2 dead_code,
3 nonstandard_style,
4 unused_imports,
5 unused_mut,
6 unused_variables,
7 unused_unsafe,
8 unreachable_patterns
10#![allow(clippy::type_complexity, clippy::unnecessary_cast)]
14#![doc(html_favicon_url = "https://wasmer.io/images/icons/favicon-32x32.png")]
15#![doc(html_logo_url = "https://github.com/wasmerio.png?size=200")]
16#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_cfg, doc_auto_cfg))]
19extern crate log;
21use lazy_static::lazy_static;
22use std::collections::HashMap;
23use std::f64;
24use std::path::PathBuf;
25use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, RwLock};
26use wasmer::{
27 imports, namespace, AsStoreMut, AsStoreRef, ExportError, Exports, Function, FunctionEnv,
28 FunctionEnvMut, FunctionType, Global, Imports, Instance, Memory, MemoryType, Module, Pages,
29 RuntimeError, Table, TableType, TypedFunction, Value, WasmPtr,
31use wasmer_types::Type as ValType;
34extern crate libc as libc_crate;
36use libc_crate::DIR as LibcDir;
40type LibcDir = u8;
43mod macros;
45mod bitwise;
47mod emscripten_target;
48mod env;
49mod errno;
50mod exception;
51mod exec;
52mod exit;
53mod inet;
54mod io;
55mod jmp;
56mod libc;
57mod linking;
58mod lock;
59mod math;
60mod memory;
61mod process;
62mod pthread;
63mod signal;
64mod storage;
65mod syscalls;
66mod time;
67mod ucontext;
68mod unistd;
69mod utils;
70mod varargs;
72pub use self::storage::{align_memory, static_alloc};
73pub use self::utils::{
74 allocate_cstr_on_stack, allocate_on_stack, get_emscripten_memory_size, get_emscripten_metadata,
75 get_emscripten_table_size, is_emscripten_module,
78#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
80pub struct EmscriptenState {
81 pub env_vars: HashMap<String, String>,
83 pub cli_args: Vec<String>,
87impl Default for EmscriptenState {
88 fn default() -> Self {
89 Self {
90 env_vars: std::env::vars_os()
91 .filter_map(|(k, v)| Some((k.to_str()?.to_string(), v.to_str()?.to_string())))
92 .collect(),
93 cli_args: Vec::new(),
94 }
95 }
99pub struct EmEnv {
101 memory: Arc<RwLock<Option<Memory>>>,
102 data: Arc<Mutex<Option<EmscriptenData>>>,
103 funcs: Arc<Mutex<EmscriptenFunctions>>,
104 #[allow(dead_code)]
106 state: Arc<Mutex<EmscriptenState>>,
109impl Default for EmEnv {
110 fn default() -> Self {
111 Self::new()
112 }
115impl EmEnv {
116 pub fn new() -> Self {
118 Self {
119 memory: Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)),
120 data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
121 funcs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(EmscriptenFunctions::new())),
122 state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(EmscriptenState::default())),
123 }
124 }
126 pub fn new_with_state(emstate: EmscriptenState) -> Self {
127 Self {
128 memory: Arc::new(RwLock::new(None)),
129 data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)),
130 funcs: Arc::new(Mutex::new(EmscriptenFunctions::new())),
131 state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(emstate)),
132 }
133 }
135 pub fn set_memory(&self, memory: Memory) {
136 let mut w = self.memory.write().unwrap();
137 *w = Some(memory);
138 }
140 pub fn memory(&self, _mem_idx: u32) -> Memory {
142 (*self.memory.read().unwrap()).as_ref().cloned().unwrap()
143 }
145 pub fn set_functions(&self, funcs: EmscriptenFunctions) {
146 let mut w = self.funcs.lock().unwrap();
147 *w = funcs;
148 }
150 pub fn set_data(&self, data: &EmscriptenGlobalsData, mapped_dirs: HashMap<String, PathBuf>) {
151 let mut w = self.data.lock().unwrap();
152 *w = Some(EmscriptenData::new(data.clone(), mapped_dirs));
153 }
155 pub fn get_env_var(&self, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
156 let w = self.state.lock().ok()?;
157 let result = w.env_vars.get(key).cloned();
158 result
159 }
161 pub fn get_env_vars_len(&self) -> usize {
162 let w = self.state.lock().unwrap();
163 w.env_vars.len()
164 }
166 pub fn set_env_var(&self, key: &str, value: &str) -> Option<String> {
167 let mut w = self.state.lock().ok()?;
168 w.env_vars.insert(key.to_string(), value.to_string())
169 }
171 pub fn remove_env_var(&self, key: &str) -> Option<String> {
172 let mut w = self.state.lock().ok()?;
173 w.env_vars.remove(key)
174 }
176 pub fn get_args_size(&self) -> usize {
177 let w = self.state.lock().unwrap();
178 w.cli_args.len()
179 }
181 pub fn get_args(&self) -> Vec<String> {
182 let w = self.state.lock().unwrap();
183 w.cli_args.clone()
184 }
187#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
188pub struct LibcDirWrapper(pub *mut LibcDir);
190impl std::ops::Deref for LibcDirWrapper {
191 type Target = *mut LibcDir;
193 fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
194 &self.0
195 }
198unsafe impl Send for LibcDirWrapper {}
199unsafe impl Sync for LibcDirWrapper {}
201const TOTAL_STACK: u32 = 5_242_880;
203const STATIC_BUMP: u32 = 215_536;
206lazy_static! {
207 static ref OLD_ABORT_ON_CANNOT_GROW_MEMORY_SIG: FunctionType =
208 FunctionType::new(vec![], vec![ValType::I32]);
211const GLOBAL_BASE: u32 = 1024;
216const STATIC_BASE: u32 = GLOBAL_BASE;
218#[derive(Clone, Default)]
219pub struct EmscriptenFunctions {
220 pub malloc: Option<TypedFunction<u32, u32>>,
221 pub free: Option<TypedFunction<u32, ()>>,
222 pub memalign: Option<TypedFunction<(u32, u32), u32>>,
223 pub memset: Option<TypedFunction<(u32, u32, u32), u32>>,
224 pub stack_alloc: Option<TypedFunction<u32, u32>>,
226 pub dyn_call_i: Option<TypedFunction<i32, i32>>,
227 pub dyn_call_ii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32), i32>>,
228 pub dyn_call_iii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
229 pub dyn_call_iiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
230 pub dyn_call_iifi: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, f64, i32), i32>>,
231 pub dyn_call_v: Option<TypedFunction<i32, ()>>,
232 pub dyn_call_vi: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32), ()>>,
233 pub dyn_call_vii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
234 pub dyn_call_viii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
235 pub dyn_call_viiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
237 pub dyn_call_dii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), f64>>,
239 pub dyn_call_diiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), f64>>,
240 pub dyn_call_iiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
241 pub dyn_call_iiiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
242 pub dyn_call_iiiiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
243 pub dyn_call_iiiiiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
244 pub dyn_call_iiiiiiiii:
245 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
246 pub dyn_call_iiiiiiiiii:
247 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
248 pub dyn_call_iiiiiiiiiii:
249 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
250 pub dyn_call_vd: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, f64), ()>>,
251 pub dyn_call_viiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
252 pub dyn_call_viiiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
253 pub dyn_call_viiiiiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
254 pub dyn_call_viiiiiiii:
255 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
256 pub dyn_call_viiiiiiiii:
257 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
258 pub dyn_call_viiiiiiiiii:
259 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
260 pub dyn_call_iij: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
261 pub dyn_call_iji: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
262 pub dyn_call_iiji: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
263 pub dyn_call_iiijj: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
264 pub dyn_call_j: Option<TypedFunction<i32, i32>>,
265 pub dyn_call_ji: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32), i32>>,
266 pub dyn_call_jii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
267 pub dyn_call_jij: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
268 pub dyn_call_jjj: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>>,
269 pub dyn_call_viiij: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
270 pub dyn_call_viiijiiii:
271 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
272 pub dyn_call_viiijiiiiii:
273 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
274 pub dyn_call_viij: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
275 pub dyn_call_viiji: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
276 pub dyn_call_viijiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
277 pub dyn_call_viijj: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
278 pub dyn_call_vj: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
279 pub dyn_call_vjji: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
280 pub dyn_call_vij: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
281 pub dyn_call_viji: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
282 pub dyn_call_vijiii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
283 pub dyn_call_vijj: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>,
284 pub dyn_call_viid: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, f64), ()>>,
285 pub dyn_call_vidd: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, f64, f64), ()>>,
286 pub dyn_call_viidii: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, f64, i32, i32), ()>>,
287 pub dyn_call_viidddddddd:
288 Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64), ()>>,
290 pub stack_save: Option<TypedFunction<(), i32>>,
291 pub stack_restore: Option<TypedFunction<i32, ()>>,
292 pub set_threw: Option<TypedFunction<(i32, i32), ()>>,
295#[derive(Clone, Default)]
296pub struct EmscriptenData {
297 pub globals: EmscriptenGlobalsData,
299 pub jumps: Arc<Mutex<Vec<[u32; 27]>>>,
300 pub opened_dirs: HashMap<i32, Box<LibcDirWrapper>>,
302 pub temp_ret_0: i32,
304 pub mapped_dirs: HashMap<String, PathBuf>,
307impl EmscriptenData {
308 pub fn new(
309 globals: EmscriptenGlobalsData,
310 mapped_dirs: HashMap<String, PathBuf>,
311 ) -> EmscriptenData {
312 EmscriptenData {
313 globals,
314 temp_ret_0: 0,
315 mapped_dirs,
316 ..Default::default()
317 }
318 }
321impl EmscriptenFunctions {
322 pub fn new() -> EmscriptenFunctions {
323 EmscriptenFunctions {
324 ..Default::default()
325 }
326 }
327 pub fn malloc_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<u32, u32>> {
328 self.malloc.as_ref()
329 }
330 pub fn free_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<u32, ()>> {
331 self.free.as_ref()
332 }
333 pub fn memalign_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(u32, u32), u32>> {
334 self.memalign.as_ref()
335 }
336 pub fn memset_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(u32, u32, u32), u32>> {
337 self.memset.as_ref()
338 }
339 pub fn stack_alloc_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<u32, u32>> {
340 self.stack_alloc.as_ref()
341 }
343 pub fn dyn_call_i_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<i32, i32>> {
344 self.dyn_call_i.as_ref()
345 }
346 pub fn dyn_call_ii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32), i32>> {
347 self.dyn_call_ii.as_ref()
348 }
349 pub fn dyn_call_iii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
350 self.dyn_call_iii.as_ref()
351 }
352 pub fn dyn_call_iiii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
353 self.dyn_call_iiii.as_ref()
354 }
355 pub fn dyn_call_iifi_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, f64, i32), i32>> {
356 self.dyn_call_iifi.as_ref()
357 }
358 pub fn dyn_call_v_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<i32, ()>> {
359 self.dyn_call_v.as_ref()
360 }
361 pub fn dyn_call_vi_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32), ()>> {
362 self.dyn_call_vi.as_ref()
363 }
364 pub fn dyn_call_vii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
365 self.dyn_call_vii.as_ref()
366 }
367 pub fn dyn_call_viii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
368 self.dyn_call_viii.as_ref()
369 }
370 pub fn dyn_call_viiii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
371 self.dyn_call_viiii.as_ref()
372 }
373 pub fn dyn_call_dii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), f64>> {
374 self.dyn_call_dii.as_ref()
375 }
376 pub fn dyn_call_diiii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), f64>> {
377 self.dyn_call_diiii.as_ref()
378 }
379 pub fn dyn_call_iiiii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
380 self.dyn_call_iiiii.as_ref()
381 }
382 pub fn dyn_call_iiiiii_ref(
383 &self,
384 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
385 self.dyn_call_iiiiii.as_ref()
386 }
387 pub fn dyn_call_iiiiiii_ref(
388 &self,
389 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
390 self.dyn_call_iiiiiii.as_ref()
391 }
392 pub fn dyn_call_iiiiiiii_ref(
393 &self,
394 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
395 self.dyn_call_iiiiiiii.as_ref()
396 }
397 pub fn dyn_call_iiiiiiiii_ref(
398 &self,
399 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
400 self.dyn_call_iiiiiiiii.as_ref()
401 }
402 pub fn dyn_call_iiiiiiiiii_ref(
403 &self,
404 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
405 self.dyn_call_iiiiiiiiii.as_ref()
406 }
407 pub fn dyn_call_iiiiiiiiiii_ref(
408 &self,
409 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
410 self.dyn_call_iiiiiiiiiii.as_ref()
411 }
412 pub fn dyn_call_vd_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, f64), ()>> {
413 self.dyn_call_vd.as_ref()
414 }
415 pub fn dyn_call_viiiii_ref(
416 &self,
417 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
418 self.dyn_call_viiiii.as_ref()
419 }
420 pub fn dyn_call_viiiiii_ref(
421 &self,
422 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
423 self.dyn_call_viiiiii.as_ref()
424 }
425 pub fn dyn_call_viiiiiii_ref(
426 &self,
427 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
428 self.dyn_call_viiiiiii.as_ref()
429 }
430 pub fn dyn_call_viiiiiiii_ref(
431 &self,
432 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
433 self.dyn_call_viiiiiiii.as_ref()
434 }
435 pub fn dyn_call_viiiiiiiii_ref(
436 &self,
437 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
438 self.dyn_call_viiiiiiiii.as_ref()
439 }
440 pub fn dyn_call_viiiiiiiiii_ref(
441 &self,
442 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
443 self.dyn_call_viiiiiiiiii.as_ref()
444 }
445 pub fn dyn_call_iij_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
446 self.dyn_call_iij.as_ref()
447 }
448 pub fn dyn_call_iji_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
449 self.dyn_call_iji.as_ref()
450 }
451 pub fn dyn_call_iiji_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
452 self.dyn_call_iiji.as_ref()
453 }
454 pub fn dyn_call_iiijj_ref(
455 &self,
456 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
457 self.dyn_call_iiijj.as_ref()
458 }
459 pub fn dyn_call_j_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<i32, i32>> {
460 self.dyn_call_j.as_ref()
461 }
462 pub fn dyn_call_ji_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32), i32>> {
463 self.dyn_call_ji.as_ref()
464 }
465 pub fn dyn_call_jii_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
466 self.dyn_call_jii.as_ref()
467 }
468 pub fn dyn_call_jij_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
469 self.dyn_call_jij.as_ref()
470 }
471 pub fn dyn_call_jjj_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), i32>> {
472 self.dyn_call_jjj.as_ref()
473 }
474 pub fn dyn_call_viiij_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
475 self.dyn_call_viiij.as_ref()
476 }
477 pub fn dyn_call_viiijiiii_ref(
478 &self,
479 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
480 self.dyn_call_viiijiiii.as_ref()
481 }
482 pub fn dyn_call_viiijiiiiii_ref(
483 &self,
484 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>>
485 {
486 self.dyn_call_viiijiiiiii.as_ref()
487 }
488 pub fn dyn_call_viij_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
489 self.dyn_call_viij.as_ref()
490 }
491 pub fn dyn_call_viiji_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
492 self.dyn_call_viiji.as_ref()
493 }
494 pub fn dyn_call_viijiii_ref(
495 &self,
496 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
497 self.dyn_call_viijiii.as_ref()
498 }
499 pub fn dyn_call_viijj_ref(
500 &self,
501 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
502 self.dyn_call_viijj.as_ref()
503 }
504 pub fn dyn_call_vj_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
505 self.dyn_call_vj.as_ref()
506 }
507 pub fn dyn_call_vjji_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
508 self.dyn_call_vjji.as_ref()
509 }
510 pub fn dyn_call_vij_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
511 self.dyn_call_vij.as_ref()
512 }
513 pub fn dyn_call_viji_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
514 self.dyn_call_viji.as_ref()
515 }
516 pub fn dyn_call_vijiii_ref(
517 &self,
518 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
519 self.dyn_call_vijiii.as_ref()
520 }
521 pub fn dyn_call_vijj_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32), ()>> {
522 self.dyn_call_vijj.as_ref()
523 }
524 pub fn dyn_call_viid_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, f64), ()>> {
525 self.dyn_call_viid.as_ref()
526 }
527 pub fn dyn_call_vidd_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, f64, f64), ()>> {
528 self.dyn_call_vidd.as_ref()
529 }
530 pub fn dyn_call_viidii_ref(
531 &self,
532 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, f64, i32, i32), ()>> {
533 self.dyn_call_viidii.as_ref()
534 }
535 pub fn dyn_call_viidddddddd_ref(
536 &self,
537 ) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32, i32, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64), ()>> {
538 self.dyn_call_viidddddddd.as_ref()
539 }
541 pub fn stack_save_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(), i32>> {
542 self.stack_save.as_ref()
543 }
544 pub fn stack_restore_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<i32, ()>> {
545 self.stack_restore.as_ref()
546 }
547 pub fn set_threw_ref(&self) -> Option<&TypedFunction<(i32, i32), ()>> {
548 self.set_threw.as_ref()
549 }
552pub fn set_up_emscripten(
558 store: &mut impl AsStoreMut,
559 instance: &mut Instance,
560) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
561 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_function("globalCtors") {
564 func.call(store, &[])?;
565 }
567 if let Ok(func) = instance
568 .exports
569 .get_function("___emscripten_environ_constructor")
570 {
571 func.call(store, &[])?;
572 }
573 Ok(())
576pub fn emscripten_get_main_func_name<'a>(
584 instance: &Instance,
585 main_func_names: &[&'a str],
586) -> Result<&'a str, ExportError> {
587 let mut last_err = None;
589 for func_name in main_func_names.iter() {
590 match instance.exports.get::<Function>(func_name) {
591 Ok(_) => {
592 return Ok(func_name);
593 }
594 Err(e) => {
595 last_err = Some(e);
596 }
597 }
598 }
600 match last_err {
601 None => Err(ExportError::Missing(format!("{main_func_names:?}"))),
602 Some(e) => Err(e),
603 }
606pub fn emscripten_call_main(
611 instance: &mut Instance,
612 function_name: &str,
613 mut env: FunctionEnvMut<EmEnv>,
614 path: &str,
615 args: &[&str],
616) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
617 let main_func = instance
618 .exports
619 .get::<Function>(function_name)
620 .map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e.to_string()))?;
621 let num_params = main_func.ty(&env).params().len();
622 match num_params {
623 2 => {
624 let mut new_args = vec![path];
625 new_args.extend(args);
626 let (argc, argv) = store_module_arguments(&mut env, new_args);
627 let func: &Function = instance
628 .exports
629 .get(function_name)
630 .map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e.to_string()))?;
631 func.call(
632 &mut env,
633 &[Value::I32(argc as i32), Value::I32(argv as i32)],
634 )?;
635 }
636 0 => {
637 let func: &Function = instance
638 .exports
639 .get(function_name)
640 .map_err(|e| RuntimeError::new(e.to_string()))?;
641 func.call(&mut env, &[])?;
642 }
643 _ => {
644 todo!("Update error type to be able to express this");
645 }
649 };
651 Ok(())
654pub fn run_emscripten_instance(
656 instance: &mut Instance,
657 mut env: FunctionEnvMut<EmEnv>,
658 globals: &mut EmscriptenGlobals,
659 path: &str,
660 args: Vec<&str>,
661 entrypoint: Option<String>,
662) -> Result<(), RuntimeError> {
663 env.data_mut().set_memory(globals.memory.clone());
665 let mut emfuncs = EmscriptenFunctions::new();
667 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "malloc") {
668 emfuncs.malloc = Some(func);
669 } else if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "_malloc") {
670 emfuncs.malloc = Some(func);
671 }
672 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "free") {
673 emfuncs.free = Some(func);
674 } else if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "_free") {
675 emfuncs.free = Some(func);
676 }
677 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "memalign") {
678 emfuncs.memalign = Some(func);
679 } else if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "_memalign") {
680 emfuncs.memalign = Some(func);
681 }
682 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "memset") {
683 emfuncs.memset = Some(func);
684 } else if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "_memset") {
685 emfuncs.memset = Some(func);
686 }
687 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "stackAlloc") {
688 emfuncs.stack_alloc = Some(func);
689 }
690 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_i") {
691 emfuncs.dyn_call_i = Some(func);
692 }
693 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_ii") {
694 emfuncs.dyn_call_ii = Some(func);
695 }
696 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iii") {
697 emfuncs.dyn_call_iii = Some(func);
698 }
699 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiii") {
700 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiii = Some(func);
701 }
702 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iifi") {
703 emfuncs.dyn_call_iifi = Some(func);
704 }
705 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_v") {
706 emfuncs.dyn_call_v = Some(func);
707 }
708 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vi") {
709 emfuncs.dyn_call_vi = Some(func);
710 }
711 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vii") {
712 emfuncs.dyn_call_vii = Some(func);
713 }
714 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viii") {
715 emfuncs.dyn_call_viii = Some(func);
716 }
717 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiii") {
718 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiii = Some(func);
719 }
720 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_dii") {
721 emfuncs.dyn_call_dii = Some(func);
722 }
723 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_diiii") {
724 emfuncs.dyn_call_diiii = Some(func);
725 }
726 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiii") {
727 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiii = Some(func);
728 }
729 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiiii") {
730 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiiii = Some(func);
731 }
732 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiiiii") {
733 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiiiii = Some(func);
734 }
735 if let Ok(func) = instance
736 .exports
737 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiiiiii")
738 {
739 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiiiiii = Some(func);
740 }
741 if let Ok(func) = instance
742 .exports
743 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiiiiiii")
744 {
745 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiiiiiii = Some(func);
746 }
747 if let Ok(func) = instance
748 .exports
749 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiiiiiiii")
750 {
751 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiiiiiiii = Some(func);
752 }
753 if let Ok(func) = instance
754 .exports
755 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiiiiiiiiii")
756 {
757 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiiiiiiiiii = Some(func);
758 }
759 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vd") {
760 emfuncs.dyn_call_vd = Some(func);
761 }
762 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiiii") {
763 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiiii = Some(func);
764 }
765 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiiiii") {
766 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiiiii = Some(func);
767 }
768 if let Ok(func) = instance
769 .exports
770 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiiiiii")
771 {
772 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiiiiii = Some(func);
773 }
774 if let Ok(func) = instance
775 .exports
776 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiiiiiii")
777 {
778 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiiiiiii = Some(func);
779 }
780 if let Ok(func) = instance
781 .exports
782 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiiiiiiii")
783 {
784 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiiiiiiii = Some(func);
785 }
786 if let Ok(func) = instance
787 .exports
788 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiiiiiiiii")
789 {
790 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiiiiiiiii = Some(func);
791 }
792 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iij") {
793 emfuncs.dyn_call_iij = Some(func);
794 }
795 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iji") {
796 emfuncs.dyn_call_iji = Some(func);
797 }
798 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiji") {
799 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiji = Some(func);
800 }
801 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_iiijj") {
802 emfuncs.dyn_call_iiijj = Some(func);
803 }
804 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_j") {
805 emfuncs.dyn_call_j = Some(func);
806 }
807 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_ji") {
808 emfuncs.dyn_call_ji = Some(func);
809 }
810 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_jii") {
811 emfuncs.dyn_call_jii = Some(func);
812 }
813 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_jij") {
814 emfuncs.dyn_call_jij = Some(func);
815 }
816 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_jjj") {
817 emfuncs.dyn_call_jjj = Some(func);
818 }
819 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiij") {
820 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiij = Some(func);
821 }
822 if let Ok(func) = instance
823 .exports
824 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiijiiii")
825 {
826 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiijiiii = Some(func);
827 }
828 if let Ok(func) = instance
829 .exports
830 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiijiiiiii")
831 {
832 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiijiiiiii = Some(func);
833 }
834 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viij") {
835 emfuncs.dyn_call_viij = Some(func);
836 }
837 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viiji") {
838 emfuncs.dyn_call_viiji = Some(func);
839 }
840 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viijiii") {
841 emfuncs.dyn_call_viijiii = Some(func);
842 }
843 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viijj") {
844 emfuncs.dyn_call_viijj = Some(func);
845 }
846 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vj") {
847 emfuncs.dyn_call_vj = Some(func);
848 }
849 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vjji") {
850 emfuncs.dyn_call_vjji = Some(func);
851 }
852 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vij") {
853 emfuncs.dyn_call_vij = Some(func);
854 }
855 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viji") {
856 emfuncs.dyn_call_viji = Some(func);
857 }
858 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vijiii") {
859 emfuncs.dyn_call_vijiii = Some(func);
860 }
861 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vijj") {
862 emfuncs.dyn_call_vijj = Some(func);
863 }
864 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viid") {
865 emfuncs.dyn_call_viid = Some(func);
866 }
867 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_vidd") {
868 emfuncs.dyn_call_vidd = Some(func);
869 }
870 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viidii") {
871 emfuncs.dyn_call_viidii = Some(func);
872 }
873 if let Ok(func) = instance
874 .exports
875 .get_typed_function(&env, "dynCall_viidddddddd")
876 {
877 emfuncs.dyn_call_viidddddddd = Some(func);
878 }
879 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "stackSave") {
880 emfuncs.stack_save = Some(func);
881 }
882 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "stackRestore") {
883 emfuncs.stack_restore = Some(func);
884 }
885 if let Ok(func) = instance.exports.get_typed_function(&env, "setThrew") {
886 emfuncs.set_threw = Some(func);
887 }
888 env.data().set_functions(emfuncs);
890 set_up_emscripten(&mut env, instance)?;
892 let main_func_names = ["_main", "main"];
893 if let Some(ep) = entrypoint.as_ref() {
894 debug!("Running entry point: {}", ep);
895 emscripten_call_main(instance, ep, env, path, &args)?;
896 } else if let Ok(name) = emscripten_get_main_func_name(instance, &main_func_names) {
897 emscripten_call_main(instance, name, env, path, &args)?;
898 } else {
899 return Err(RuntimeError::new(format!(
900 "No main function found (searched: {main_func_names:?}) and no entrypoint specified"
901 )));
902 }
904 Ok(())
909fn store_module_arguments(env: &mut FunctionEnvMut<EmEnv>, args: Vec<&str>) -> (u32, u32) {
910 let argc = args.len() + 1;
912 let mut args_slice = vec![0; argc];
913 for (slot, arg) in args_slice[0..argc].iter_mut().zip(args.iter()) {
914 *slot = unsafe { allocate_cstr_on_stack(&mut env.as_mut(), arg).0 };
915 }
917 let (argv_offset, argv_slice): (_, &mut [u32]) =
918 unsafe { allocate_on_stack(&mut env.as_mut(), ((argc) * 4) as u32) };
919 assert!(!argv_slice.is_empty());
920 for (slot, arg) in argv_slice[0..argc].iter_mut().zip(args_slice.iter()) {
921 *slot = *arg
922 }
923 argv_slice[argc] = 0;
925 (argc as u32 - 1, argv_offset)
928pub fn emscripten_set_up_memory(
929 store: &impl AsStoreRef,
930 env: &FunctionEnv<EmEnv>,
931 memory: &Memory,
932 globals: &EmscriptenGlobalsData,
933) -> Result<(), String> {
934 env.as_ref(store).set_memory(memory.clone());
935 let memory = memory.view(store);
936 let dynamictop_ptr = WasmPtr::<i32>::new(globals.dynamictop_ptr).deref(&memory);
937 let dynamic_base = globals.dynamic_base;
939 if dynamictop_ptr.offset() >= memory.data_size() {
940 return Err("dynamictop_ptr beyond memory len".to_string());
941 }
942 dynamictop_ptr.write(dynamic_base as i32).unwrap();
943 Ok(())
946#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
947pub struct EmscriptenGlobalsData {
948 abort: u64,
949 stacktop: u32,
951 stack_max: u32,
952 dynamictop_ptr: u32,
953 dynamic_base: u32,
954 memory_base: u32,
955 table_base: u32,
956 temp_double_ptr: u32,
957 use_old_abort_on_cannot_grow_memory: bool,
960pub struct EmscriptenGlobals {
961 pub data: EmscriptenGlobalsData,
963 pub memory: Memory,
965 pub table: Table,
966 pub memory_min: Pages,
967 pub memory_max: Option<Pages>,
968 pub null_function_names: Vec<String>,
971impl EmscriptenGlobals {
972 pub fn new(
973 mut store: &mut impl AsStoreMut,
974 env: &FunctionEnv<EmEnv>,
975 module: &Module, ) -> Result<Self, String> {
977 let mut use_old_abort_on_cannot_grow_memory = false;
978 for import in module.imports().functions() {
979 if import.name() == "abortOnCannotGrowMemory" && import.module() == "env" {
980 if import.ty() == &*OLD_ABORT_ON_CANNOT_GROW_MEMORY_SIG {
981 use_old_abort_on_cannot_grow_memory = true;
982 }
983 break;
984 }
985 }
987 let (table_min, table_max) = get_emscripten_table_size(module)?;
988 let (memory_min, memory_max, shared) = get_emscripten_memory_size(module)?;
990 let memory_type = MemoryType::new(memory_min, memory_max, shared);
992 let memory = Memory::new(&mut store, memory_type).unwrap();
994 let table_type = TableType {
995 ty: ValType::FuncRef,
996 minimum: table_min,
997 maximum: table_max,
998 };
999 let table = Table::new(&mut store, table_type, Value::FuncRef(None)).unwrap();
1001 let data = {
1002 let static_bump = STATIC_BUMP;
1004 let mut static_top = STATIC_BASE + static_bump;
1006 let memory_base = STATIC_BASE;
1007 let table_base = 0;
1009 let temp_double_ptr = static_top;
1010 static_top += 16;
1012 let (dynamic_base, dynamictop_ptr) =
1013 get_emscripten_metadata(module)?.unwrap_or_else(|| {
1014 let dynamictop_ptr = static_alloc(&mut static_top, 4);
1015 (
1016 align_memory(align_memory(static_top) + TOTAL_STACK),
1017 dynamictop_ptr,
1018 )
1019 });
1021 let stacktop = align_memory(static_top);
1022 let stack_max = stacktop + TOTAL_STACK;
1024 EmscriptenGlobalsData {
1025 abort: 0,
1026 stacktop,
1027 stack_max,
1028 dynamictop_ptr,
1029 dynamic_base,
1030 memory_base,
1031 table_base,
1032 temp_double_ptr,
1033 use_old_abort_on_cannot_grow_memory,
1034 }
1035 };
1037 emscripten_set_up_memory(store, env, &memory, &data)?;
1039 let mut null_function_names = vec![];
1040 for import in module.imports().functions() {
1041 if import.module() == "env"
1042 && (import.name().starts_with("nullFunction_")
1043 || import.name().starts_with("nullFunc_"))
1044 {
1045 null_function_names.push(import.name().to_string())
1046 }
1047 }
1049 Ok(Self {
1050 data,
1051 memory,
1052 table,
1053 memory_min,
1054 memory_max,
1055 null_function_names,
1056 })
1057 }
1060pub fn generate_emscripten_env(
1061 mut store: &mut impl AsStoreMut,
1062 env: &FunctionEnv<EmEnv>,
1063 globals: &mut EmscriptenGlobals,
1064) -> Imports {
1065 let abort_on_cannot_grow_memory_export = if globals.data.use_old_abort_on_cannot_grow_memory {
1066 Function::new_typed_with_env(
1067 &mut store,
1068 env,
1069 crate::memory::abort_on_cannot_grow_memory_old,
1070 )
1071 } else {
1072 Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::abort_on_cannot_grow_memory)
1073 };
1075 let mut env_ns: Exports = namespace! {
1076 "memory" => globals.memory.clone(),
1077 "table" => globals.table.clone(),
1079 "STACKTOP" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.stacktop as i32)),
1081 "STACK_MAX" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.stack_max as i32)),
1082 "DYNAMICTOP_PTR" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.dynamictop_ptr as i32)),
1083 "fb" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.table_base as i32)),
1084 "tableBase" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.table_base as i32)),
1085 "__table_base" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.table_base as i32)),
1086 "ABORT" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.abort as i32)),
1087 "gb" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.memory_base as i32)),
1088 "memoryBase" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.memory_base as i32)),
1089 "__memory_base" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.memory_base as i32)),
1090 "tempDoublePtr" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::I32(globals.data.temp_double_ptr as i32)),
1092 "_inet_addr" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::inet::addr),
1095 "printf" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::printf),
1097 "putchar" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::putchar),
1098 "___lock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::lock::___lock),
1099 "___unlock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::lock::___unlock),
1100 "___wait" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::lock::___wait),
1101 "_flock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::lock::_flock),
1102 "_chroot" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::chroot),
1103 "_getprotobyname" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::getprotobyname),
1104 "_getprotobynumber" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::getprotobynumber),
1105 "_getpwuid" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::getpwuid),
1106 "_sigdelset" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::sigdelset),
1107 "_sigfillset" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::sigfillset),
1108 "_tzset" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::tzset),
1109 "_strptime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::io::strptime),
1111 "_execvp" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exec::execvp),
1113 "_execl" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exec::execl),
1114 "_execle" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exec::execle),
1116 "__exit" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exit::exit),
1119 "___assert_fail" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::___assert_fail),
1121 "_getenv" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_getenv),
1122 "_setenv" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_setenv),
1123 "_putenv" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_putenv),
1124 "_unsetenv" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_unsetenv),
1125 "_getpwnam" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_getpwnam),
1126 "_getgrnam" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_getgrnam),
1127 "___buildEnvironment" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::___build_environment),
1128 "___setErrNo" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::errno::___seterrno),
1129 "_getpagesize" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_getpagesize),
1130 "_sysconf" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_sysconf),
1131 "_getaddrinfo" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_getaddrinfo),
1132 "_times" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_times),
1133 "_pathconf" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_pathconf),
1134 "_fpathconf" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_fpathconf),
1136 "___syscall1" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall1),
1138 "___syscall3" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall3),
1139 "___syscall4" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall4),
1140 "___syscall5" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall5),
1141 "___syscall6" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall6),
1142 "___syscall9" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall9),
1143 "___syscall10" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall10),
1144 "___syscall12" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall12),
1145 "___syscall14" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall14),
1146 "___syscall15" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall15),
1147 "___syscall20" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall20),
1148 "___syscall21" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall21),
1149 "___syscall25" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall25),
1150 "___syscall29" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall29),
1151 "___syscall32" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall32),
1152 "___syscall33" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall33),
1153 "___syscall34" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall34),
1154 "___syscall36" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall36),
1155 "___syscall39" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall39),
1156 "___syscall38" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall38),
1157 "___syscall40" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall40),
1158 "___syscall41" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall41),
1159 "___syscall42" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall42),
1160 "___syscall51" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall51),
1161 "___syscall52" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall52),
1162 "___syscall53" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall53),
1163 "___syscall54" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall54),
1164 "___syscall57" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall57),
1165 "___syscall60" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall60),
1166 "___syscall63" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall63),
1167 "___syscall64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall64),
1168 "___syscall66" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall66),
1169 "___syscall75" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall75),
1170 "___syscall77" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall77),
1171 "___syscall83" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall83),
1172 "___syscall85" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall85),
1173 "___syscall91" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall91),
1174 "___syscall94" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall94),
1175 "___syscall96" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall96),
1176 "___syscall97" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall97),
1177 "___syscall102" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall102),
1178 "___syscall110" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall110),
1179 "___syscall114" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall114),
1180 "___syscall118" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall118),
1181 "___syscall121" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall121),
1182 "___syscall122" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall122),
1183 "___syscall125" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall125),
1184 "___syscall132" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall132),
1185 "___syscall133" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall133),
1186 "___syscall140" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall140),
1187 "___syscall142" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall142),
1188 "___syscall144" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall144),
1189 "___syscall145" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall145),
1190 "___syscall146" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall146),
1191 "___syscall147" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall147),
1192 "___syscall148" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall148),
1193 "___syscall150" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall150),
1194 "___syscall151" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall151),
1195 "___syscall152" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall152),
1196 "___syscall153" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall153),
1197 "___syscall163" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall163),
1198 "___syscall168" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall168),
1199 "___syscall180" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall180),
1200 "___syscall181" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall181),
1201 "___syscall183" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall183),
1202 "___syscall191" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall191),
1203 "___syscall192" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall192),
1204 "___syscall193" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall193),
1205 "___syscall194" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall194),
1206 "___syscall195" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall195),
1207 "___syscall196" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall196),
1208 "___syscall197" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall197),
1209 "___syscall198" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall198),
1210 "___syscall199" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall199),
1211 "___syscall200" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall200),
1212 "___syscall201" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall201),
1213 "___syscall202" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall202),
1214 "___syscall205" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall205),
1215 "___syscall207" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall207),
1216 "___syscall209" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall209),
1217 "___syscall211" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall211),
1218 "___syscall212" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall212),
1219 "___syscall218" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall218),
1220 "___syscall219" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall219),
1221 "___syscall220" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall220),
1222 "___syscall221" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall221),
1223 "___syscall268" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall268),
1224 "___syscall269" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall269),
1225 "___syscall272" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall272),
1226 "___syscall295" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall295),
1227 "___syscall296" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall296),
1228 "___syscall297" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall297),
1229 "___syscall298" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall298),
1230 "___syscall300" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall300),
1231 "___syscall301" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall301),
1232 "___syscall302" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall302),
1233 "___syscall303" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall303),
1234 "___syscall304" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall304),
1235 "___syscall305" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall305),
1236 "___syscall306" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall306),
1237 "___syscall307" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall307),
1238 "___syscall308" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall308),
1239 "___syscall320" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall320),
1240 "___syscall324" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall324),
1241 "___syscall330" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall330),
1242 "___syscall331" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall331),
1243 "___syscall333" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall333),
1244 "___syscall334" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall334),
1245 "___syscall337" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall337),
1246 "___syscall340" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall340),
1247 "___syscall345" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::syscalls::___syscall345),
1249 "abort" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::em_abort),
1251 "_abort" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_abort),
1252 "_prctl" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_prctl),
1253 "abortStackOverflow" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::abort_stack_overflow),
1254 "_llvm_trap" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_llvm_trap),
1255 "_fork" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_fork),
1256 "_exit" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_exit),
1257 "_system" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_system),
1258 "_popen" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_popen),
1259 "_endgrent" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_endgrent),
1260 "_execve" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_execve),
1261 "_kill" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_kill),
1262 "_llvm_stackrestore" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_llvm_stackrestore),
1263 "_llvm_stacksave" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_llvm_stacksave),
1264 "_llvm_eh_typeid_for" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_llvm_eh_typeid_for),
1265 "_raise" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_raise),
1266 "_sem_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_sem_init),
1267 "_sem_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_sem_destroy),
1268 "_sem_post" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_sem_post),
1269 "_sem_wait" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_sem_wait),
1270 "_getgrent" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_getgrent),
1271 "_sched_yield" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_sched_yield),
1272 "_setgrent" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_setgrent),
1273 "_setgroups" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_setgroups),
1274 "_setitimer" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_setitimer),
1275 "_usleep" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_usleep),
1276 "_nanosleep" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_nanosleep),
1277 "_utime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_utime),
1278 "_utimes" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_utimes),
1279 "_wait" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_wait),
1280 "_wait3" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_wait3),
1281 "_wait4" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_wait4),
1282 "_waitid" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_waitid),
1283 "_waitpid" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::process::_waitpid),
1285 "_emscripten_asm_const_i" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::asm_const_i),
1287 "_emscripten_exit_with_live_runtime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::exit_with_live_runtime),
1289 "_sigemptyset" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_sigemptyset),
1291 "_sigaddset" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_sigaddset),
1292 "_sigprocmask" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_sigprocmask),
1293 "_sigaction" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_sigaction),
1294 "_signal" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_signal),
1295 "_sigsuspend" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_sigsuspend),
1297 "abortOnCannotGrowMemory" => abort_on_cannot_grow_memory_export,
1299 "_emscripten_memcpy_big" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::_emscripten_memcpy_big),
1300 "_emscripten_get_heap_size" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::_emscripten_get_heap_size),
1301 "_emscripten_resize_heap" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::_emscripten_resize_heap),
1302 "enlargeMemory" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::enlarge_memory),
1303 "segfault" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::segfault),
1304 "alignfault" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::alignfault),
1305 "ftfault" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::ftfault),
1306 "getTotalMemory" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::get_total_memory),
1307 "_sbrk" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::sbrk),
1308 "___map_file" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::memory::___map_file),
1310 "___cxa_allocate_exception" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_allocate_exception),
1312 "___cxa_current_primary_exception" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_current_primary_exception),
1313 "___cxa_decrement_exception_refcount" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_decrement_exception_refcount),
1314 "___cxa_increment_exception_refcount" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_increment_exception_refcount),
1315 "___cxa_rethrow_primary_exception" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_rethrow_primary_exception),
1316 "___cxa_throw" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_throw),
1317 "___cxa_begin_catch" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_begin_catch),
1318 "___cxa_end_catch" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_end_catch),
1319 "___cxa_uncaught_exception" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_uncaught_exception),
1320 "___cxa_pure_virtual" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::exception::___cxa_pure_virtual),
1322 "_gettimeofday" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_gettimeofday),
1324 "_clock_getres" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_clock_getres),
1325 "_clock_gettime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_clock_gettime),
1326 "_clock_settime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_clock_settime),
1327 "___clock_gettime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_clock_gettime),
1328 "_clock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_clock),
1329 "_difftime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_difftime),
1330 "_asctime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_asctime),
1331 "_asctime_r" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_asctime_r),
1332 "_localtime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_localtime),
1333 "_time" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_time),
1334 "_timegm" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_timegm),
1335 "_strftime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_strftime),
1336 "_strftime_l" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_strftime_l),
1337 "_localtime_r" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_localtime_r),
1338 "_gmtime_r" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_gmtime_r),
1339 "_ctime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_ctime),
1340 "_ctime_r" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_ctime_r),
1341 "_mktime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_mktime),
1342 "_gmtime" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::time::_gmtime),
1344 "sqrt" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::sqrt),
1346 "floor" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::floor),
1347 "fabs" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::fabs),
1348 "f64-rem" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::f64_rem),
1349 "_llvm_copysign_f32" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_copysign_f32),
1350 "_llvm_copysign_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_copysign_f64),
1351 "_llvm_log10_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_log10_f64),
1352 "_llvm_log2_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_log2_f64),
1353 "_llvm_log10_f32" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_log10_f32),
1354 "_llvm_log2_f32" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_log2_f64),
1355 "_llvm_sin_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_sin_f64),
1356 "_llvm_cos_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_cos_f64),
1357 "_llvm_exp2_f32" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_exp2_f32),
1358 "_llvm_exp2_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_exp2_f64),
1359 "_llvm_trunc_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_trunc_f64),
1360 "_llvm_fma_f64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_llvm_fma_f64),
1361 "_emscripten_random" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::_emscripten_random),
1363 "__setjmp" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::jmp::__setjmp),
1365 "__longjmp" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::jmp::__longjmp),
1366 "_longjmp" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::jmp::_longjmp),
1367 "_emscripten_longjmp" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::jmp::_longjmp),
1369 "_llvm_bswap_i64" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::bitwise::_llvm_bswap_i64),
1372 "_execv" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::execv),
1374 "_endpwent" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::endpwent),
1375 "_fexecve" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::fexecve),
1376 "_fpathconf" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::fpathconf),
1377 "_getitimer" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::getitimer),
1378 "_getpwent" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::getpwent),
1379 "_killpg" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::killpg),
1380 "_pathconf" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::pathconf),
1381 "_siginterrupt" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::signal::_siginterrupt),
1382 "_setpwent" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::setpwent),
1383 "_sigismember" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::sigismember),
1384 "_sigpending" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::sigpending),
1385 "___libc_current_sigrtmax" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::current_sigrtmax),
1386 "___libc_current_sigrtmin" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::libc::current_sigrtmin),
1388 "_dlclose" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::linking::_dlclose),
1390 "_dlerror" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::linking::_dlerror),
1391 "_dlopen" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::linking::_dlopen),
1392 "_dlsym" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::linking::_dlsym),
1394 "_alarm" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_alarm),
1396 "_atexit" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_atexit),
1397 "setTempRet0" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::setTempRet0),
1398 "getTempRet0" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::getTempRet0),
1399 "invoke_i" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_i),
1400 "invoke_ii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_ii),
1401 "invoke_iii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iii),
1402 "invoke_iiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiii),
1403 "invoke_iifi" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iifi),
1404 "invoke_v" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_v),
1405 "invoke_vi" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vi),
1406 "invoke_vj" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vj),
1407 "invoke_vjji" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vjji),
1408 "invoke_vii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vii),
1409 "invoke_viii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viii),
1410 "invoke_viiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiii),
1411 "__Unwind_Backtrace" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::__Unwind_Backtrace),
1412 "__Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::__Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction),
1413 "__Unwind_GetIPInfo" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::__Unwind_GetIPInfo),
1414 "___cxa_find_matching_catch_2" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::___cxa_find_matching_catch_2),
1415 "___cxa_find_matching_catch_3" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::___cxa_find_matching_catch_3),
1416 "___cxa_free_exception" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::___cxa_free_exception),
1417 "___resumeException" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::___resumeException),
1418 "_dladdr" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_dladdr),
1419 "_pthread_attr_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_attr_destroy),
1420 "_pthread_attr_getstack" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_attr_getstack),
1421 "_pthread_attr_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_attr_init),
1422 "_pthread_attr_setstacksize" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_attr_setstacksize),
1423 "_pthread_cleanup_pop" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cleanup_pop),
1424 "_pthread_cleanup_push" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cleanup_push),
1425 "_pthread_cond_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cond_destroy),
1426 "_pthread_cond_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cond_init),
1427 "_pthread_cond_signal" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cond_signal),
1428 "_pthread_cond_timedwait" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cond_timedwait),
1429 "_pthread_cond_wait" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_cond_wait),
1430 "_pthread_condattr_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_condattr_destroy),
1431 "_pthread_condattr_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_condattr_init),
1432 "_pthread_condattr_setclock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_condattr_setclock),
1433 "_pthread_create" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_create),
1434 "_pthread_detach" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_detach),
1435 "_pthread_equal" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_equal),
1436 "_pthread_exit" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_exit),
1437 "_pthread_self" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_self),
1438 "_pthread_getattr_np" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_getattr_np),
1439 "_pthread_getspecific" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_getspecific),
1440 "_pthread_join" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_join),
1441 "_pthread_key_create" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_key_create),
1442 "_pthread_mutex_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_mutex_destroy),
1443 "_pthread_mutex_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_mutex_init),
1444 "_pthread_mutexattr_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_mutexattr_destroy),
1445 "_pthread_mutexattr_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_mutexattr_init),
1446 "_pthread_mutexattr_settype" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_mutexattr_settype),
1447 "_pthread_once" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_once),
1448 "_pthread_rwlock_destroy" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_rwlock_destroy),
1449 "_pthread_rwlock_init" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_rwlock_init),
1450 "_pthread_rwlock_rdlock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_rwlock_rdlock),
1451 "_pthread_rwlock_unlock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_rwlock_unlock),
1452 "_pthread_rwlock_wrlock" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_rwlock_wrlock),
1453 "_pthread_setcancelstate" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_setcancelstate),
1454 "_pthread_setspecific" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_setspecific),
1455 "_pthread_sigmask" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::pthread::_pthread_sigmask),
1456 "___gxx_personality_v0" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::___gxx_personality_v0),
1457 "_gai_strerror" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::env::_gai_strerror),
1458 "_getdtablesize" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_getdtablesize),
1459 "_gethostbyaddr" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_gethostbyaddr),
1460 "_gethostbyname" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_gethostbyname),
1461 "_gethostbyname_r" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_gethostbyname_r),
1462 "_getloadavg" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_getloadavg),
1463 "_getnameinfo" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::_getnameinfo),
1464 "invoke_dii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_dii),
1465 "invoke_diiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_diiii),
1466 "invoke_iiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiii),
1467 "invoke_iiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiiii),
1468 "invoke_iiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiiiii),
1469 "invoke_iiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiiiiii),
1470 "invoke_iiiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiiiiiii),
1471 "invoke_iiiiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiiiiiiii),
1472 "invoke_iiiiiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiiiiiiiiii),
1473 "invoke_vd" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vd),
1474 "invoke_viiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiii),
1475 "invoke_viiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiiii),
1476 "invoke_viiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiiiii),
1477 "invoke_viiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiiiiii),
1478 "invoke_viiiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiiiiiii),
1479 "invoke_viiiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiiiiiii),
1480 "invoke_viiiiiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiiiiiiiii),
1481 "invoke_iij" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iij),
1482 "invoke_iji" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iji),
1483 "invoke_iiji" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiji),
1484 "invoke_iiijj" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_iiijj),
1485 "invoke_j" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_j),
1486 "invoke_ji" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_ji),
1487 "invoke_jii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_jii),
1488 "invoke_jij" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_jij),
1489 "invoke_jjj" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_jjj),
1490 "invoke_viiij" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiij),
1491 "invoke_viiijiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiijiiii),
1492 "invoke_viiijiiiiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiijiiiiii),
1493 "invoke_viij" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viij),
1494 "invoke_viiji" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viiji),
1495 "invoke_viijiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viijiii),
1496 "invoke_viijj" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viijj),
1497 "invoke_vij" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vij),
1498 "invoke_viji" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viji),
1499 "invoke_vijiii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vijiii),
1500 "invoke_vijj" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vijj),
1501 "invoke_vidd" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_vidd),
1502 "invoke_viid" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viid),
1503 "invoke_viidii" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viidii),
1504 "invoke_viidddddddd" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::emscripten_target::invoke_viidddddddd),
1506 "_getcontext" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::ucontext::_getcontext),
1508 "_makecontext" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::ucontext::_makecontext),
1509 "_setcontext" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::ucontext::_setcontext),
1510 "_swapcontext" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::ucontext::_swapcontext),
1512 "_confstr" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::unistd::confstr),
1514 };
1516 let mut to_insert: Vec<(String, _)> = vec![];
1518 for (k, v) in env_ns.iter() {
1519 if let Some(k) = k.strip_prefix('_') {
1520 if !env_ns.contains(k) {
1521 to_insert.push((k.to_string(), v.clone()));
1522 }
1523 }
1524 }
1526 for (k, v) in to_insert {
1527 env_ns.insert(k, v);
1528 }
1530 for null_function_name in globals.null_function_names.iter() {
1531 env_ns.insert(
1532 null_function_name.as_str(),
1533 Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, nullfunc),
1534 );
1535 }
1537 let import_object: Imports = imports! {
1538 "env" => env_ns,
1539 "global" => {
1540 "NaN" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::F64(f64::NAN)),
1541 "Infinity" => Global::new(&mut store, Value::F64(f64::INFINITY)),
1542 },
1543 "global.Math" => {
1544 "pow" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::pow),
1545 "exp" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::exp),
1546 "log" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::log),
1547 },
1548 "asm2wasm" => {
1549 "f64-rem" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::f64_rem),
1550 "f64-to-int" => Function::new_typed_with_env(&mut store, env, crate::math::f64_to_int),
1551 },
1552 };
1554 import_object
1557pub fn nullfunc(env: FunctionEnvMut<EmEnv>, _x: u32) {
1558 use crate::process::abort_with_message;
1559 debug!("emscripten::nullfunc_i {}", _x);
1560 abort_with_message(
1561 env,
1562 "Invalid function pointer. Perhaps this is an invalid value \
1563 (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an \
1564 incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (\
1565 warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)",
1566 );
1569pub const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");