# Rust Trezor API
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A fork of a [fork](https://github.com/romanz/rust-trezor-api) of a [lib](https://github.com/stevenroose/rust-trezor-api), which provides a way to communicate with a Trezor T device from a rust project.
Previous iterations were focused on bitcoin-only, **this one focuses on providing an ethereum interface**, which can be used by [ethers-rs](https://github.com/gakonst/ethers-rs/).
## Requirements
Make sure you have trezor [udev](https://wiki.trezor.io/Udev_rules) rules installed:
Tested with Firmware v2.4.2
## Examples / Tests
`cargo run --example features`
## Future
At the moment, not looking into expanding more than what's necessary to maintain compatability/usability with ethers-rs.
## Credits
* [TREZOR](https://github.com/trezor/trezor-firmware)
* [stevenroose](https://github.com/stevenroose)
* [romanz](https://github.com/romanz)