# CHANGELOG: wayland-client
## Unreleased
## 0.30.0-beta.6
- Introduce `EventQueue::poll_dispatch_pending` for running dispatch using an async runtime.
## 0.30.0-beta.1
#### Breaking changes
- Large rework of the API as a consequence of the rework of the backend.
## 0.30.0-alpha10
- Introduce conversion methods between `wayland_backend::Handle` and `ConnectionHandle`
## 0.30.0-alpha2
#### Breaking changes
- The `DelegateDispatch` mechanism is changed around an explicit trait-base extraction of module
state from the main app state.
## 0.30.0-alpha1
Full rework of the crate, which is now organized around a trait-based `Dispatch` metchanism.
This can effectively be considered a new crate altogether.