tremor-influx 0.12.4

Tremor Influx Parser

**influx parser**


Influx wire protocol parsing

Parses a influx wire protocol into a map.

## Use as a library

The influx parser was designed so that influx wire protocol style parsing could be embedded into [tremor]('s [scripting]( language for [extract]( operations.

The parser can also be used standalone

  let s = "weather,location=us-midwest temperature_str=\"too hot\\\\\\\\\\cold\" 1465839830100400206";
  let r: Value = json!({
    "measurement": "weather",
    "tags": {
      "location": "us-midwest"
    "fields": {
       "temperature_str": "too hot\\\\\\cold"
    "timestamp": 1_465_839_830_100_400_206i64, }
  assert_eq!(Ok(Some(r)), decode(s, 0))