# wcgi
Tooling for running web servers on Wasmer Deploy.
Check out the [Tutorial](./docs/Tutorial.md) to get started.
## Repository layout
* [crates](./crates):
Contains wcgi tooling for the Rust language, including a client library `wcgi`,
a local wcgi runner and Rust examples.
- [wcgi](./crates/wcgi)
wcgi client library for easily writing wcgi handlers in Rust.
- [wcgi_runner](./crates/wcgi_runner)
wcgi runner for running a wcgi server locally.
- [xtask](./crates/xtask)
CLI with utility commands for managing this repository.
- [examples](./examples)
Collection of example wcgi handlers written in Rust.
## Develop
### xtask
The `cargo xtask` command provides various management commands, like running
tests, publishing all examples, ...
Execute `cargo xtask` in your shell to see available commands.
**NOTE:** can only be run when in the root directory.