trust-dns-resolver 0.20.0-alpha.1

Trust-DNS is a safe and secure DNS library. This Resolver library uses the Client library to perform all DNS queries. The Resolver is intended to be a high-level library for any DNS record resolution see Resolver and AsyncResolver for supported resolution types. The Client can be used for other queries.
# This is a Makefile for `cargo make`, to use it first istall cargo-make with `cargo install cargo-make`

skip_core_tasks = true

# if true, all core tasks are set to private (default false)
private = true

## Feature profiles

# TODO: add --lib back when there is a common cli library in util
#  probably just remove this override file at that point

command = "cargo"
args = ["run", "--example=global_resolver"]

command = "cargo"
args = ["run", "--example=multithreaded_runtime"]

# Also test that the examples run
dependencies = ["example-global_resolver", "example-multithreaded_runtime"]