wasmtime-runtime 5.0.1

Runtime library support for Wasmtime
name = "wasmtime-runtime"
version.workspace = true
authors.workspace = true
description = "Runtime library support for Wasmtime"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/wasmtime-runtime"
license = "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception"
categories = ["wasm"]
keywords = ["webassembly", "wasm"]
repository = "https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasmtime"
edition.workspace = true

wasmtime-asm-macros = { workspace = true }
wasmtime-environ = { workspace = true }
wasmtime-fiber = { workspace = true, optional = true }
wasmtime-jit-debug = { workspace = true, features = ["gdb_jit_int"] }
libc = { version = "0.2.112", default-features = false }
log = { workspace = true }
memoffset = "0.6.0"
indexmap = "1.0.2"
cfg-if = "1.0"
rand = { version = "0.8.3", features = ['small_rng'] }
anyhow = { workspace = true }
memfd = "0.6.2"
paste = "1.0.3"
encoding_rs = { version = "0.8.31", optional = true }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "macos")'.dependencies]
mach = "0.3.2"

rustix = { workspace = true, features = ["mm"] }

[target.'cfg(target_os = "windows")'.dependencies.windows-sys]
workspace = true
features = [

once_cell = { workspace = true }

cc = "1.0"

maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }

async = ["wasmtime-fiber"]

# Enables support for the pooling instance allocator
pooling-allocator = []

# Enables trap handling using POSIX signals instead of Mach exceptions on MacOS.
# It is useful for applications that do not bind their own exception ports and
# need portable signal handling.
posix-signals-on-macos = []

component-model = [