window-vibrancy 0.1.3

Make your windows vibrant.
# Changelog

## \[0.1.3]

- Fix `apply_acrylic` effect on Windows 11.
  - [7f4e28f] fix(acrylic): pass correct `AccentFlags` to `swca` on 2022-04-29
  - [92ef268] chore: add screenshots ([#37] on 2022-05-23
- Add screenshots
  - [92ef268] chore: add screenshots ([#37] on 2022-05-23

## \[0.1.2]

- Update examples and documentation about macOS `NSVisualEffectMaterial`.
  - [e3e2cc7] docs: update examples and macos NSVisualEffectMaterial on 2022-04-15

## \[0.1.1]

- Update crate docs.
  - [2764ca3] chore: update crate docs on 2022-03-29

## \[0.1.0]

- Initial Release.
  - [78acb98] chore(readme): remove installation section on 2022-03-05