wasmer-vm 2.1.0

Runtime library support for Wasmer

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This crate contains the Wasmer VM runtime library, supporting the Wasm ABI used by any wasmer-engine implementation.

The Wasmer runtime is modular by design, and provides several libraries where each of them provides a specific set of features. This wasmer-vm library contains the low-level foundation for the runtime itself.

It provides all the APIs the wasmer-engine needs to operate, from the instance, to memory, probestack, signature registry, trap, table, VMContext, libcalls etc.

It is very unlikely that a user will need to deal with wasmer-vm directly. The wasmer crate provides types that embed types from wasmer-vm with a higher-level API.


This project borrowed some of the code for the VM structure and trapping from the wasmtime-runtime.

Please check Wasmer ATTRIBUTIONS to further see licenses and other attributions of the project.