# unic-locale [](https://travis-ci.org/zbraniecki/unic-locale) [](https://coveralls.io/github/zbraniecki/unic-locale?branch=master)
`unic-locale` is an API for managing [Unicode Locale Identifiers](http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Unicode_locale_identifier).
The crate provides a way to create a struct from a string, manipulate its fields, canonicalize it, and serialize into a string.
use unic_locale::{Locale, ExtensionType};
let loc: Locale = "en-US-u-hc-h12".parse()
assert_eq!(loc.get_language(), "en");
assert_eq!(loc.get_script(), None);
assert_eq!(loc.get_region(), Some("US"));
loc.extensions.unicode.set_keyword("ca", "buddhist")
.expect("Setting extension failed.");
assert_eq!(&loc.to_string(), "en-US-u-ca-buddhist-hc-h12");
`unic-locale` can be also compiled with `features = ["macros"]` which enables `locale!` macro:
use unic_locale::locale;
let loc = locale!("en-US-u-hc-h24");
assert_eq!(&loc.to_string(), "en-US-u-hc-h24")
The macro allows for compile-time parsing and validation of literal locale identifiers.
The crate is providing fundamental blocks, but is very basic.
In particular, the supported extensions list is very limited and the ergonomics of manipulating them should be improved.
Get Involved
`unic-locale` is open-source, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. We
encourage everyone to take a look at our code and we'll listen to your