Directs the executor to include this field or fragment only when the user is not logged in.
directive @includeIfLoggedIn on FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD | INLINE_FRAGMENT
Directs the executor to skip this field or fragment when the user is not logged in.
interface Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
type PublicKey implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
owner: User!
keyId: String!
key: String!
revokedAt: DateTime
uploadedAt: DateTime!
verifyingSignature: Signature
revoked: Boolean!
type User implements Node & PackageOwner & Owner {
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
email: String!
dateJoined: DateTime!
"""Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only."""
username: String!
registerIntent: String
isEmailValidated: Boolean!
bio: String
location: String
websiteUrl: String
wasmerInternal: Boolean!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
globalName: String!
globalId: ID!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!): Boolean!
avatar(size: Int = 80): String!
isViewer: Boolean!
hasUsablePassword: Boolean
fullName: String!
githubUrl: String
twitterUrl: String
companyRole: String
companyDescription: String
publicActivity(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): ActivityEventConnection!
billing: Billing
waitlist(name: String!): WaitlistMember
namespaces(role: GrapheneRole, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NamespaceConnection!
packages(collaborating: Boolean = false, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageConnection!
apps(collaborating: Boolean = false, sortBy: DeployAppsSortBy, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeployAppConnection!
usageMetrics(forRange: MetricRange!, variant: MetricType!): [UsageMetric]!
domains(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DNSDomainConnection!
isStaff: Boolean
packageVersions(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionConnection!
packageTransfersIncoming(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageTransferRequestConnection!
packageInvitesIncoming(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageCollaboratorInviteConnection!
namespaceInvitesIncoming(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NamespaceCollaboratorInviteConnection!
apiTokens(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): APITokenConnection!
notifications(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): UserNotificationConnection!
dashboardActivity(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): ActivityEventConnection!
loginMethods: [LoginMethod!]!
githubUser: SocialAuth
githubScopes: [String]!
githubRepositories: [GithubRepository]!
"""Setup for backwards compatibility with existing frontends."""
interface PackageOwner {
globalName: String!
globalId: ID!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!): Boolean!
enum OwnerAction {
"""An owner of a package."""
interface Owner {
globalName: String!
globalId: ID!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!): Boolean!
The `DateTime` scalar type represents a DateTime
value as specified by
scalar DateTime
type ActivityEventConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [ActivityEventEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
The Relay compliant `PageInfo` type, containing data necessary to paginate this connection.
type PageInfo {
"""When paginating forwards, are there more items?"""
hasNextPage: Boolean!
"""When paginating backwards, are there more items?"""
hasPreviousPage: Boolean!
"""When paginating backwards, the cursor to continue."""
startCursor: String
"""When paginating forwards, the cursor to continue."""
endCursor: String
"""A Relay edge containing a `ActivityEvent` and its cursor."""
type ActivityEventEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: ActivityEvent
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type ActivityEvent implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
body: EventBody!
actorIcon: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
type EventBody {
text: String!
ranges: [NodeBodyRange!]!
type NodeBodyRange {
entity: Node!
offset: Int!
length: Int!
type WaitlistMember implements Node {
waitlist: Waitlist!
joinedAt: DateTime!
approvedAt: DateTime
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
member: Owner!
approved: Boolean!
type Waitlist implements Node {
name: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
type NamespaceConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [NamespaceEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `Namespace` and its cursor."""
type NamespaceEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Namespace
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type Namespace implements Node & PackageOwner & Owner {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
displayName: String
description: String!
avatarUpdatedAt: DateTime
twitterHandle: String
githubHandle: String
websiteUrl: String
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
wasmerInternal: Boolean!
maintainerInvites(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NamespaceCollaboratorInviteConnection!
userSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): UserConnection!
globalName: String!
globalId: ID!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!): Boolean!
avatar: String!
packages(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageConnection!
apps(sortBy: DeployAppsSortBy, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeployAppConnection!
packageVersions(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionConnection!
collaborators(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NamespaceCollaboratorConnection!
publicActivity(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): ActivityEventConnection!
pendingInvites(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NamespaceCollaboratorInviteConnection!
viewerHasRole(role: GrapheneRole!): Boolean!
viewerAsCollaborator(role: GrapheneRole): NamespaceCollaborator
"""Whether the current user is invited to the namespace"""
viewerIsInvited: Boolean!
"""The invitation for the current user to the namespace"""
viewerInvitation: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite
packageTransfersIncoming(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageTransferRequestConnection!
usageMetrics(forRange: MetricRange!, variant: MetricType!): [UsageMetric]!
domains(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DNSDomainConnection!
type NamespaceCollaboratorInviteConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [NamespaceCollaboratorInviteEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
A Relay edge containing a `NamespaceCollaboratorInvite` and its cursor.
type NamespaceCollaboratorInviteEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type NamespaceCollaboratorInvite implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
requestedBy: User!
user: User
inviteEmail: String
namespace: Namespace!
role: RegistryNamespaceMaintainerInviteRoleChoices!
accepted: NamespaceCollaborator
approvedBy: User
declinedBy: User
createdAt: DateTime!
expiresAt: DateTime!
closedAt: DateTime
enum RegistryNamespaceMaintainerInviteRoleChoices {
type NamespaceCollaborator implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
user: User!
role: RegistryNamespaceMaintainerRoleChoices!
namespace: Namespace!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
invite: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite
enum RegistryNamespaceMaintainerRoleChoices {
type UserConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [UserEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `User` and its cursor."""
type UserEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: User
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `Package` and its cursor."""
type PackageEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Package
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type Package implements Likeable & Node & PackageOwner {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
namespace: String!
private: Boolean!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
maintainers: [User]! @deprecated(reason: "Please use collaborators instead")
curated: Boolean!
ownerObjectId: Int!
lastVersion: PackageVersion
"""The app icon. It should be formatted in the same way as Apple icons"""
icon: String!
totalDownloads: Int!
iconUpdatedAt: DateTime
likersCount: Int!
watchersCount: Int!
webcs(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): WebcImageConnection!
"""List of app templates for this package"""
appTemplates(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppTemplateConnection!
packagewebcSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageWebcConnection!
versions: [PackageVersion]
collectionSet: [Collection!]!
categories(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): CategoryConnection!
keywords(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageKeywordConnection!
viewerHasLiked: Boolean!
globalName: String!
globalId: ID!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!): Boolean!
alias: String
displayName: String!
"""The name of the package without the owner"""
packageName: String!
"""The app icon. It should be formatted in the same way as Apple icons"""
appIcon: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use icon instead")
"""The total number of downloads of the package"""
downloadsCount: Int
"""The public keys for all the published versions"""
publicKeys: [PublicKey!]!
collaborators(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageCollaboratorConnection!
pendingInvites(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageCollaboratorInviteConnection!
viewerHasRole(role: GrapheneRole!): Boolean!
viewerAsCollaborator(role: GrapheneRole): PackageCollaborator
owner: PackageOwner!
isTransferring: Boolean!
activeTransferRequest: PackageTransferRequest
isArchived: Boolean!
viewerIsWatching: Boolean!
showDeployButton: Boolean!
similarPackageVersions(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageSearchConnection!
"""Whether the current user is invited to the package"""
viewerIsInvited: Boolean!
"""The invitation for the current user to the package"""
viewerInvitation: PackageCollaboratorInvite
interface Likeable {
id: ID!
likersCount: Int!
viewerHasLiked: Boolean!
type PackageVersion implements Node & PackageReleaseInterface & PackageInstance {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
package: Package!
webc: WebcImage
webcV3: WebcImage
"""List of direct dependencies of this package version"""
dependencies(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionConnection!
publishedBy: User!
tag: String!
clientName: String
webcGenerationErrors: String
version: String!
description: String!
manifest: String!
license: String
licenseFile: String
readme: String
witMd: String
repository: String
homepage: String
staticObjectsCompiled: Boolean!
nativeExecutablesCompiled: Boolean!
signature: Signature
isArchived: Boolean!
file: String!
fileSize: BigInt!
totalDownloads: Int!
bindingsState: RegistryPackageVersionBindingsStateChoices!
nativeExecutablesState: RegistryPackageVersionNativeExecutablesStateChoices!
packagewebcSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageWebcConnection!
lastversionPackage(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageConnection!
commands: [Command!]!
nativeexecutableSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NativeExecutableConnection!
bindingsgeneratorSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): BindingsGeneratorConnection!
javascriptlanguagebindingSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionNPMBindingConnection!
pythonlanguagebindingSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionPythonBindingConnection!
deployappversionSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeployAppVersionConnection!
piritaManifest: JSONString
piritaOffsets: JSONString
piritaVolumes: JSONString
piritaFile: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use distribution.piritaDownloadUrl instead.")
piritaFileSize: Int @deprecated(reason: "Please use distribution.piritaSize instead.")
pirita256hash: String @deprecated(reason: "Please use distribution.piritaSha256Hash instead.")
distribution(version: WebcVersion): PackageDistribution!
filesystem: [PackageVersionFilesystem]!
isLastVersion: Boolean!
witFile: String
isSigned: Boolean!
moduleInterfaces: [InterfaceVersion!]!
modules: [PackageVersionModule!]!
getPiritaContents(volume: String! = "atom", base: String! = ""): [PiritaFilesystemItem!]!
getWebcContents(volume: String! = "atom", base: String! = "/"): [WEBCFilesystemItem!]!
nativeExecutables(triple: String, wasmerCompilerVersion: String): [NativeExecutable]
bindings: [PackageVersionLanguageBinding]!
npmBindings: PackageVersionNPMBinding
pythonBindings: PackageVersionPythonBinding
bindingsSet(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionBindingConnection
hasBindings: Boolean!
hasCommands: Boolean!
showDeployButton: Boolean!
isCorrupt: Boolean!
interface PackageReleaseInterface {
piritaManifest: JSONString
piritaOffsets: JSONString
piritaVolumes: JSONString
isArchived: Boolean!
clientName: String
publishedBy: User!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
package: Package!
webc: WebcImage
webcV3: WebcImage
tag: String!
Allows use of a JSON String for input / output from the GraphQL schema.
Use of this type is *not recommended* as you lose the benefits of having a defined, static
schema (one of the key benefits of GraphQL).
scalar JSONString
type WebcImage implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
"""The version of the webc image, defaults to v2."""
version: WebcVersion!
fileSize: BigInt!
manifest: JSONString!
volumes: JSONString!
offsets: JSONString!
webcSha256: String!
targzSha256: String
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
webcUrl: String!
enum WebcVersion {
The `BigInt` scalar type represents non-fractional whole numeric values.
`BigInt` is not constrained to 32-bit like the `Int` type and thus is a less
compatible type.
scalar BigInt
type PackageVersionConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageVersionEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageVersion` and its cursor."""
type PackageVersionEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageVersion
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
enum RegistryPackageVersionBindingsStateChoices {
"""Bindings are not detected"""
"""Bindings are being built"""
"""Bindings generation has failed"""
"""Bindings are built and present"""
enum RegistryPackageVersionNativeExecutablesStateChoices {
"""Native Executables are not detected"""
"""Native Executables are being built"""
"""Native Executables generation has failed"""
"""Native Executables are built and present"""
type PackageWebcConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageWebcEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageWebc` and its cursor."""
type PackageWebcEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageWebc
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageWebc implements Node & PackageReleaseInterface & PackageInstance {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
package: Package!
webc: WebcImage
piritaManifest: JSONString
piritaOffsets: JSONString
piritaVolumes: JSONString
isArchived: Boolean!
clientName: String
publishedBy: User!
webcV3: WebcImage
tag: String!
webcUrl: String!
type Command {
command: String!
packageVersion: PackageVersion!
module: PackageVersionModule!
type PackageVersionModule {
name: String!
source: String!
abi: String
publicUrl: String!
atom: PiritaFilesystemFile!
rangeHeader: String!
type PiritaFilesystemFile {
name(display: PiritaFilesystemNameDisplay): String!
size: Int!
offset: Int!
enum PiritaFilesystemNameDisplay {
type NativeExecutableConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [NativeExecutableEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `NativeExecutable` and its cursor."""
type NativeExecutableEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: NativeExecutable
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type NativeExecutable implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
module: String! @deprecated(reason: "Use filename instead")
filename: String!
filesize: Int!
targetTriple: String!
downloadUrl: String!
type BindingsGeneratorConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [BindingsGeneratorEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `BindingsGenerator` and its cursor."""
type BindingsGeneratorEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: BindingsGenerator
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type BindingsGenerator implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
packageVersion: PackageVersion!
active: Boolean!
commandName: String!
registryJavascriptlanguagebindings(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionNPMBindingConnection!
registryPythonlanguagebindings(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionPythonBindingConnection!
type PackageVersionNPMBindingConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageVersionNPMBindingEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageVersionNPMBinding` and its cursor."""
type PackageVersionNPMBindingEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageVersionNPMBinding
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageVersionNPMBinding implements PackageVersionLanguageBinding & Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
language: ProgrammingLanguage!
"""The URL of the generated artifacts on Wasmer CDN."""
url: String!
"""When the binding was generated"""
createdAt: DateTime!
"""Package version used to generate this binding"""
generator: BindingsGenerator!
name: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
kind: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
"""Name of package source"""
packageName: String!
"""Name of the package to import"""
importablePackageName: String!
"""Code snippet example to use the package"""
codeSnippetExample: String!
module: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
npmDefaultInstallPackageName(url: String): String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use packageName instead")
interface PackageVersionLanguageBinding {
id: ID!
language: ProgrammingLanguage!
"""The URL of the generated artifacts on Wasmer CDN."""
url: String!
"""When the binding was generated"""
createdAt: DateTime!
"""Package version used to generate this binding"""
generator: BindingsGenerator!
name: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
kind: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
"""Name of package source"""
packageName: String!
"""Name of the package to import"""
importablePackageName: String!
"""Code snippet example to use the package"""
codeSnippetExample: String!
module: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
enum ProgrammingLanguage {
type PackageVersionPythonBindingConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageVersionPythonBindingEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
A Relay edge containing a `PackageVersionPythonBinding` and its cursor.
type PackageVersionPythonBindingEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageVersionPythonBinding
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageVersionPythonBinding implements PackageVersionLanguageBinding & Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
language: ProgrammingLanguage!
"""The URL of the generated artifacts on Wasmer CDN."""
url: String!
"""When the binding was generated"""
createdAt: DateTime!
"""Package version used to generate this binding"""
generator: BindingsGenerator!
name: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
kind: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
"""Name of package source"""
packageName: String!
"""Name of the package to import"""
importablePackageName: String!
"""Code snippet example to use the package"""
codeSnippetExample: String!
module: String! @deprecated(reason: "Do not use this field, since bindings for all modules are generated at once now.")
pythonDefaultInstallPackageName(url: String): String!
type DeployAppVersionConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [DeployAppVersionEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `DeployAppVersion` and its cursor."""
type DeployAppVersionEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: DeployAppVersion
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type DeployAppVersion implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
app: DeployApp!
yamlConfig: String!
userYamlConfig: String!
clientName: String!
signature: String
description: String
publishedBy: User!
disabledAt: DateTime
disabledReason: String
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
configWebc: String @deprecated(reason: "webc support has been deprecated for apps")
config: String! @deprecated(reason: "Please use jsonConfig instead")
jsonConfig: String!
url: String!
permalink: String!
urls: [String]!
version: String!
isActive: Boolean!
manifest: String!
Get logs starting from this timestamp. Takes EPOCH timestamp in seconds.
startingFrom: Float
"""Get logs starting from this timestamp. Takes ISO timestamp."""
startingFromISO: DateTime
"""Fetch logs until this timestamp. Takes EPOCH timestamp in seconds."""
until: Float
"""List of streams to fetch logs from. e.g. stdout, stderr."""
streams: [LogStream]
"""List of instance ids to fetch logs from."""
instanceIds: [String]
"""Filter for this request id in logs"""
requestId: String
before: String
after: String
first: Int
last: Int
): LogConnection!
usageMetrics(forRange: MetricRange!, variant: MetricType!): [UsageMetric]!
sourcePackageVersion: PackageVersion
sourcePackageRelease: PackageWebc
sourcePackage: Package!
aggregateMetrics: AggregateMetrics!
volumes: [AppVersionVolume]
gitSource: AutobuildRepository
favicon: URL
screenshot(viewportSize: AppScreenshotViewportSize, appearance: AppScreenshotAppearance): URL
type DeployApp implements Node & Owner {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
forceHttps: Boolean!
createdBy: User!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
activeVersion: DeployAppVersion
globalName: String!
globalId: ID!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!): Boolean!
url: String!
adminUrl: String!
permalink: String!
urls: [String]!
description: String
name: String!
owner: Owner!
versions(sortBy: DeployAppVersionsSortBy, createdAfter: DateTime, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeployAppVersionConnection!
aggregateMetrics: AggregateMetrics!
aliases(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppAliasConnection!
secrets(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): SecretConnection!
databases(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppDatabaseConnection!
usageMetrics(forRange: MetricRange!, variant: MetricType!): [UsageMetric]!
s3Url: URL
s3Credentials: S3Credentials
deleted: Boolean!
favicon: URL
screenshot(viewportSize: AppScreenshotViewportSize, appearance: AppScreenshotAppearance): URL
deployments(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeploymentConnection
enum DeployAppVersionsSortBy {
type AggregateMetrics {
cpuTime: String!
memoryTime: String!
ingress: String!
egress: String!
noRequests: String!
noFailedRequests: String!
monthlyCost: String!
type AppAliasConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [AppAliasEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `AppAlias` and its cursor."""
type AppAliasEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: AppAlias
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type AppAlias implements Node {
name: String!
app: DeployApp!
isDefault: Boolean!
hostname: String!
text: String!
kind: DeployAppAliasKindChoices!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
url: String!
enum DeployAppAliasKindChoices {
type SecretConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [SecretEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `Secret` and its cursor."""
type SecretEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Secret
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type Secret implements Node {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
type AppDatabaseConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [AppDatabaseEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `AppDatabase` and its cursor."""
type AppDatabaseEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: AppDatabase
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type AppDatabase implements Node {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
name: String!
username: String!
app: DeployApp!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
host: String!
type UsageMetric {
variant: MetricType!
value: Float!
unit: MetricUnit!
timestamp: DateTime!
enum MetricType {
"""Units for metrics"""
enum MetricUnit {
"""represents the unit of "seconds"."""
"""represents the unit of "milliseconds"."""
"""represents the unit of "kilobytes"."""
"""represents the unit of "kilobytes per second"."""
"""represents the unit of "number of requests"."""
"""represents the unit of "cost" in USD."""
enum MetricRange {
The `URL` scalar type represents a URL as text, represented as UTF-8
character sequences.
scalar URL
type S3Credentials {
accessKey: String!
secretKey: String!
endpoint: String!
enum AppScreenshotViewportSize {
enum AppScreenshotAppearance {
type DeploymentConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [DeploymentEdge]!
"""A Relay edge containing a `Deployment` and its cursor."""
type DeploymentEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Deployment
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
union Deployment = NakedDeployment | AutobuildRepository
type NakedDeployment implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
appVersion: DeployAppVersion
type AutobuildRepository implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
user: User!
name: String!
namespace: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
appName: String
appVersion: DeployAppVersion
buildId: UUID!
buildCmd: String!
installCmd: String!
repoUrl: String!
prevCommitHash: String!
commitHash: String!
commitMessage: String!
commitAuthorUsername: String!
status: StatusEnum!
logUrl: String
Leverages the internal Python implementation of UUID (uuid.UUID) to provide native UUID objects
in fields, resolvers and input.
scalar UUID
enum StatusEnum {
type LogConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [LogEdge]!
"""A Relay edge containing a `Log` and its cursor."""
type LogEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Log
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
enum LogStream {
type AppVersionVolume {
id: ID!
name: String!
s3Url: String!
mountPaths: [AppVersionVolumeMountPath]!
size: BigInt
usedSize: BigInt
type AppVersionVolumeMountPath {
path: String!
subpath: String
type PackageDistribution {
Download URL of the tar.gz file.
If the package was published with webc only,this will contain download URL for webc file instead.
downloadUrl: String!
expiresInSeconds: Int
size: Int
piritaDownloadUrl: String
piritaExpiresInSeconds: Int
piritaSize: Int
piritaSha256Hash: String
webcDownloadUrl: String
webcExpiresInSeconds: Int
webcSize: Int
webcSha256Hash: String
webcVersion: WebcVersion
webcManifest: JSONString
type PackageVersionFilesystem {
wasm: String!
host: String!
type InterfaceVersion implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
interface: Interface!
version: String!
content: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
publishedBy: User!
packageVersions(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionConnection!
type Interface implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
displayName: String!
description: String!
homepage: String
icon: String
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
versions(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): InterfaceVersionConnection!
lastVersion: InterfaceVersion
type InterfaceVersionConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [InterfaceVersionEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `InterfaceVersion` and its cursor."""
type InterfaceVersionEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: InterfaceVersion
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
union PiritaFilesystemItem = PiritaFilesystemFile | PiritaFilesystemDir
type PiritaFilesystemDir {
name(display: PiritaFilesystemNameDisplay): String!
type WEBCFilesystemItem {
name: String!
checksum: String!
size: Int!
offset: Int!
type PackageVersionBindingConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageVersionBindingEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageVersionBinding` and its cursor."""
type PackageVersionBindingEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageVersionBinding
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
union PackageVersionBinding = PackageVersionNPMBinding | PackageVersionPythonBinding
type WebcImageConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [WebcImageEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `WebcImage` and its cursor."""
type WebcImageEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: WebcImage
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type AppTemplateConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [AppTemplateEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `AppTemplate` and its cursor."""
type AppTemplateEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: AppTemplate
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type AppTemplate implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
slug: String!
description: String!
demoUrl: String!
repoUrl: String!
category: AppTemplateCategory!
isPublic: Boolean!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
readme: String!
useCases: JSONString!
repoLicense: String!
usingPackage: Package
defaultImage: String
framework: String!
templateFramework: TemplateFramework
language: String!
templateLanguage: TemplateLanguage
type AppTemplateCategory implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
slug: String!
description: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
appTemplates(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppTemplateConnection!
type TemplateFramework implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
slug: String!
type TemplateLanguage implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
name: String!
slug: String!
type Collection {
slug: String!
displayName: String!
description: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
banner: String!
packages(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageConnection!
type CategoryConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [CategoryEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `Category` and its cursor."""
type CategoryEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Category
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type Category implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
"""A category is a label that can be attached to a package."""
name: String!
packages(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageConnection
type PackageKeywordConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageKeywordEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageKeyword` and its cursor."""
type PackageKeywordEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageKeyword
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageKeyword implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
type PackageCollaboratorConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageCollaboratorEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageCollaborator` and its cursor."""
type PackageCollaboratorEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageCollaborator
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageCollaborator implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
user: User!
role: RegistryPackageMaintainerRoleChoices!
package: Package!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
invite: PackageCollaboratorInvite
enum RegistryPackageMaintainerRoleChoices {
type PackageCollaboratorInvite implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
requestedBy: User!
user: User
inviteEmail: String
package: Package!
role: RegistryPackageMaintainerInviteRoleChoices!
accepted: PackageCollaborator
approvedBy: User
declinedBy: User
createdAt: DateTime!
expiresAt: DateTime!
closedAt: DateTime
enum RegistryPackageMaintainerInviteRoleChoices {
type PackageCollaboratorInviteConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageCollaboratorInviteEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageCollaboratorInvite` and its cursor."""
type PackageCollaboratorInviteEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageCollaboratorInvite
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
enum GrapheneRole {
type PackageTransferRequest implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
requestedBy: User!
previousOwnerObjectId: Int!
newOwnerObjectId: Int!
package: Package!
approvedBy: User
declinedBy: User
createdAt: DateTime!
expiresAt: DateTime!
closedAt: DateTime
previousOwner: PackageOwner!
newOwner: PackageOwner!
type PackageSearchConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageSearchEdge]!
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageSearch` and its cursor."""
type PackageSearchEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageVersion
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type DeployAppConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [DeployAppEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `DeployApp` and its cursor."""
type DeployAppEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: DeployApp
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
enum DeployAppsSortBy {
type NamespaceCollaboratorConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [NamespaceCollaboratorEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `NamespaceCollaborator` and its cursor."""
type NamespaceCollaboratorEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: NamespaceCollaborator
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type PackageTransferRequestConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [PackageTransferRequestEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `PackageTransferRequest` and its cursor."""
type PackageTransferRequestEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: PackageTransferRequest
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type DNSDomainConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [DNSDomainEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `DNSDomain` and its cursor."""
type DNSDomainEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: DNSDomain
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type DNSDomain implements Node {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
name: String!
"""This zone will be accessible at /dns/{slug}/."""
slug: String!
zoneFile: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
records: [DNSRecord]
owner: Owner!
union DNSRecord = ARecord | AAAARecord | CNAMERecord | TXTRecord | MXRecord | NSRecord | CAARecord | DNAMERecord | PTRRecord | SOARecord | SRVRecord | SSHFPRecord
type ARecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
address: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
interface DNSRecordInterface {
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
type AAAARecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
address: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type CNAMERecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
"""This domain name will alias to this canonical name."""
cName: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type TXTRecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
data: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type MXRecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
preference: Int!
exchange: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type NSRecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
nsdname: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type CAARecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
flags: Int!
tag: DnsmanagerCertificationAuthorityAuthorizationRecordTagChoices!
value: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
enum DnsmanagerCertificationAuthorityAuthorizationRecordTagChoices {
"""issue wildcard"""
"""Incident object description exchange format"""
type DNAMERecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
This domain name will alias to the entire subtree of that delegation domain.
dName: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type PTRRecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
ptrdname: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type SOARecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
"""Primary master name server for this zone."""
mname: String!
"""Email address of the administrator responsible for this zone."""
rname: String!
A slave name server will initiate a zone transfer if this serial is incremented.
serial: BigInt!
Number of seconds after which secondary name servers should query the master to detect zone changes.
refresh: BigInt!
Number of seconds after which secondary name servers should retry to request the serial number from the master if the master does not respond.
retry: BigInt!
Number of seconds after which secondary name servers should stop answering request for this zone if the master does not respond.
expire: BigInt!
"""Time to live for purposes of negative caching."""
minimum: BigInt!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type SRVRecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
"""The symbolic name of the desired service."""
service: String!
The transport protocol of the desired service, usually either TCP or UDP.
protocol: String!
"""The priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred."""
priority: Int!
A relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means higher chance of getting picked.
weight: Int!
port: Int!
The canonical hostname of the machine providing the service, ending in a dot.
target: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
type SSHFPRecord implements Node & DNSRecordInterface {
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
deletedAt: DateTime
algorithm: DnsmanagerSshFingerprintRecordAlgorithmChoices!
type: DnsmanagerSshFingerprintRecordTypeChoices!
fingerprint: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
ttl: Int!
dnsClass: String
text: String!
domain: DNSDomain!
enum DnsmanagerSshFingerprintRecordAlgorithmChoices {
enum DnsmanagerSshFingerprintRecordTypeChoices {
type APITokenConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [APITokenEdge]!
"""A Relay edge containing a `APIToken` and its cursor."""
type APITokenEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: APIToken
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type APIToken implements Node {
user: User!
identifier: String
createdAt: DateTime!
revokedAt: DateTime
lastUsedAt: DateTime
nonceSet(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): NonceConnection!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
type NonceConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [NonceEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `Nonce` and its cursor."""
type NonceEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Nonce
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type Nonce implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
callbackUrl: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
isValidated: Boolean!
secret: String!
token: String!
expired: Boolean!
authUrl: String!
type UserNotificationConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [UserNotificationEdge]!
hasPendingNotifications: Boolean!
pendingNotificationsCount: Int!
"""A Relay edge containing a `UserNotification` and its cursor."""
type UserNotificationEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: UserNotification
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type UserNotification implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
icon: String
body: EventBody!
seenState: UserNotificationSeenState!
kind: UserNotificationKind
createdAt: DateTime!
enum UserNotificationSeenState {
union UserNotificationKind = UserNotificationKindPublishedPackageVersion | UserNotificationKindIncomingPackageTransfer | UserNotificationKindIncomingPackageInvite | UserNotificationKindIncomingNamespaceInvite | UserNotificationKindValidateEmail
type UserNotificationKindPublishedPackageVersion {
packageVersion: PackageVersion!
type UserNotificationKindIncomingNamespaceInvite {
namespaceInvite: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite!
type UserNotificationKindValidateEmail {
user: User!
Enum of ways a user can login. One user can have many login methods
associated with their account.
enum LoginMethod {
type SocialAuth implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
user: User!
provider: String!
uid: String!
extraData: JSONString!
created: DateTime!
modified: DateTime!
username: String!
type GithubRepository {
url: String!
name: String!
namespace: String!
type Signature {
id: ID!
publicKey: PublicKey!
data: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
type StripeCustomer {
id: ID!
type Billing {
stripeCustomer: StripeCustomer!
payments: [PaymentIntent]!
paymentMethods: [PaymentMethod]!
type PaymentIntent implements Node {
"""The datetime this object was created in stripe."""
created: DateTime
"""Three-letter ISO currency code"""
currency: String!
Status of this PaymentIntent, one of requires_payment_method, requires_confirmation, requires_action, processing, requires_capture, canceled, or succeeded. You can read more about PaymentIntent statuses here.
status: DjstripePaymentIntentStatusChoices!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
amount: String!
enum DjstripePaymentIntentStatusChoices {
Cancellation invalidates the intent for future confirmation and cannot be undone.
"""Required actions have been handled."""
"""Payment Method require additional action, such as 3D secure."""
"""Capture the funds on the cards which have been put on holds."""
"""Intent is ready to be confirmed."""
"""Intent created and requires a Payment Method to be attached."""
"""The funds are in your account."""
union PaymentMethod = CardPaymentMethod
type CardPaymentMethod implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
brand: CardBrand!
country: String!
expMonth: Int!
expYear: Int!
funding: CardFunding!
last4: String!
isDefault: Boolean!
Card brand.
Can be amex, diners, discover, jcb, mastercard, unionpay, visa, or unknown.
enum CardBrand {
Card funding type.
Can be credit, debit, prepaid, or unknown.
enum CardFunding {
type Payment {
id: ID
amount: String
paidOn: DateTime
"""Log entry for deploy app."""
type Log {
"""Timestamp in nanoseconds"""
timestamp: Float!
"""ISO 8601 string in UTC"""
datetime: DateTime!
"""Log message"""
message: String!
"""Log stream"""
stream: LogStream
"""ID of instance from which the log was generated"""
instanceId: String!
"""This is for backwards compatibility with the old PackageInstance type."""
interface PackageInstance {
piritaManifest: JSONString
piritaOffsets: JSONString
piritaVolumes: JSONString
isArchived: Boolean!
clientName: String
publishedBy: User!
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
package: Package!
webc: WebcImage
webcV3: WebcImage
tag: String!
type UserNotificationKindIncomingPackageTransfer {
packageTransferRequest: PackageTransferRequest!
type UserNotificationKindIncomingPackageInvite {
packageInvite: PackageCollaboratorInvite!
input DeploymentV1 {
name: String!
workload: WorkloadV1!
input WorkloadV1 {
capability: CapabilityMapV1
name: String = null
runner: WorkloadRunnerV1!
input AppV1Spec {
aliases: [String] = []
workload: WorkloadV2!
input WorkloadV2 {
source: String!
input CapabilityCpuV1 {
maximumThreads: Int
maximumUsage: Int
input FileSystemPermissionsV1 {
delete: Boolean
read: Boolean
write: Boolean
input FileSystemVolumeMountV1 {
path: String!
permissions: [FileSystemPermissionsV1]
input FileSystemVolumeSourceLocalV1 {
maximumSize: String!
input FileSystemVolumeSourceV1 {
local: FileSystemVolumeSourceLocalV1!
input FileSystemVolumeConfigV1 {
mounts: [FileSystemVolumeMountV1]!
name: String!
source: FileSystemVolumeSourceV1!
input CapabilityFileSystemV1 {
volumes: [FileSystemVolumeConfigV1]!
input CapabilityPersistentMemoryV1 {
volumes: [String]
input CapabilityMemorySwapV1 {
maximumSize: String
memoryId: String
input CapabilityNetworkV1 {
egress: NetworkEgressV1
input NetworkEgressV1 {
enabled: Boolean
input CapabilityNetworkDnsV1 {
enabled: Boolean
servers: [String]
allowedHosts: NetworkDnsAllowedHostsV1
input NetworkDnsAllowedHostsV1 {
allowAllHosts: Boolean
hosts: [String]
regexPatterns: [String]
wildcardPatterns: [String]
input CapabilityNetworkGatewayV1 {
domains: [String]
enforceHttps: Boolean
input CapabilityMapV1 {
memorySwap: CapabilityCpuV1
input WebcSourceV1 {
name: String!
namespace: String!
repository: String! = "https://registry.wasmer.wtf"
tag: String
authToken: String
input WorkloadRunnerV1 {
webProxy: RunnerWebProxyV1
wcgi: RunnerWCGIV1
"""Run a webassembly file."""
input RunnerWCGIV1 {
source: WorkloadRunnerWasmSourceV1!
dialect: String
input RunnerWebProxyV1 {
source: WorkloadRunnerWasmSourceV1!
input WorkloadRunnerWasmSourceV1 {
webc: WebcSourceV1!
type Query {
latestTOS: TermsOfService!
getAppRegions(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppRegionConnection!
getDeployAppVersion(name: String!, owner: String, version: String): DeployAppVersion
getAllDomains(namespace: String, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DNSDomainConnection!
getAllDNSRecords(sortBy: DNSRecordsSortBy, updatedAfter: DateTime, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DNSRecordConnection!
getDomain(name: String!): DNSDomain
name: String!
"""Owner of the app. Defaults to logged in user."""
owner: String
): DeployApp
getAppByGlobalAlias(alias: String!): DeployApp
getDeployApps(sortBy: DeployAppsSortBy, updatedAfter: DateTime, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeployAppConnection!
getAppVersions(sortBy: DeployAppVersionsSortBy, updatedAfter: DateTime, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): DeployAppVersionConnection!
getTemplateFrameworks(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): TemplateFrameworkConnection
getTemplateLanguages(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): TemplateLanguageConnection
getAppTemplates(categorySlug: String, frameworkSlug: String, languageSlug: String, sortBy: AppTemplatesSortBy, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppTemplateConnection
getAppSecrets(appId: ID!, names: [String], offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): SecretConnection
getAppSecret(appId: ID!, secretName: String!): Secret
getAppSecretLog(appId: ID!, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): SecretLogConnection
getSecretValue(id: ID!): String
getAppTemplate(slug: String!): AppTemplate
getAppTemplateCategories(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): AppTemplateCategoryConnection
getBuildKinds(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): BuildKindConnection!
"""Specify if the database name is valid or not."""
"""Name of the database"""
name: String!
): Boolean!
viewer: User
getUser(username: String!): User
getPasswordResetToken(token: String!): GetPasswordResetToken
getAuthNonce(name: String!): Nonce
"""Can the logged in user create app templates?"""
canDeployAppToGithub: Boolean!
"""Check if a repo exists in the logged in user's github account."""
"""The namespace of the repo to check."""
namespace: String!
"""The name of the repo to check."""
name: String!
): Boolean!
"""Generate a unique repo name in the logged in user's github account."""
"""The github namespace of the repo to create the repo in."""
namespace: String!
"""The template to use."""
templateSlug: String!
): String!
packages(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageConnection
recentPackageVersions(curated: Boolean, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionConnection!
allPackageVersions(sortBy: PackageVersionSortBy, createdAfter: DateTime, updatedAfter: DateTime, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageVersionConnection!
allPackageReleases(sortBy: PackageVersionSortBy, createdAfter: DateTime, updatedAfter: DateTime, offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): PackageWebcConnection!
getWebcImage(hash: String!): WebcImage
getNamespace(name: String!): Namespace
getPackage(name: String!): Package
getPackages(names: [String!]!): [Package]!
getPackageVersion(name: String!, version: String = "latest"): PackageVersion
getPackageVersions(names: [String!]!): [PackageVersion]
getPackageVersionByHash(name: String!, hash: String!): PackageVersion
getInterface(name: String!): Interface
getInterfaces(names: [String!]!): [Interface]!
getInterfaceVersion(name: String!, version: String = "latest"): InterfaceVersion
getContract(name: String!): Interface @deprecated(reason: "Please use getInterface instead")
getContracts(names: [String!]!): [Interface]! @deprecated(reason: "Please use getInterfaces instead")
getContractVersion(name: String!, version: String): InterfaceVersion @deprecated(reason: "Please use getInterfaceVersion instead")
getCommand(name: String!): Command
getCommands(names: [String!]!): [Command]
getCollections(before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): CollectionConnection
getSignedUrlForPackageUpload(name: String, version: String = "latest", filename: String, expiresAfterSeconds: Int = 60): SignedUrl
getPackageHash(name: String, hash: String!): PackageWebc
getPackageRelease(hash: String): PackageWebc
getPackageInstanceByVersionOrHash(name: String!, version: String, hash: String): PackageInstance
categories(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): CategoryConnection!
viewerCan(action: OwnerAction!, ownerName: String!): Boolean!
blogposts(tags: [String!], before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): BlogPostConnection!
getBlogpost(slug: String, featured: Boolean): BlogPost
allBlogpostTags(offset: Int, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): BlogPostTagConnection
search(query: String!, packages: PackagesFilter, namespaces: NamespacesFilter, users: UsersFilter, apps: AppFilter, blogposts: BlogPostsFilter, appTemplates: AppTemplateFilter, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): SearchConnection!
searchAutocomplete(kind: [SearchKind!], query: String!, before: String, after: String, first: Int, last: Int): SearchConnection!
getGlobalObject(slug: String!): GlobalObject
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
): Node
nodes(ids: [ID!]!): [Node]
info: RegistryInfo
type TermsOfService implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
content: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
viewerHasAccepted: Boolean!
type AppRegionConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [AppRegionEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `AppRegion` and its cursor."""
type AppRegionEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: AppRegion
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type AppRegion implements Node {
name: String!
country: String!
city: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
type DNSRecordConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [DNSRecordEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `DNSRecord` and its cursor."""
type DNSRecordEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: DNSRecord
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
enum DNSRecordsSortBy {
type TemplateFrameworkConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [TemplateFrameworkEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `TemplateFramework` and its cursor."""
type TemplateFrameworkEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: TemplateFramework
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type TemplateLanguageConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [TemplateLanguageEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `TemplateLanguage` and its cursor."""
type TemplateLanguageEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: TemplateLanguage
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
enum AppTemplatesSortBy {
type SecretLogConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [SecretLogEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `SecretLog` and its cursor."""
type SecretLogEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: SecretLog
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type SecretLog implements Node {
createdAt: DateTime!
action: DeploySecretLogActionChoices!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
secretName: String!
enum DeploySecretLogActionChoices {
type AppTemplateCategoryConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [AppTemplateCategoryEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `AppTemplateCategory` and its cursor."""
type AppTemplateCategoryEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: AppTemplateCategory
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type BuildKindConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [BuildKindEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `BuildKind` and its cursor."""
type BuildKindEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: BuildKind
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type BuildKind implements Node {
name: String!
setupDb: Boolean!
buildCmd: String!
installCmd: String!
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
type GetPasswordResetToken {
valid: Boolean!
user: User
enum PackageVersionSortBy {
type CollectionConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [CollectionEdge]!
"""A Relay edge containing a `Collection` and its cursor."""
type CollectionEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: Collection
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type SignedUrl {
url: String!
type BlogPostConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [BlogPostEdge]!
"""A Relay edge containing a `BlogPost` and its cursor."""
type BlogPostEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: BlogPost
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type BlogPost implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
live: Boolean!
"""The page title as you'd like it to be seen by the public"""
title: String!
The name of the page as it will appear in URLs e.g http://domain.com/blog/[my-slug]/
slug: String!
owner: User
body: String!
publishDate: DateTime
theme: BlogBlogPostThemeChoices!
url: String!
coverImageUrl: String
opengraphImageUrl: String
tagline: String!
relatedArticles: [BlogPost!]
updatedAt: DateTime!
tags: [BlogPostTag!]
editUrl: String
enum BlogBlogPostThemeChoices {
type BlogPostTag implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
name: String!
slug: String!
type BlogPostTagConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [BlogPostTagEdge]!
"""Total number of items in the connection."""
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `BlogPostTag` and its cursor."""
type BlogPostTagEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: BlogPostTag
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
type SearchConnection {
"""Pagination data for this connection."""
pageInfo: PageInfo!
"""Contains the nodes in this connection."""
edges: [SearchEdge]!
totalCount: Int
"""A Relay edge containing a `Search` and its cursor."""
type SearchEdge {
"""The item at the end of the edge"""
node: SearchResult
"""A cursor for use in pagination"""
cursor: String!
union SearchResult = PackageVersion | User | Namespace | DeployApp | BlogPost | AppTemplate
input PackagesFilter {
count: Int = 1000
sortBy: SearchOrderSort = ASC
"""Filter packages by being curated."""
curated: Boolean
"""Filter packages by publish date."""
publishDate: SearchPublishDate
"""Filter packages by having bindings."""
hasBindings: Boolean = false
"""Filter packages by being standalone."""
isStandalone: Boolean = false
"""Filter packages by having commands."""
hasCommands: Boolean = false
"""Filter packages by interface."""
withInterfaces: [String]
"""Filter packages by deployable status."""
deployable: Boolean
"""Filter packages by license."""
license: String
"""Filter packages created after this date."""
createdAfter: DateTime
"""Filter packages created before this date."""
createdBefore: DateTime
"""Filter packages with version published after this date."""
lastPublishedAfter: DateTime
"""Filter packages with version published before this date."""
lastPublishedBefore: DateTime
"""Filter packages by size."""
size: CountFilter
"""Filter packages by download count."""
downloads: CountFilter
"""Filter packages by like count."""
likes: CountFilter
"""Filter packages by owner."""
owner: String
"""Filter packages by published by."""
publishedBy: String
"""Order packages by field."""
orderBy: PackageOrderBy = PUBLISHED_DATE
enum SearchOrderSort {
enum SearchPublishDate {
input CountFilter {
count: Int = 0
comparison: CountComparison = GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL
enum CountComparison {
enum PackageOrderBy {
input NamespacesFilter {
count: Int = 1000
sortBy: SearchOrderSort = ASC
"""Filter namespaces by package count."""
packageCount: CountFilter
"""Filter namespaces created after this date."""
createdAfter: DateTime
"""Filter namespaces created before this date."""
createdBefore: DateTime
"""Filter namespaces by user count."""
userCount: CountFilter
"""Filter namespaces by collaborator."""
collaborator: String
"""Order namespaces by field."""
orderBy: NamespaceOrderBy = CREATED_DATE
enum NamespaceOrderBy {
input UsersFilter {
count: Int = 1000
sortBy: SearchOrderSort = ASC
"""Filter users by package count."""
packageCount: CountFilter
"""Filter users by namespace count."""
namespaceCount: CountFilter
"""Filter users joined after this date."""
joinedAfter: DateTime
"""Filter users joined before this date."""
joinedBefore: DateTime
"""Order users by field."""
orderBy: UserOrderBy = CREATED_DATE
enum UserOrderBy {
input AppFilter {
count: Int = 1000
sortBy: SearchOrderSort = ASC
"""Filter apps by deployed by."""
deployedBy: String
"""Filter apps last deployed after this date."""
lastDeployedAfter: DateTime
"""Filter apps last deployed before this date."""
lastDeployedBefore: DateTime
"""Filter apps by owner."""
owner: String
"""Order apps by field."""
orderBy: AppOrderBy = CREATED_DATE
"""Filter apps by client name."""
clientName: String
enum AppOrderBy {
input BlogPostsFilter {
count: Int = 1000
sortBy: SearchOrderSort = ASC
"""Filter blog posts by tag."""
tags: [String]
input AppTemplateFilter {
count: Int = 1000
sortBy: SearchOrderSort = ASC
"""Order app templates by field."""
orderBy: AppTemplateOrderBy = CREATED_DATE
"""Filter by app template framework"""
framework: String
"""Filter by app template language"""
language: String
"""Filter by one or more of the use-cases for the app template"""
useCases: [String]
enum AppTemplateOrderBy {
enum SearchKind {
union GlobalObject = User | Namespace
type RegistryInfo {
"""Base URL for this registry"""
baseUrl: String!
"""Base URL for the default frontend"""
defaultFrontend: String!
"""URL to the graphql endpoint"""
graphqlUrl: String!
"""URL for app domains"""
appDomain: String!
"""URL to the graphql endpoint"""
createBlogpostUrl: String
"""Public metadata about packages"""
packages: PackageInfo!
"""Public metadata about the graphql schema"""
schema: SchemaInfo!
type PackageInfo {
"""Number of package versions published this month"""
versionsPublishedThisMonth: Int!
"""Number of new packages published this month"""
newPackagesThisMonth: Int!
"""Number of package downloads this month"""
packageDownloadsThisMonth: Int!
type SchemaInfo {
"""Download link for graphql schema"""
downloadUrl: String!
"""SHA256 hash of the schema data"""
SHA256Hash: String!
"""Timestamp when the schema was last updated"""
lastUpdated: DateTime!
type Mutation {
"""Viewer accepts the latest ToS."""
acceptTOS(input: AcceptTOSInput!): AcceptTOSPayload
publishDeployApp(input: PublishDeployAppInput!): PublishDeployAppPayload
deleteApp(input: DeleteAppInput!): DeleteAppPayload
"""Add current user to the waitlist."""
joinWaitlist(input: JoinWaitlistInput!): JoinWaitlistPayload
"""Add stripe payment to the user"""
addPayment(input: AddPaymentInput!): AddPaymentPayload
Mutation to change the active version of a DeployApp to another DeployAppVersion.
markAppVersionAsActive(input: MarkAppVersionAsActiveInput!): MarkAppVersionAsActivePayload
"""Set a payment method as default for the user."""
makePaymentDefault(input: SetDefaultPaymentMethodInput!): SetDefaultPaymentMethodPayload
Try to detach a payment method from customer.
Fails if trying to detach a default method,
or if it's the only payment method.
detachPaymentMethod(input: DetachPaymentMethodInput!): DetachPaymentMethodPayload
generateDeployConfigToken(input: GenerateDeployConfigTokenInput!): GenerateDeployConfigTokenPayload
renameApp(input: RenameAppInput!): RenameAppPayload
renameAppAlias(input: RenameAppAliasInput!): RenameAppAliasPayload
"""Purges all cache for this app version"""
purgeCacheForAppVersion(input: PurgeCacheForAppVersionInput!): PurgeCacheForAppVersionPayload
requestAppTransfer(input: RequestAppTransferInput!): RequestAppTransferPayload
acceptAppTransferRequest(input: AcceptAppTransferRequestInput!): AcceptAppTransferRequestPayload
removeAppTransferRequest(input: RemoveAppTransferRequestInput!): RemoveAppTransferRequestPayload
createRepoForAppTemplate(input: CreateRepoForAppTemplateInput!): CreateRepoForAppTemplatePayload
registerDomain(input: RegisterDomainInput!): RegisterDomainPayload
upsertDNSRecord(input: UpsertDNSRecordInput!): UpsertDNSRecordPayload
deleteDNSRecord(input: DeleteDNSRecordInput!): DeleteDNSRecordPayload
upsertDomainFromZoneFile(input: UpsertDomainFromZoneFileInput!): UpsertDomainFromZoneFilePayload
deleteDomain(input: DeleteDomainInput!): DeleteDomainPayload
"""Create or update an app secret on an app with given ID"""
upsertAppSecret(input: UpsertAppSecretInput!): UpsertAppSecretPayload
"""Create or update app secrets on an app with given ID"""
upsertAppSecrets(input: UpsertAppSecretsInput!): UpsertAppSecretsPayload
"""Delete secret with given ID"""
deleteAppSecret(input: DeleteAppSecretInput!): DeleteAppSecretPayload
"""Redeploy the active version of an app."""
redeployActiveVersion(input: RedeployActiveVersionInput!): RedeployActiveVersionPayload
"""Toggle HTTP redirect for the active version of app"""
toggleForceHttps(input: ToggleForceHTTPSInput!): ToggleForceHTTPSPayload
"""Redeploy the active version of an app."""
rotateS3SecretsForApp(input: RotateS3SecretsForAppInput!): RotateS3SecretsForAppPayload
"""Delete a database for an app."""
rotateCredentialsForAppDb(input: RotateCredentialsForAppDBInput!): RotateCredentialsForAppDBPayload
"""Create a new database for an app."""
createAppDb(input: CreateAppDBInput!): CreateAppDBPayload
"""Delete a database for an app."""
deleteAppDb(input: DeleteAppDBInput!): DeleteAppDBPayload
"""Get the autobuild config for a given repo"""
autobuildConfigForRepo(input: AutobuildConfigForRepoInput!): AutobuildConfigForRepoPayload
"""Add a new github app installation"""
installGithubApp(input: InstallGithubAppInput!): InstallGithubAppPayload
"""Detach autobuild from app."""
detachAppFromAutobuild(input: DetachAppFromAutobuildInput!): DetachAppFromAutobuildPayload
"""Update autobuild config for an app."""
updateAutobuildConfigForApp(input: UpdateAutobuildConfigForAppInput!): UpdateAutobuildConfigForAppPayload
tokenAuth(input: ObtainJSONWebTokenInput!): ObtainJSONWebTokenPayload
generateDeployToken(input: GenerateDeployTokenInput!): GenerateDeployTokenPayload
verifyAccessToken(token: String): Verify
refreshAccessToken(refreshToken: String): Refresh
revokeAccessToken(refreshToken: String): Revoke
registerUser(input: RegisterUserInput!): RegisterUserPayload
socialAuth(input: SocialAuthJWTInput!): SocialAuthJWTPayload
validateUserEmail(input: ValidateUserEmailInput!): ValidateUserEmailPayload
requestPasswordReset(input: RequestPasswordResetInput!): RequestPasswordResetPayload
requestValidationEmail(input: RequestValidationEmailInput!): RequestValidationEmailPayload
changeUserPassword(input: ChangeUserPasswordInput!): ChangeUserPasswordPayload
changeUserUsername(input: ChangeUserUsernameInput!): ChangeUserUsernamePayload
changeUserEmail(input: ChangeUserEmailInput!): ChangeUserEmailPayload
updateUserInfo(input: UpdateUserInfoInput!): UpdateUserInfoPayload
validateUserPassword(input: ValidateUserPasswordInput!): ValidateUserPasswordPayload
generateApiToken(input: GenerateAPITokenInput!): GenerateAPITokenPayload
"""Request To revoke an API token; these start with 'wap_'."""
revokeApiToken(input: RevokeAPITokenInput!): RevokeAPITokenPayload
checkUserExists(input: CheckUserExistsInput!): CheckUserExistsPayload
readNotification(input: ReadNotificationInput!): ReadNotificationPayload
seePendingNotifications(input: SeePendingNotificationsInput!): SeePendingNotificationsPayload
newNonce(input: NewNonceInput!): NewNoncePayload
validateNonce(input: ValidateNonceInput!): ValidateNoncePayload
invalidateNonce(input: InvalidateNonceInput!): InvalidateNoncePayload
mfa2totpGetToken(input: MFATOTPGetTokenInput!): MFATOTPTokenType
mfa2totpVerify(input: MFATOTPVerifyInput!): MFATOTPVerifyPayload
mfa2totpAuth(input: MFATOTPAuthInput!): MFAAuthResponse
mfa2RecoveryGetToken(input: MFAGenerateRecoveryTokenInput!): MFARecoveryCodes
mfa2RecoveryAuth(input: MFARecoveryAuthInput!): MFAAuthResponse
mfa2EmailAuth(input: MFAEmailAuthInput!): MFAAuthResponse
mfa2EmailGetToken(input: MFAGenerateEmailOTPInput!): MFAEmailGenerationResponse
publishPublicKey(input: PublishPublicKeyInput!): PublishPublicKeyPayload
publishPackage(input: PublishPackageInput!): PublishPackagePayload
pushPackageRelease(input: PushPackageReleaseInput!): PushPackageReleasePayload
tagPackageRelease(input: TagPackageReleaseInput!): TagPackageReleasePayload
updatePackage(input: UpdatePackageInput!): UpdatePackagePayload
likePackage(input: LikePackageInput!): LikePackagePayload
unlikePackage(input: UnlikePackageInput!): UnlikePackagePayload
watchPackage(input: WatchPackageInput!): WatchPackagePayload
unwatchPackage(input: UnwatchPackageInput!): UnwatchPackagePayload
archivePackage(input: ArchivePackageInput!): ArchivePackagePayload
renamePackage(input: RenamePackageInput!): RenamePackagePayload
changePackageVersionArchivedStatus(input: ChangePackageVersionArchivedStatusInput!): ChangePackageVersionArchivedStatusPayload
createNamespace(input: CreateNamespaceInput!): CreateNamespacePayload
updateNamespace(input: UpdateNamespaceInput!): UpdateNamespacePayload
deleteNamespace(input: DeleteNamespaceInput!): DeleteNamespacePayload
inviteNamespaceCollaborator(input: InviteNamespaceCollaboratorInput!): InviteNamespaceCollaboratorPayload
acceptNamespaceCollaboratorInvite(input: AcceptNamespaceCollaboratorInviteInput!): AcceptNamespaceCollaboratorInvitePayload
removeNamespaceCollaboratorInvite(input: RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorInviteInput!): RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorInvitePayload
removeNamespaceCollaborator(input: RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorInput!): RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorPayload
updateNamespaceCollaboratorRole(input: UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorRoleInput!): UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorRolePayload
updateNamespaceCollaboratorInviteRole(input: UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorInviteRoleInput!): UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorInviteRolePayload
invitePackageCollaborator(input: InvitePackageCollaboratorInput!): InvitePackageCollaboratorPayload
acceptPackageCollaboratorInvite(input: AcceptPackageCollaboratorInviteInput!): AcceptPackageCollaboratorInvitePayload
removePackageCollaboratorInvite(input: RemovePackageCollaboratorInviteInput!): RemovePackageCollaboratorInvitePayload
updatePackageCollaboratorRole(input: UpdatePackageCollaboratorRoleInput!): UpdatePackageCollaboratorRolePayload
updatePackageCollaboratorInviteRole(input: UpdatePackageCollaboratorInviteRoleInput!): UpdatePackageCollaboratorInviteRolePayload
removePackageCollaborator(input: RemovePackageCollaboratorInput!): RemovePackageCollaboratorPayload
requestPackageTransfer(input: RequestPackageTransferInput!): RequestPackageTransferPayload
acceptPackageTransferRequest(input: AcceptPackageTransferRequestInput!): AcceptPackageTransferRequestPayload
removePackageTransferRequest(input: RemovePackageTransferRequestInput!): RemovePackageTransferRequestPayload
generateBindingsForAllPackages(input: GenerateBindingsForAllPackagesInput!): GenerateBindingsForAllPackagesPayload
makePackagePublic(input: MakePackagePublicInput!): MakePackagePublicPayload
generateUploadUrl(input: GenerateUploadUrlInput!): GenerateUploadUrlPayload
"""Viewer accepts the latest ToS."""
type AcceptTOSPayload {
TOS: TermsOfService!
clientMutationId: String
input AcceptTOSInput {
clientMutationId: String
type PublishDeployAppPayload {
deployAppVersion: DeployAppVersion!
clientMutationId: String
input PublishDeployAppInput {
"""The configuration of the app."""
config: Configuration!
"""The name of the app."""
name: ID
"""The owner of the app."""
owner: ID
"""The description of the app."""
description: String
"""If true, the new version will be set as the default version."""
makeDefault: Boolean = true
If true, Publishing will fail if the source package does not have a valid webc.
strict: Boolean = false
clientMutationId: String
input Configuration {
deployment: AppConfigV1
yamlConfig: String
input AppConfigV1 {
kind: String = "wasmer.io/App.v0"
appId: ID
name: String!
description: String
package: String!
type DeleteAppPayload {
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input DeleteAppInput {
"""App ID to delete."""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Add current user to the waitlist."""
type JoinWaitlistPayload {
waitlistMember: WaitlistMember!
clientMutationId: String
input JoinWaitlistInput {
name: String!
clientMutationId: String
"""Add stripe payment to the user"""
type AddPaymentPayload {
customerSecret: String!
clientMutationId: String
input AddPaymentInput {
clientMutationId: String
Mutation to change the active version of a DeployApp to another DeployAppVersion.
type MarkAppVersionAsActivePayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input MarkAppVersionAsActiveInput {
"""The ID of the DeployAppVersion to set as the new active version."""
appVersion: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Set a payment method as default for the user."""
type SetDefaultPaymentMethodPayload {
success: Boolean!
billing: Billing!
clientMutationId: String
input SetDefaultPaymentMethodInput {
paymentMethod: ID!
clientMutationId: String
Try to detach a payment method from customer.
Fails if trying to detach a default method,
or if it's the only payment method.
type DetachPaymentMethodPayload {
success: Boolean!
billing: Billing!
clientMutationId: String
input DetachPaymentMethodInput {
paymentMethod: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type GenerateDeployConfigTokenPayload {
token: String!
config: String!
clientMutationId: String
input GenerateDeployConfigTokenInput {
config: String!
clientMutationId: String
type RenameAppPayload {
success: Boolean!
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input RenameAppInput {
"""App ID to delete."""
id: ID!
"""New name for the app."""
name: String!
clientMutationId: String
type RenameAppAliasPayload {
success: Boolean!
alias: AppAlias!
clientMutationId: String
input RenameAppAliasInput {
"""App alias ID to delete."""
id: ID!
"""New name for the alias."""
name: String!
clientMutationId: String
"""Purges all cache for this app version"""
type PurgeCacheForAppVersionPayload {
appVersion: DeployAppVersion!
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input PurgeCacheForAppVersionInput {
"""ID of the app version to purge cache for."""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RequestAppTransferPayload {
appTransferRequest: AppTransferRequest
wasInstantlyTransferred: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
type AppTransferRequest implements Node {
"""The ID of the object"""
id: ID!
requestedBy: User!
previousOwnerObjectId: Int!
newOwnerObjectId: Int!
app: DeployApp!
approvedBy: User
declinedBy: User
createdAt: DateTime!
expiresAt: DateTime!
closedAt: DateTime
previousOwner: Owner!
newOwner: Owner!
input RequestAppTransferInput {
appId: ID!
newOwnerId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type AcceptAppTransferRequestPayload {
app: DeployApp!
appTransferRequest: AppTransferRequest!
clientMutationId: String
input AcceptAppTransferRequestInput {
appTransferRequestId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RemoveAppTransferRequestPayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input RemoveAppTransferRequestInput {
appTransferRequestId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type CreateRepoForAppTemplatePayload {
success: Boolean!
repoId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
input CreateRepoForAppTemplateInput {
templateId: ID!
name: String!
namespace: String!
private: Boolean = false
domains: [String] = null
clientMutationId: String
type RegisterDomainPayload {
success: Boolean!
domain: DNSDomain
clientMutationId: String
input RegisterDomainInput {
name: String!
namespace: String
importRecords: Boolean = true
clientMutationId: String
type UpsertDNSRecordPayload {
success: Boolean!
record: DNSRecord!
clientMutationId: String
input UpsertDNSRecordInput {
kind: RecordKind!
domainId: String!
name: String!
value: String!
ttl: Int
recordId: String
mx: DNSMXExtraInput
clientMutationId: String
enum RecordKind {
input DNSMXExtraInput {
preference: Int!
type DeleteDNSRecordPayload {
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input DeleteDNSRecordInput {
recordId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type UpsertDomainFromZoneFilePayload {
success: Boolean!
domain: DNSDomain!
clientMutationId: String
input UpsertDomainFromZoneFileInput {
zoneFile: String!
deleteMissingRecords: Boolean
clientMutationId: String
type DeleteDomainPayload {
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input DeleteDomainInput {
domainId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Create or update an app secret on an app with given ID"""
type UpsertAppSecretPayload {
secret: Secret!
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input UpsertAppSecretInput {
"""ID of the app onto which to add secrets."""
appId: ID!
"""Name of the secret."""
name: String!
"""Value of the secret."""
value: String!
clientMutationId: String
"""Create or update app secrets on an app with given ID"""
type UpsertAppSecretsPayload {
success: Boolean!
secrets: [Secret]!
clientMutationId: String
input UpsertAppSecretsInput {
"""ID of the app onto which to add secrets."""
appId: ID!
secrets: [SecretInput]
clientMutationId: String
input SecretInput {
"""Name of the secret."""
name: String!
"""Value of the secret."""
value: String!
"""Delete secret with given ID"""
type DeleteAppSecretPayload {
success: Boolean!
"""ID of the deleted secret."""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
input DeleteAppSecretInput {
"""ID of the secret to delete."""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Redeploy the active version of an app."""
type RedeployActiveVersionPayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input RedeployActiveVersionInput {
"""ID of the app to redeploy."""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Toggle HTTP redirect for the active version of app"""
type ToggleForceHTTPSPayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input ToggleForceHTTPSInput {
"""App ID"""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Redeploy the active version of an app."""
type RotateS3SecretsForAppPayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input RotateS3SecretsForAppInput {
"""ID of the app."""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Delete a database for an app."""
type RotateCredentialsForAppDBPayload {
database: AppDatabase!
password: String!
clientMutationId: String
input RotateCredentialsForAppDBInput {
"""App Database ID"""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Create a new database for an app."""
type CreateAppDBPayload {
database: AppDatabase!
password: String!
clientMutationId: String
input CreateAppDBInput {
"""App ID"""
id: ID!
"""Database name"""
name: String!
clientMutationId: String
"""Delete a database for an app."""
type DeleteAppDBPayload {
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input DeleteAppDBInput {
"""App Database ID"""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Get the autobuild config for a given repo"""
type AutobuildConfigForRepoPayload {
"""The build configuration"""
buildConfig: BuildConfig
"""List of apps deployed with this repo."""
deployedApps: [DeployApp]
clientMutationId: String
"""The Build Configuration for a given repo"""
type BuildConfig {
buildCmd: String!
installCmd: String!
setupDb: Boolean!
presetName: String!
appName: String!
input AutobuildConfigForRepoInput {
"""The repo URL"""
repoUrl: String!
clientMutationId: String
"""Add a new github app installation"""
type InstallGithubAppPayload {
success: Boolean!
user: User!
clientMutationId: String
input InstallGithubAppInput {
"""Github app Installation ID"""
installationId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Detach autobuild from app."""
type DetachAppFromAutobuildPayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input DetachAppFromAutobuildInput {
"""The ID of the App"""
appId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
"""Update autobuild config for an app."""
type UpdateAutobuildConfigForAppPayload {
app: DeployApp!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdateAutobuildConfigForAppInput {
"""The ID of the App"""
appId: ID!
"""Build command for the app"""
buildCmd: String
"""Install command for the app"""
installCmd: String
clientMutationId: String
type ObtainJSONWebTokenPayload {
payload: GenericScalar!
refreshExpiresIn: Int!
username: CaseInsensitiveString!
clientMutationId: String
token: String!
refreshToken: String!
The `GenericScalar` scalar type represents a generic
GraphQL scalar value that could be:
String, Boolean, Int, Float, List or Object.
scalar GenericScalar
The `CaseInsensitiveString` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8
character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to
represent free-form human-readable text.
scalar CaseInsensitiveString
input ObtainJSONWebTokenInput {
clientMutationId: String
username: String!
password: String!
type GenerateDeployTokenPayload {
token: String!
deployConfigVersion: DeployAppVersion!
clientMutationId: String
input GenerateDeployTokenInput {
deployConfigVersionId: String!
clientMutationId: String
type Verify {
payload: GenericScalar!
type Refresh {
payload: GenericScalar!
refreshExpiresIn: Int!
token: String!
refreshToken: String!
type Revoke {
revoked: Int!
type RegisterUserPayload {
token: String
clientMutationId: String
input RegisterUserInput {
fullName: String!
email: String!
username: CaseInsensitiveString!
password: String!
acceptedTos: Boolean
intent: String
clientMutationId: String
type SocialAuthJWTPayload {
social: SocialAuth
token: String
clientMutationId: String
input SocialAuthJWTInput {
provider: String!
accessToken: String!
register: Boolean = false
registerIntent: String
clientMutationId: String
type ValidateUserEmailPayload {
user: User
clientMutationId: String
input ValidateUserEmailInput {
"""The user id"""
userId: ID
challenge: String!
clientMutationId: String
type RequestPasswordResetPayload {
email: String!
errors: [ErrorType]
clientMutationId: String
type ErrorType {
field: String!
messages: [String!]!
input RequestPasswordResetInput {
email: String!
clientMutationId: String
type RequestValidationEmailPayload {
user: User
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input RequestValidationEmailInput {
"""The user id"""
userId: ID
clientMutationId: String
type ChangeUserPasswordPayload {
token: String
clientMutationId: String
input ChangeUserPasswordInput {
The token associated to change the password. If not existing it will use the request user by default
token: String
oldPassword: String
password: String!
clientMutationId: String
type ChangeUserUsernamePayload {
user: User
token: String
clientMutationId: String
input ChangeUserUsernameInput {
"""The new user username"""
username: CaseInsensitiveString!
clientMutationId: String
type ChangeUserEmailPayload {
user: User!
clientMutationId: String
input ChangeUserEmailInput {
newEmail: String!
clientMutationId: String
type UpdateUserInfoPayload {
user: User
clientMutationId: String
input UpdateUserInfoInput {
"""The user id"""
userId: ID
"""The user full name"""
fullName: String
"""The user bio"""
bio: String
"""The user avatar"""
avatar: String
The user Twitter (it can be the url, or the handle with or without the @)
twitter: String
The user Github (it can be the url, or the handle with or without the @)
github: String
"""The user website (it must be a valid url)"""
websiteUrl: String
"""The user location"""
location: String
clientMutationId: String
type ValidateUserPasswordPayload {
success: Boolean
clientMutationId: String
input ValidateUserPasswordInput {
password: String!
clientMutationId: String
type GenerateAPITokenPayload {
token: APIToken
tokenRaw: String
user: User
clientMutationId: String
input GenerateAPITokenInput {
identifier: String
clientMutationId: String
"""Request To revoke an API token; these start with 'wap_'."""
type RevokeAPITokenPayload {
token: APIToken
success: Boolean
clientMutationId: String
input RevokeAPITokenInput {
"""The API token ID"""
tokenId: String
"""The raw API token"""
token: String
clientMutationId: String
type CheckUserExistsPayload {
exists: Boolean!
"""The user is only returned if the user input was the username"""
user: User
clientMutationId: String
input CheckUserExistsInput {
"""The user"""
user: String!
clientMutationId: String
type ReadNotificationPayload {
notification: UserNotification
clientMutationId: String
input ReadNotificationInput {
notificationId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type SeePendingNotificationsPayload {
success: Boolean
clientMutationId: String
input SeePendingNotificationsInput {
clientMutationId: String
type NewNoncePayload {
nonce: Nonce!
clientMutationId: String
input NewNonceInput {
name: String!
callbackUrl: String!
clientMutationId: String
type ValidateNoncePayload {
nonce: Nonce!
clientMutationId: String
input ValidateNonceInput {
id: ID!
secret: String!
clientMutationId: String
type InvalidateNoncePayload {
nonce: Nonce!
clientMutationId: String
input InvalidateNonceInput {
id: ID!
secret: String!
clientMutationId: String
type MFATOTPTokenType {
qr: String
secretKey: String
input MFATOTPGetTokenInput {
clientMutationId: String
type MFATOTPVerifyPayload {
status: MFATOTPVerifyStatus
clientMutationId: String
enum MFATOTPVerifyStatus {
input MFATOTPVerifyInput {
answer: String!
secretKey: String!
clientMutationId: String
"""Response object for MFAAuth mutation."""
type MFAAuthResponse {
success: Boolean!
token: String
refreshToken: String
username: String
refreshTokenExpiresIn: Int
input MFATOTPAuthInput {
username: String!
otp: String!
clientMutationId: String
type MFARecoveryCodes {
codes: [String]!
input MFAGenerateRecoveryTokenInput {
clientMutationId: String
input MFARecoveryAuthInput {
username: String!
otp: String!
clientMutationId: String
input MFAEmailAuthInput {
username: String!
otp: String!
clientMutationId: String
type MFAEmailGenerationResponse {
success: Boolean!
input MFAGenerateEmailOTPInput {
clientMutationId: String
type PublishPublicKeyPayload {
success: Boolean!
publicKey: PublicKey!
clientMutationId: String
input PublishPublicKeyInput {
keyId: String!
key: String!
verifyingSignatureId: String
clientMutationId: String
type PublishPackagePayload {
success: Boolean!
packageVersion: PackageVersion
packageWebc: PackageWebc
clientMutationId: String
input PublishPackageInput {
manifest: String!
name: String
namespace: String
version: String
description: String
license: String
licenseFile: String
readme: String
repository: String
homepage: String
file: String
signedUrl: String
signature: InputSignature
"""The package icon"""
icon: String
"""Whether the package is private"""
private: Boolean = false
"""The upload format of the package"""
uploadFormat: UploadFormat = targz
"""Whether to wait for webc generation to finish"""
wait: Boolean = false
clientMutationId: String
input InputSignature {
publicKeyKeyId: String!
data: String!
enum UploadFormat {
type PushPackageReleasePayload {
success: Boolean!
packageWebc: PackageWebc
clientMutationId: String
input PushPackageReleaseInput {
namespace: String!
signedUrl: String!
name: String
"""Whether the package is private"""
private: Boolean = false
clientMutationId: String
type TagPackageReleasePayload {
success: Boolean!
packageVersion: PackageVersion
clientMutationId: String
input TagPackageReleaseInput {
packageReleaseId: ID!
version: String!
name: String
manifest: String
namespace: String
description: String
license: String
licenseFile: String
readme: String
repository: String
homepage: String
signature: InputSignature
"""The package icon"""
icon: String
private: Boolean = false
clientMutationId: String
type UpdatePackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdatePackageInput {
packageId: ID!
"""The package icon"""
icon: String
clientMutationId: String
type LikePackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input LikePackageInput {
packageId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type UnlikePackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input UnlikePackageInput {
packageId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type WatchPackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input WatchPackageInput {
packageId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type UnwatchPackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input UnwatchPackageInput {
packageId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type ArchivePackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input ArchivePackageInput {
packageId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RenamePackagePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input RenamePackageInput {
packageId: ID!
newName: String!
clientMutationId: String
type ChangePackageVersionArchivedStatusPayload {
packageVersion: PackageVersion!
clientMutationId: String
input ChangePackageVersionArchivedStatusInput {
packageVersionId: ID!
isArchived: Boolean
clientMutationId: String
type CreateNamespacePayload {
namespace: Namespace!
user: User!
clientMutationId: String
input CreateNamespaceInput {
name: String!
"""The namespace display name"""
displayName: String
"""The namespace description"""
description: String
"""The namespace avatar"""
avatar: String
clientMutationId: String
type UpdateNamespacePayload {
namespace: Namespace!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdateNamespaceInput {
namespaceId: ID!
"""The namespace slug name"""
name: String
"""The namespace display name"""
displayName: String
"""The namespace description"""
description: String
"""The namespace avatar"""
avatar: String
The user Twitter (it can be the url, or the handle with or without the @)
twitter: String
The user Github (it can be the url, or the handle with or without the @)
github: String
"""The user website (it must be a valid url)"""
websiteUrl: String
clientMutationId: String
type DeleteNamespacePayload {
success: Boolean!
clientMutationId: String
input DeleteNamespaceInput {
namespaceId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type InviteNamespaceCollaboratorPayload {
invite: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite!
namespace: Namespace!
clientMutationId: String
input InviteNamespaceCollaboratorInput {
namespaceId: ID!
role: GrapheneRole!
username: String
email: String
clientMutationId: String
type AcceptNamespaceCollaboratorInvitePayload {
namespaceCollaboratorInvite: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite!
clientMutationId: String
input AcceptNamespaceCollaboratorInviteInput {
inviteId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorInvitePayload {
namespace: Namespace!
clientMutationId: String
input RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorInviteInput {
inviteId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorPayload {
namespace: Namespace!
clientMutationId: String
input RemoveNamespaceCollaboratorInput {
namespaceCollaboratorId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorRolePayload {
collaborator: NamespaceCollaborator!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorRoleInput {
namespaceCollaboratorId: ID!
role: GrapheneRole!
clientMutationId: String
type UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorInviteRolePayload {
collaboratorInvite: NamespaceCollaboratorInvite!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdateNamespaceCollaboratorInviteRoleInput {
namespaceCollaboratorInviteId: ID!
role: GrapheneRole!
clientMutationId: String
type InvitePackageCollaboratorPayload {
invite: PackageCollaboratorInvite!
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input InvitePackageCollaboratorInput {
packageName: String!
role: GrapheneRole!
username: String
email: String
clientMutationId: String
type AcceptPackageCollaboratorInvitePayload {
packageCollaboratorInvite: PackageCollaboratorInvite!
clientMutationId: String
input AcceptPackageCollaboratorInviteInput {
inviteId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RemovePackageCollaboratorInvitePayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input RemovePackageCollaboratorInviteInput {
inviteId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type UpdatePackageCollaboratorRolePayload {
collaborator: PackageCollaborator!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdatePackageCollaboratorRoleInput {
packageCollaboratorId: ID!
role: GrapheneRole!
clientMutationId: String
type UpdatePackageCollaboratorInviteRolePayload {
collaboratorInvite: PackageCollaboratorInvite!
clientMutationId: String
input UpdatePackageCollaboratorInviteRoleInput {
packageCollaboratorInviteId: ID!
role: GrapheneRole!
clientMutationId: String
type RemovePackageCollaboratorPayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input RemovePackageCollaboratorInput {
packageCollaboratorId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RequestPackageTransferPayload {
package: Package!
wasInstantlyTransferred: Boolean!
packageTransferRequest: PackageTransferRequest
clientMutationId: String
input RequestPackageTransferInput {
packageId: ID!
newOwnerId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type AcceptPackageTransferRequestPayload {
package: Package!
packageTransferRequest: PackageTransferRequest!
clientMutationId: String
input AcceptPackageTransferRequestInput {
packageTransferRequestId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type RemovePackageTransferRequestPayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input RemovePackageTransferRequestInput {
packageTransferRequestId: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type GenerateBindingsForAllPackagesPayload {
message: String!
clientMutationId: String
input GenerateBindingsForAllPackagesInput {
bindingsGeneratorId: ID
bindingsGeneratorCommand: String
clientMutationId: String
type MakePackagePublicPayload {
package: Package!
clientMutationId: String
input MakePackagePublicInput {
"""The ID of the package to make public"""
id: ID!
clientMutationId: String
type GenerateUploadUrlPayload {
signedUrl: SignedUrl!
clientMutationId: String
input GenerateUploadUrlInput {
name: String
version: String = "latest"
filename: String
expiresAfterSeconds: Int = 60
clientMutationId: String
type Subscription {
appVersionId: ID!
Get logs starting from this timestamp. Takes ISO timestamp in UTC timezone.
startingFromISO: DateTime
Fetch logs until this timestamp. Takes ISO timestamp in UTC timezone. If specified, the subscription will at this time.
untilISO: DateTime
"""Filter logs by stream"""
streams: [LogStream]
"""Filter logs by instance ids"""
instanceIds: [String]
"""Filter logs by request ID"""
requestId: String
"""Search logs for this term"""
searchTerm: String
): Log!
waitOnRepoCreation(repoId: ID!): Boolean!
appIsPublishedFromRepo(repoId: ID!): DeployAppVersion!
publishAppFromRepoAutobuild(repoUrl: String!, appName: String!, owner: String, buildCmd: String, installCmd: String, databaseName: String, secrets: [SecretInput]): AutobuildLog
fetchBuildLogs(buildId: String!): String
packageVersionCreated(publishedBy: ID, ownerId: ID): PackageVersion!
"""Subscribe to package version ready"""
packageVersionReady(packageVersionId: ID!): PackageVersionReadyResponse!
userNotificationCreated(userId: ID!): UserNotificationCreated!
"""Log entry for Deploying app from github repo"""
type AutobuildLog {
"""Kind of log message."""
kind: AutoBuildDeployAppLogKind!
"""Log message"""
message: String
appVersion: DeployAppVersion
"""The database password, if DB was setup."""
dbPassword: String
enum AutoBuildDeployAppLogKind {
type PackageVersionReadyResponse {
state: PackageVersionState!
packageVersion: PackageVersion!
success: Boolean!
enum PackageVersionState {
type UserNotificationCreated {
notification: UserNotification
notificationDeletedId: ID