win-crypto-ng 0.5.1

Safe bindings to Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation

name = "win-crypto-ng"

version = "0.5.1"

authors = ["Émile Grégoire <>", "Igor Matuszewski <>"]

edition = "2021"

description = "Safe bindings to Windows Cryptography API: Next Generation"

repository = ""

documentation = ""

readme = ""

keywords = ["cng", "windows", "cryptoapi"]

categories = ["api-bindings", "os::windows-apis", "cryptography"]

license = "BSD-3-Clause"

rust-version = "1.60"


maintenance = { status = "experimental" }


winapi = { version = "0.3", features = ["bcrypt", "ntstatus", "winerror"] }

zeroize = { version = "1.1", optional = true }

rand_core = { version = ">= 0.5, <0.7", optional = true }

cipher = { version = "0.4.4", optional = true }

doc-comment = "0.3"


doc-comment = "0.3"


default = ["zeroize"]

rand = ["rand_core"]

block-cipher = ["cipher"]


default-target = "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc"