trezm-temp-tokio-tls 0.0.1

An implementation of TLS/SSL streams for Tokio giving an implementation of TLS for nonblocking I/O streams.
# 0.3.0-alpha.4 (August 30, 2019)

### Changed
- Track `tokio` 0.2.0-alpha.4

# 0.3.0-alpha.2 (August 17, 2019)

### Changed
- Update `futures` dependency to 0.3.0-alpha.18.

# 0.3.0-alpha.1 (August 8, 2019)

### Changed
- Switch to `async`, `await`, and `std::future`.

# 0.2.1 (January 6, 2019)

* Implement `Clone` for `TlsConnector` and `TlsAcceptor` (#777)

# 0.2.0 (August 8, 2018)

* Initial release with `tokio` support.