unicode-width 0.1.12

Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules.
# `unicode-width`

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Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to [Unicode Standard Annex #11][UAX11],
other portions of the Unicode standard, and common implementations of POSIX [`wcwidth()`](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/).

This crate is `#![no_std]`.

[UAX11]: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/

use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;

fn main() {
    let teststr = "Hello, world!";
    let width = UnicodeWidthStr::width(teststr);
    println!("{}", teststr);
    println!("The above string is {} columns wide.", width);
    let width = teststr.width_cjk();
    println!("The above string is {} columns wide (CJK).", width);

**NOTE:** The computed width values may not match the actual rendered column
width. For example, the woman scientist emoji comprises of a woman emoji, a
zero-width joiner and a microscope emoji. Such [emoji ZWJ sequences](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr51/#Emoji_ZWJ_Sequences)
are considered to have the sum of the widths of their constituent parts:

extern crate unicode_width;
use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(UnicodeWidthStr::width("👩"), 2); // Woman
    assert_eq!(UnicodeWidthStr::width("🔬"), 2); // Microscope
    assert_eq!(UnicodeWidthStr::width("👩‍🔬"), 4); // Woman scientist

Additionally, [defective combining character sequences](https://unicode.org/glossary/#defective_combining_character_sequence)
and nonstandard [Korean jamo](https://unicode.org/glossary/#jamo) sequences may
be rendered with a different width than what this crate says. (This is not an
exhaustive list.)

## crates.io

You can use this package in your project by adding the following
to your `Cargo.toml`:

unicode-width = "0.1.11"