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<h4 align="center">A declarative desktop GUI framework for the <a href="https://www.rust-lang.org/">Rust</a> programming language.</h4>
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# Features
- ### __Cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS)__
Build desktop applications which look and behave the same for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- ### __Declarative__
Write GUI code in a declarative way in pure Rust (no DSL macros).
- ### __Reactive__
Views derive from application state. Change the state and the views which bind to it update automatically.
- ### __Flexible layout__
Create flexible layouts which adapt to changes in size. Powered by [morphorm](https://github.com/vizia/morphorm).
- ### __Powerful styling__
Take advantage of stylesheets with hot-reloading to fully customize the look of your application.
- ### __Animations__
Bring your applications to life with animations.
- ### __Built-in views and themes__
Utilize over 25 ready-made views as well as two built-in themes (light and dark) to get you started. Includes 4250+ SVG icons, provided by [Tabler Icons](https://tabler-icons.io).
- ### __Accessibility__
Make you applications accessible to assistive technologies such as screen readers, powered by [accesskit](https://github.com/accesskit/accesskit).
- ### __Localization__
Adapt your application to different locales, including translating text with [fluent](https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent-rs).
- ### __Optimised rendering__
Vizia leverages the powerful and robust [skia](https://github.com/rust-skia/rust-skia) library for rendering, with further optimizations to only draw what is necessary.
- ### __Audio plugin development__
Vizia provides an alternative [baseview](https://github.com/RustAudio/baseview) windowing backend for audio plugin development, for example with the [nih-plug](https://github.com/robbert-vdh/nih-plug) framework.
<br />
# At a Glance
A simple counter application. Run with `cargo run --example counter`.
```rust, no_run
use vizia::prelude::*;
// Define some model data
pub struct AppData {
count: i32,
// Define events to mutate the data
pub enum AppEvent {
// Describe how the data is mutated in response to events
impl Model for AppData {
fn event(&mut self, _: &mut EventContext, event: &mut Event) {
event.map(|app_event, _| match app_event {
AppEvent::Increment => {
self.count += 1;
fn main() {
// Create an application
Application::new(|cx| {
// Build the model data into the tree
AppData { count: 0 }.build(cx);
// Declare views which make up the UI
HStack::new(cx, |cx| {
// Declare a button which emits an event
Button::new(cx, |cx| Label::new(cx, "Increment"))
.on_press(|cx| cx.emit(AppEvent::Increment));
// Declare a label which is bound to part of the model, updating when it changes
Label::new(cx, AppData::count).width(Pixels(50.0));
.child_space(Stretch(1.0)) // Apply style and layout modifiers
.title("Counter") // Configure window properties
.inner_size((400, 100))
<div align="center"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vizia/vizia/main/assets/images/counter.png" width="400px" height="130px"/></div>
# Learning
## Book
A quickstart guide for vizia is available [here](https://book.vizia.dev).
## Docs
Auto-generated code documentation can be found [here](https://docs.vizia.dev).
## Examples
A list of [examples](https://github.com/vizia/vizia/tree/main/examples) is included in the repository.
To run an example with the [winit](https://github.com/rust-windowing/winit) (default) windowing backend:
cargo run --release --example name_of_example
### Baseview
To run an example with the [baseview](https://github.com/RustAudio/baseview) windowing backend:
cargo run --release --example name_of_example --no-default-features --features baseview
# Contributing and Community
For help with vizia, or to get involved with contributing to the project, come join us on [our discord](https://discord.gg/aNkTPsRm2w).
# License and Attribution
Vizia is licensed under [MIT](https://github.com/vizia/vizia/blob/main/LICENSE).
Vizia logo designed by [Lunae Somnia](https://github.com/LunaeSomnia).