tracy-client-sys 0.21.2

Low level bindings to the client libraries for the Tracy profiler
harness = false
name = "tests"
path = ""
required-features = ["fibers"]
default-features = false
version = "1.0.82"


broadcast = []
callstack-inlines = []
code-transfer = []
context-switch-tracing = []
default = ["enable", "system-tracing", "context-switch-tracing", "sampling", "code-transfer", "broadcast", "callstack-inlines"]
delayed-init = []
enable = []
fibers = []
manual-lifetime = []
ondemand = []
only-ipv4 = []
only-localhost = []
sampling = []
system-tracing = []
timer-fallback = []

authors = ["Simonas Kazlauskas <>"]
build = ""
description = "Low level bindings to the client libraries for the Tracy profiler\n"
documentation = ""
edition = "2018"
homepage = ""
license = "(MIT OR Apache-2.0) AND BSD-3-Clause"
name = "tracy-client-sys"
readme = "README.mkd"
repository = ""
version = "0.21.2"
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "tracy_client_sys_docs"]