winit 0.25.0

Cross-platform window creation library.
# winit - Cross-platform window creation and management in Rust

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winit = "0.25.0"

## [Documentation]

For features _within_ the scope of winit, see [](

For features _outside_ the scope of winit, see [Missing features provided by other crates]( in the wiki.

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## Usage

Winit is a window creation and management library. It can create windows and lets you handle
events (for example: the window being resized, a key being pressed, a mouse movement, etc.)
produced by window.

Winit is designed to be a low-level brick in a hierarchy of libraries. Consequently, in order to
show something on the window you need to use the platform-specific getters provided by winit, or
another library.

use winit::{
    event::{Event, WindowEvent},
    event_loop::{ControlFlow, EventLoop},

fn main() {
    let event_loop = EventLoop::new();
    let window = WindowBuilder::new().build(&event_loop).unwrap(); |event, _, control_flow| {
        *control_flow = ControlFlow::Wait;

        match event {
            Event::WindowEvent {
                event: WindowEvent::CloseRequested,
            } if window_id == => *control_flow = ControlFlow::Exit,
            _ => (),

Winit is only officially supported on the latest stable version of the Rust compiler.

### Cargo Features

Winit provides the following features, which can be enabled in your `Cargo.toml` file:
* `serde`: Enables serialization/deserialization of certain types with [Serde]
* `x11` (enabled by default): On Unix platform, compiles with the X11 backend
* `wayland` (enabled by default): On Unix platform, compiles with the Wayland backend
* `mint`: Enables mint (math interoperability standard types) conversions.

### Platform-specific usage

#### WebAssembly

Winit supports compiling to the `wasm32-unknown-unknown` target with either a
`stdweb` or a `web-sys` backend for use on web browsers. However, please note
that **the `stdweb` backend is being deprecated and may be removed in a future
release of Winit**. The `web-sys` backend is also more feature complete.

On the web platform, a Winit window is backed by a `<canvas>` element. You can
either [provide Winit with a `<canvas>` element][web with_canvas], or [let Winit
create a `<canvas>` element which you can then retrieve][web canvas getter] and
insert it into the DOM yourself.

For example code using Winit with WebAssembly, check out the [web example]. For
information on using Rust on WebAssembly, check out the [Rust and WebAssembly

[web with_canvas]:
[web canvas getter]:
[web example]: ./examples/
[Rust and WebAssembly book]:

#### Android

This library makes use of the [ndk-rs]( crates, refer to that repo for more documentation.

Running on an Android device needs a dynamic system library, add this to Cargo.toml:
name = "request_redraw_threaded"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

And add this to the example file to add the native activity glue:
#[cfg_attr(target_os = "android", ndk_glue::main(backtrace = "on"))]
fn main() {

And run the application with `cargo apk run --example request_redraw_threaded`

#### MacOS

To ensure compatibility with older MacOS systems, winit links to
CGDisplayCreateUUIDFromDisplayID through the CoreGraphics framework.
However, under certain setups this function is only available to be linked
through the newer ColorSync framework. So, winit provides the
`WINIT_LINK_COLORSYNC` environment variable which can be set to `1` or `true` 
while compiling to enable linking via ColorSync.