
1use crate::TripleExt;
2use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Result};
3use core::fmt;
4use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
5use target_lexicon::{PointerWidth, Triple};
7macro_rules! define_tunables {
8    (
9        $(#[$outer_attr:meta])*
10        pub struct $tunables:ident {
11            $(
12                $(#[$field_attr:meta])*
13                pub $field:ident : $field_ty:ty,
14            )*
15        }
17        pub struct $config_tunables:ident {
18            ...
19        }
20    ) => {
21        $(#[$outer_attr])*
22        pub struct $tunables {
23            $(
24                $(#[$field_attr])*
25                pub $field: $field_ty,
26            )*
27        }
29        /// Optional tunable configuration options used in `wasmtime::Config`
30        #[derive(Default, Clone)]
31        #[allow(missing_docs, reason = "macro-generated fields")]
32        pub struct $config_tunables {
33            $(pub $field: Option<$field_ty>,)*
34        }
36        impl $config_tunables {
37            /// Formats configured fields into `f`.
38            pub fn format(&self, f: &mut fmt::DebugStruct<'_,'_>) {
39                $(
40                    if let Some(val) = &self.$field {
41                        f.field(stringify!($field), val);
42                    }
43                )*
44            }
46            /// Configure the `Tunables` provided.
47            pub fn configure(&self, tunables: &mut Tunables) {
48                $(
49                    if let Some(val) = self.$field {
50                        tunables.$field = val;
51                    }
52                )*
53            }
54        }
55    };
58define_tunables! {
59    /// Tunable parameters for WebAssembly compilation.
60    #[derive(Clone, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
61    pub struct Tunables {
62        /// The garbage collector implementation to use, which implies the layout of
63        /// GC objects and barriers that must be emitted in Wasm code.
64        pub collector: Option<Collector>,
66        /// Initial size, in bytes, to be allocated for linear memories.
67        pub memory_reservation: u64,
69        /// The size, in bytes, of the guard page region for linear memories.
70        pub memory_guard_size: u64,
72        /// The size, in bytes, to allocate at the end of a relocated linear
73        /// memory for growth.
74        pub memory_reservation_for_growth: u64,
76        /// Whether or not to generate native DWARF debug information.
77        pub generate_native_debuginfo: bool,
79        /// Whether or not to retain DWARF sections in compiled modules.
80        pub parse_wasm_debuginfo: bool,
82        /// Whether or not fuel is enabled for generated code, meaning that fuel
83        /// will be consumed every time a wasm instruction is executed.
84        pub consume_fuel: bool,
86        /// Whether or not we use epoch-based interruption.
87        pub epoch_interruption: bool,
89        /// Whether or not linear memories are allowed to be reallocated after
90        /// initial allocation at runtime.
91        pub memory_may_move: bool,
93        /// Whether or not linear memory allocations will have a guard region at the
94        /// beginning of the allocation in addition to the end.
95        pub guard_before_linear_memory: bool,
97        /// Whether to initialize tables lazily, so that instantiation is fast but
98        /// indirect calls are a little slower. If false, tables are initialized
99        /// eagerly from any active element segments that apply to them during
100        /// instantiation.
101        pub table_lazy_init: bool,
103        /// Indicates whether an address map from compiled native code back to wasm
104        /// offsets in the original file is generated.
105        pub generate_address_map: bool,
107        /// Flag for the component module whether adapter modules have debug
108        /// assertions baked into them.
109        pub debug_adapter_modules: bool,
111        /// Whether or not lowerings for relaxed simd instructions are forced to
112        /// be deterministic.
113        pub relaxed_simd_deterministic: bool,
115        /// Whether or not Wasm functions target the winch abi.
116        pub winch_callable: bool,
118        /// Whether or not the host will be using native signals (e.g. SIGILL,
119        /// SIGSEGV, etc) to implement traps.
120        pub signals_based_traps: bool,
122        /// Whether CoW images might be used to initialize linear memories.
123        pub memory_init_cow: bool,
124    }
126    pub struct ConfigTunables {
127        ...
128    }
131impl Tunables {
132    /// Returns a `Tunables` configuration assumed for running code on the host.
133    pub fn default_host() -> Self {
134        if cfg!(miri) {
135            Tunables::default_miri()
136        } else if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "32") {
137            Tunables::default_u32()
138        } else if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") {
139            Tunables::default_u64()
140        } else {
141            panic!("unsupported target_pointer_width");
142        }
143    }
145    /// Returns the default set of tunables for the given target triple.
146    pub fn default_for_target(target: &Triple) -> Result<Self> {
147        if cfg!(miri) {
148            return Ok(Tunables::default_miri());
149        }
150        let mut ret = match target
151            .pointer_width()
152            .map_err(|_| anyhow!("failed to retrieve target pointer width"))?
153        {
154            PointerWidth::U32 => Tunables::default_u32(),
155            PointerWidth::U64 => Tunables::default_u64(),
156            _ => bail!("unsupported target pointer width"),
157        };
159        // Pulley targets never use signals-based-traps and also can't benefit
160        // from guard pages, so disable them.
161        if target.is_pulley() {
162            ret.signals_based_traps = false;
163            ret.memory_guard_size = 0;
164        }
165        Ok(ret)
166    }
168    /// Returns the default set of tunables for running under MIRI.
169    pub const fn default_miri() -> Tunables {
170        Tunables {
171            collector: None,
173            // No virtual memory tricks are available on miri so make these
174            // limits quite conservative.
175            memory_reservation: 1 << 20,
176            memory_guard_size: 0,
177            memory_reservation_for_growth: 0,
179            // General options which have the same defaults regardless of
180            // architecture.
181            generate_native_debuginfo: false,
182            parse_wasm_debuginfo: true,
183            consume_fuel: false,
184            epoch_interruption: false,
185            memory_may_move: true,
186            guard_before_linear_memory: true,
187            table_lazy_init: true,
188            generate_address_map: true,
189            debug_adapter_modules: false,
190            relaxed_simd_deterministic: false,
191            winch_callable: false,
192            signals_based_traps: false,
193            memory_init_cow: true,
194        }
195    }
197    /// Returns the default set of tunables for running under a 32-bit host.
198    pub const fn default_u32() -> Tunables {
199        Tunables {
200            // For 32-bit we scale way down to 10MB of reserved memory. This
201            // impacts performance severely but allows us to have more than a
202            // few instances running around.
203            memory_reservation: 10 * (1 << 20),
204            memory_guard_size: 0x1_0000,
205            memory_reservation_for_growth: 1 << 20, // 1MB
206            signals_based_traps: true,
208            ..Tunables::default_miri()
209        }
210    }
212    /// Returns the default set of tunables for running under a 64-bit host.
213    pub const fn default_u64() -> Tunables {
214        Tunables {
215            // 64-bit has tons of address space to static memories can have 4gb
216            // address space reservations liberally by default, allowing us to
217            // help eliminate bounds checks.
218            //
219            // A 32MiB default guard size is then allocated so we can remove
220            // explicit bounds checks if any static offset is less than this
221            // value. SpiderMonkey found, for example, that in a large corpus of
222            // wasm modules 20MiB was the maximum offset so this is the
223            // power-of-two-rounded up from that and matches SpiderMonkey.
224            memory_reservation: 1 << 32,
225            memory_guard_size: 32 << 20,
227            // We've got lots of address space on 64-bit so use a larger
228            // grow-into-this area, but on 32-bit we aren't as lucky. Miri is
229            // not exactly fast so reduce memory consumption instead of trying
230            // to avoid memory movement.
231            memory_reservation_for_growth: 2 << 30, // 2GB
233            signals_based_traps: true,
234            ..Tunables::default_miri()
235        }
236    }
239/// The garbage collector implementation to use.
240#[derive(Clone, Copy, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
241pub enum Collector {
242    /// The deferred reference-counting collector.
243    DeferredReferenceCounting,
244    /// The null collector.
245    Null,
248impl fmt::Display for Collector {
249    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
250        match self {
251            Collector::DeferredReferenceCounting => write!(f, "deferred reference-counting"),
252            Collector::Null => write!(f, "null"),
253        }
254    }