# `μfmt`
> A (6-40x) smaller, (2-9x) faster and panic-free alternative to `core::fmt`

Call graph of a program that formats some structs (generated using
[`cargo-call-stack`]). Source code can be found at the bottom of this file. The
program was compiled with `-C opt-level=z`.
[`cargo-call-stack`]: https://crates.io/crates/cargo-call-stack
## [API docs](https://docs.rs/ufmt)
## Design goals
From highest priority to lowest priority
- Optimized for binary size and speed (rather than for compilation time)
- No dynamic dispatch in generated code
- No panicking branches in generated code, when optimized
- No recursion where possible
## Features
- `Debug` and `Display`-like traits
- `core::write!`-like macro
- A generic `Formatter<'_, impl uWrite>` instead of a single `core::Formatter`;
the `uWrite` trait has an associated error type so each writer can choose its
error type. For example, the implementation for `std::String` uses
`Infallible` as its error type.
- `core::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct`-like API
- `#[derive(uDebug)]`
- Pretty formatting (`{:#?}`) for `uDebug`
- Hexadecimal formatting (`{:x}`) of integer primitives (e.g. `i32`)
# Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)
This crate does *not* have a Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV) and may make use of language
features and API in the standard library available in the latest stable Rust version.
In other words, changes in the Rust version requirement of this crate are not considered semver
breaking change and may occur in patch version release.
## License
All source code (including code snippets) is licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
[L1]: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
[L2]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
at your option.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
## Appendix
### Formatting structs (snippet)
Full source code in [nopanic/examples/struct.rs](nopanic/examples/struct.rs).
``` rust
// ..
#[derive(Clone, Copy, uDebug)]
struct Pair {
x: i32,
y: i32,
static X: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0);
static Y: AtomicI32 = AtomicI32::new(0);
fn PendSV() {
let x = X.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
let y = Y.load(Ordering::Relaxed);
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:?}", Braces {}).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:#?}", Braces {}).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:?}", Parens()).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:#?}", Parens()).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:?}", I32(x)).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:#?}", I32(x)).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:?}", Tuple(x, y)).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:#?}", Tuple(x, y)).unwrap();
let pair = Pair { x, y };
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:?}", pair).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:#?}", pair).unwrap();
let first = pair;
let second = pair;
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:?}", Nested { first, second }).unwrap();
uwrite!(&mut W, "{:#?}", Nested { first, second }).unwrap();
// ..