webrtc-dtls 0.7.2

A pure Rust implementation of DTLS
# webrtc-dtls changelog

## Unreleased

## v0.7.1

* Added support for insecure/deprecated signature verification algorithms [#342]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/342 by [@chuigda]https://github.com/chuigda.

## v0.7.0

* Increased minimum support rust version to `1.60.0`.
* Add `RTCCertificate::from_pem` and `RTCCertificate::serialize_pem` (only work with `pem` feature enabled) [#333]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/333

### Breaking

* Increased required `webrtc-util` version to `0.7.0`, with this change some methods in `DTLSConn` that implement `webrtc_util::Conn` have changed from async to sync.

## v0.6.0

* [#254 [DTLS] Add NamedCurve::P384]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/254 contributed by [neonphog]https://github.com/neonphog
* Increased min verison of `log` dependency to `0.4.16`. [#250 Fix log at ^0.4.16 to make tests compile]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/250 by [@k0nserv]https://github.com/k0nserv.
* Increased serde's minimum version to 1.0.110 [#243 Fixes for cargo minimal-versions]https://github.com/webrtc-rs/webrtc/pull/243 contributed by [algesten]https://github.com/algesten

## Prior to 0.6.0

Before 0.6.0 there was no changelog, previous changes are sometimes, but not always, available in the [GitHub Releases](https://github.com/webrtc-rs/dtls/releases).