilder::new()
// Automatically decompress request bodies.
// Send the request, with the gzip encoded body, to our server.
let _response = server.ready().await?.call(request).await?;
// Handler receives request whose body is decoded when read
async fn handler(
mut req: Request<DecompressionBody<Full<Bytes>>>,
) -> Result<Response<Full<Bytes>>, BoxError>{
let data = req.into_body().collect().await?.to_bytes();
assert_eq!(&data[..], b"Hello?");
Ok(Response::new(Full::from("Hello, World!")))
use bytes::Bytes;
use http::{Request, Response};
use http_body_util::{Full, BodyExt};
use std::convert::Infallible;
use tower::{Service, ServiceExt, ServiceBuilder, service_fn};
use tower_http::{compression::Compression, decompression::DecompressionLayer, BoxError};
// Some opaque service that applies compression.
let service = Compression::new(service_fn(handle));
// Our HTTP client.
let mut client = ServiceBuilder::new()
// Automatically decompress response bodies.
// Call the service.
// `DecompressionLayer` takes care of setting `Accept-Encoding`.
let request = Request::new(Full::<Bytes>::default());
let response = client
// Read the body
let body = response.into_body();
let bytes = body.collect().await?.to_bytes().to_vec();
let body = String::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(Into::<BoxError>::into)?;
assert_eq!(body, "Hello, World!");
- Decompression
- Decompresses response bodies of the underlying service.
- Decompression
Body - Response body of
. - Decompression
Layer - Decompresses response bodies of the underlying service.
- Request
Decompression - Decompresses request bodies and calls its underlying service.
- Request
Decompression Future - Response future of [
] - Request
Decompression Layer - Decompresses request bodies and calls its underlying service.
- Response
Future - Response future of