unicode-width 0.1.14

Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to Unicode Standard Annex #11 rules.
# `unicode-width`

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Determine displayed width of `char` and `str` types according to [Unicode Standard Annex #11][UAX11]
and other portions of the Unicode standard.

This crate is `#![no_std]`.

[UAX11]: http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr11/

use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;

fn main() {
    let teststr = "Hello, world!";
    let width = teststr.width();
    println!("{}", teststr);
    println!("The above string is {} columns wide.", width);
    let width = teststr.width_cjk();
    println!("The above string is {} columns wide (CJK).", width);

**NOTE:** The computed width values may not match the actual rendered column
width. For example, many Brahmic scripts like Devanagari have complex rendering rules
which this crate does not currently handle (and will never fully handle, because
the exact rendering depends on the font):

extern crate unicode_width;
use unicode_width::UnicodeWidthStr;

fn main() {
    assert_eq!("क".width(), 1); // Devanagari letter Ka
    assert_eq!("ष".width(), 1); // Devanagari letter Ssa
    assert_eq!("क्ष".width(), 2); // Ka + Virama + Ssa

Additionally, [defective combining character sequences](https://unicode.org/glossary/#defective_combining_character_sequence)
and nonstandard [Korean jamo](https://unicode.org/glossary/#jamo) sequences may
be rendered with a different width than what this crate says. (This is not an
exhaustive list.) For a list of what this crate *does* handle, see

## crates.io

You can use this package in your project by adding the following
to your `Cargo.toml`:

unicode-width = "0.1.11"