1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136
//! `unic-langid` is a core API for parsing, manipulating, and serializing Unicode Language
//! Identifiers.
//! The crate provides algorithms for parsing a string into a well-formed language identifier
//! as defined by [`UTS #35: Unicode LDML 3.1 Unicode Language Identifier`].
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use unic_langid::LanguageIdentifier;
//! use unic_langid::subtags::{Language, Script, Region};
//! let mut li: LanguageIdentifier = "en-US".parse()
//! .expect("Parsing failed.");
//! let lang: Language = "en".parse().expect("Parsing failed.");
//! let region: Region = "US".parse().expect("Parsing failed.");
//! assert_eq!(li.language, lang);
//! assert_eq!(li.script, None);
//! assert_eq!(li.region, Some(region));
//! assert_eq!(li.variants().len(), 0);
//! let region: Region = "GB".parse().expect("Parsing failed.");
//! li.region = Some(region);
//! assert_eq!(li.to_string(), "en-GB");
//! ```
//! For more details, see [`LanguageIdentifier`].
//! # Optional features
//! ## `langid!`, `langids!`, and `langid_slice!` macros
//! If `feature = "macros"` is selected, the crate provides a procedural macro
//! which allows to construct build-time well-formed language identifiers with zero-cost at runtime.
//! ``` ignore
//! use unic_langid::{langid, langid_slice, langids, lang, region, script, variant, LanguageIdentifier};
//! use unic_langid::subtags::{Language, Script, Region, Variant};
//! use std::str::FromStr;
//! let es_ar = langid!("es-AR");
//! let en_us = langid!("en-US");
//! assert_eq!(&es_ar.to_string(), "es-AR");
//! assert_eq!(&en_us.to_string(), "en-US");
//! let lang_ids = langids!("es-AR", "en-US", "de");
//! assert_eq!(lang_ids[0], "es-AR");
//! assert_eq!(lang_ids[1], "en-US");
//! assert_eq!(lang_ids[2], "de");
//! const LANGUAGES: &[LanguageIdentifier] = langid_slice!["en-GB", "fr"];
//! assert_eq!(lang!("pl"), "pl");
//! assert_eq!(lang!("pl"), Language::from_str("pl").unwrap());
//! assert_eq!(script!("latn"), "Latn");
//! assert_eq!(script!("latn"), Script::from_str("Latn").unwrap());
//! assert_eq!(region!("us"), "US");
//! assert_eq!(region!("us"), Region::from_str("us").unwrap());
//! assert_eq!(variant!("macos"), "macos");
//! assert_eq!(variant!("macos"), Variant::from_str("macos").unwrap());
//! ```
//! The macros produce instances of `LanguageIdentifier` the same way as parsing from `&str` does,
//! but since the parsing is performed at build time, it doesn't need a `Result`.
//! At the moment `langid!` can also be used for const variables, but only if no variants are used.
//! The macros are optional to reduce the dependency chain and compilation time of `unic-langid`.
//! ## Likely Subtags
//! If `feature = "likelysubtags"` is selected, the `LanguageIdentifier` gains two more methods:
//! * add_likely_subtags
//! * remove_likely_subtags
//! Both of them operate in place updating the existing `LanguageIdentifier` by either extending
//! subtags to most likely values, or removing the subtags that are not needed.
//! Both methods return a `bool` that indicates if the identifier has been modified.
//! ``` ignore
//! use unic_langid::LanuageIdentifier;
//! let mut li: LanguageIdentifier = "fr-FR".parse()
//! .expect("Parsing failed.");
//! assert_eq!(li.add_likely_subtags(), true);
//! assert_eq!(li, "fr-Latn-FR");
//! assert_eq!(li.remove_likely_subtags(), true);
//! assert_eq!(li, "fr");
//! ```
//! The feature is optional because it increases the binary size of the library by including
//! a data table for CLDR likelySubtags.
//! [`UTS #35: Unicode LDML 3.1 Unicode Language Identifier`]: https://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35.html#Unicode_language_identifier
//! [`LanguageIdentifier`]: ./struct.LanguageIdentifier.html
pub use unic_langid_impl::*;
#[cfg(feature = "unic-langid-macros")]
pub use unic_langid_macros::{lang, langid, region, script, variant};
#[cfg(feature = "unic-langid-macros")]
macro_rules! langids {
( $($langid:expr),* ) => {
( $($langid:expr,)* ) => {
#[cfg(feature = "unic-langid-macros")]
macro_rules! langid_slice {
( $($langid:expr),* ) => {
( $($langid:expr,)* ) => {