# upextract
UnityPackage Asset extract tool.
## Requirements
* `rust` installed (cargo specfically)
* `tar` installed on `PATH`
## Installation
cargo install upextract
## Usage
UnityPackage Asset extract tool
Usage: upextract <COMMAND>
extract Extracts contents of a unitypackage
list Lists unitypackages in the Unity Asset Store folder
inspect List contents of a unitypackage
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
### upextract extract
Usage: upextract extract [OPTIONS] --bundle <BUNDLE>
-b, --bundle <BUNDLE> unitybundle
-o, --out <OUT> Output folder [default: out]
-f, --flatten Flatten folder structure
--tmp <TMP> Tmp folder to extract to. (defaults to use system tmp)
-i, --include <INCLUDE> What asset files (extensions) to extract. Defaults to all
-h, --help Print help
### upextract list
Usage: upextract list [OPTIONS]
--assets-folder <ASSETS_FOLDER> Unity Asset Store folder
-h, --help Print help
## Example
upextract extract -b demoasset/test.unitypackage
# or
upextract extract -b demoasset/test.unitypackage -o output