wasm-smith 0.227.1

A WebAssembly test case generator
# `wasm-smith`

**A WebAssembly test case generator.**


* [Features]#features
* [Usage]#usage
  * [With `cargo fuzz` and `libfuzzer-sys`]#with-cargo-fuzz-and-libfuzzer-sys
  * [As a Command Line Tool]#as-a-command-line-tool

## Features

* **Always valid:** All generated Wasm modules pass validation. `wasm-smith`
  gets past your wasm parser and validator, exercising the guts of your Wasm
  compiler, runtime, or tool.

* **Supports the full WebAssembly language:** Doesn't have blind spots or
  unimplemented instructions.

* **Implements the
  trait**: Easy to use with [`cargo
  fuzz`](https://github.com/rust-fuzz/cargo-fuzz) and

* **Deterministic:** Given the same input seed, always generates the same output
  Wasm module, so you can always reproduce test failures.

* **Plays nice with mutation-based fuzzers:** Small changes to the input tend to
  produce small changes to the output Wasm module. Larger inputs tend to
  generate larger Wasm modules.

## Usage

### With `cargo fuzz` and `libfuzzer-sys`

First, use `cargo fuzz` to define a new fuzz target:

$ cargo fuzz add my_wasm_smith_fuzz_target

Next, add `wasm-smith` to your dependencies:

$ cargo add wasm-smith

Then, define your fuzz target so that it takes arbitrary `wasm_smith::Module`s
as an argument, convert the module into serialized Wasm bytes via the `to_bytes`
method, and then feed it into your system:

// fuzz/fuzz_targets/my_wasm_smith_fuzz_target.rs


use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;
use wasm_smith::Module;

fuzz_target!(|module: Module| {
    let wasm_bytes = module.to_bytes();

    // Your code here...

Finally, start fuzzing:

$ cargo fuzz run my_wasm_smith_fuzz_target

> **Note:** Also check out [the `validate` fuzz
> target](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-tools/blob/main/fuzz/src/validate.rs)
> defined in this repository. Using the `wasmparser` crate, it checks that every
> module generated by `wasm-smith` validates successfully.

### As a Command Line Tool

Install the CLI tool via `cargo`:

$ cargo install wasm-tools

Convert some arbitrary input into a valid Wasm module:

$ head -c 100 /dev/urandom | wasm-tools smith -o test.wasm

Finally, run your tool on the generated Wasm module:

$ my-wasm-tool test.wasm