turn 0.9.0

A pure Rust implementation of TURN
# webrtc-turn changelog

## Unreleased

* [#330 Fix the problem that the UDP port of the server relay is not released]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/330 by [@clia]https://github.com/clia.
* Added `alloc_close_notify` config parameter to `ServerConfig` and `Allocation`, to receive notify on allocation close event, with metrics data.

## v0.6.1

* Added `delete_allocations_by_username` method on `Server`. This method provides possibility to manually delete allocation [#263]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/263 by [@logist322]https://github.com/logist322.
* Added `get_allocations_info` method on `Server`. This method provides possibility to get information about allocations [#288]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/288 by [@logist322]https://github.com/logist322.
* Increased minimum support rust version to `1.60.0`.
* Increased required `webrtc-util` version to `0.7.0`.

## v0.6.0

* [#15 update deps + loosen some requirements]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/turn/pull/15 by [@melekes]https://github.com/melekes.
* [#11 Fixed spelling of convenience]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/turn/pull/11 by [@Charles-Schleich ]https://github.com/Charles-Schleich.
* Increase min version of `log` dependency to `0.4.16`. [#250 Fix log at ^0.4.16 to make tests compile]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/250 by [@k0nserv]https://github.com/k0nserv.
* [#246 Fix warnings on windows]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/246 by [@https://github.com/xnorpx]https://github.com/xnorpx.

## Prior to 0.6.0

Before 0.6.0 there was no changelog, previous changes are sometimes, but not always, available in the [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/webrtc-rs/turn/releases).