volatile 0.6.1

Volatile wrapper types for raw pointers
# Unreleased

# 0.6.1 – 2024-06-06

# 0.6.0 – 2024-06-06

* **Breaking:** feat: introduce `RestrictAccess<To>` and generalize `restrict` to all access types by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/60
* feat: implement derive macro for all access types by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/61
* fix: add `#[must_use]` to volatile types, `read`, and `as_raw_ptr` by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/58
* Add a semver checks CI job by @phil-opp in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/63

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/compare/v0.5.4...0.6.0

# 0.5.4 – 2024-04-26

* fix(access): properly seal access traits by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/59
* fix(macro): support `#[repr(align(N))]` in `#[derive(VolatileFieldAccess)]` macro by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/57
* Fix warnings by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/56

# 0.5.3 – 2024-04-21

* Add `#[derive(VolatileFieldAccess)]` for easy, access-limited field-based access to structs by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/49
* Add `VolatileRef::restrict` and `VolatilePtr::restrict` by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/47
* Add `VolatileRef::borrow` and `VolatileRef::borrow_mut` by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/46
* Add support for nested `map_field` operations by @phil-opp in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/50
* docs: remove unused `NonNull` imports by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/48
* fix(Cargo.toml): add categories by @mkroening in https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/52

# 0.5.2 – 2024-03-22

- Add implementations for `fmt::Pointer`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `PartialOrd`, `Ord` and `Hash`.
- Update `very_unstable` feature to latest nightly
- Remove `Sized` requirement for `Send` and `Sync` impls on `VolatileRef`

# 0.5.1 – 2023-06-24

- Fix: Add missing documentation of the `map` macro

# 0.5.0 – 2023-06-24

- **Breaking:** [New design based on raw pointers]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/29
  - The previous reference-based design was [unsound]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/13#issuecomment-842455552 because it allowed the compiler to insert spurious reads.
  - The new design features two wrapper types for raw pointers: `VolatilePtr` and `VolatileRef`
  - `VolatilePtr` provides safe read and write access to volatile values. Like raw pointers, it implements `Copy` and is `!Sync`.
  - `VolatileRef` is a pointer type that respects Rust's aliasing rules. It doesn't implement `Copy`, requires a `&mut` reference for modification, and implements `Sync`. It can converted to temporary `VolatilePtr` instances through the `as_ptr`/`as_mut_ptr` methods.
- We now provide methods for volatile slice operations and a `map!` macro for struct field projection. These advanced features are gated behind a cargo feature named _"unstable"_.

# 0.4.6 – 2023-01-17

- Fix UB in slice methods when Deref returns different references ([#27]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/27)

# 0.4.5 – 2022-04-24

- Remove the `const_generics` feature flag ([#25]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/25)

# 0.4.4 – 2021-03-09

- Replace feature "range_bounds_assert_len" with "slice_range" ([#21]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/21)
  - Fixes the `unstable` feature on the latest nightly.

# 0.4.3 – 2020-12-23

- Add methods to restrict access ([#19]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/19)

# 0.4.2 – 2020-10-31

- Change `slice::check_range` to `RangeBounds::assert_len` ([#16]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/16)
  - Fixes build on latest nightly.

# 0.4.1 – 2020-09-21

- Small documentation and metadata improvements

# 0.4.0 – 2020-09-21

- **Breaking:** Rewrite crate to operate on reference values ([#13]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/13)

# 0.3.0 – 2020-07-29

- **Breaking:** Remove `Debug` and `Clone` derives for `WriteOnly` ([#12]https://github.com/rust-osdev/volatile/pull/12)

# 0.2.7 – 2020-07-29

- Derive `Default` for `Volatile`, `WriteOnly` and `ReadOnly` ([#10]https://github.com/embed-rs/volatile/pull/10)