A Rust implementation of the [xxHash] algorithm.
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[xxHash]: https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash
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[docs-url]: https://docs.rs/twox-hash/
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[actions-url]: https://github.com/shepmaster/twox-hash/actions/workflows/ci.yml?query=branch%3Amain
# Examples
These examples use [`XxHash64`][] but the same ideas can be
used for [`XxHash32`][] or [`XxHash3_64`][].
## Hashing arbitrary data
### When all the data is available at once
use twox_hash::XxHash64;
let seed = 1234;
let hash = XxHash64::oneshot(seed, b"some bytes");
assert_eq!(0xeab5_5659_a496_d78b, hash);
### When the data is streaming
use std::hash::Hasher as _;
use twox_hash::XxHash64;
let seed = 1234;
let mut hasher = XxHash64::with_seed(seed);
hasher.write(b" ");
let hash = hasher.finish();
assert_eq!(0xeab5_5659_a496_d78b, hash);
## In a [`HashMap`][]
### With a default seed
use std::{collections::HashMap, hash::BuildHasherDefault};
use twox_hash::XxHash64;
let mut hash = HashMap::<_, _, BuildHasherDefault<XxHash64>>::default();
hash.insert(42, "the answer");
assert_eq!(hash.get(&42), Some(&"the answer"));
### With a random seed
use std::collections::HashMap;
use twox_hash::xxhash64;
let mut hash = HashMap::<_, _, xxhash64::RandomState>::default();
hash.insert(42, "the answer");
assert_eq!(hash.get(&42), Some(&"the answer"));
### With a fixed seed
use std::collections::HashMap;
use twox_hash::xxhash64;
let mut hash = HashMap::with_hasher(xxhash64::State::with_seed(0xdead_cafe));
hash.insert(42, "the answer");
assert_eq!(hash.get(&42), Some(&"the answer"));
# Feature Flags
| xxhash32 | Include the [`XxHash32`][] algorithm |
| xxhash64 | Include the [`XxHash64`][] algorithm |
| xxhash3_64 | Include the [`XxHash3_64`][] algorithm |
| random | Create random instances of the hashers |
| serialize | Serialize and deserialize hasher state with Serde |
| std | Use the Rust standard library. Enable this if you want SIMD support in [`XxHash3_64`][] |
| alloc | Use the Rust allocator library. Enable this if you want to create [`XxHash3_64`][] with dynamic secrets |
# Benchmarks
See benchmarks in the [comparison][] README.
[comparison]: https://github.com/shepmaster/twox-hash/tree/main/comparison
# Contributing
1. Fork it (<https://github.com/shepmaster/twox-hash/fork>)
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Add a failing test.
4. Add code to pass the test.
5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
6. Ensure tests pass.
7. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
8. Create a new Pull Request
[`Hashmap`]: std::collections::HashMap
[`XxHash32`]: crate::XxHash32
[`XxHash64`]: crate::XxHash64
[`XxHash3_64`]: crate::XxHash3_64