# winnow, making parsing a breeze
## About
Build up a parser for your format of choice with the building blocks provided by `winnow`.
For more details, see:
- [Tutorial](https://docs.rs/winnow/latest/winnow/_tutorial/index.html)
- [Special Topics](https://docs.rs/winnow/latest/winnow/_topic/index.html)
- [Why winnow? How does it compare to ...?](https://docs.rs/winnow/latest/winnow/_topic/why/index.html)
- [API Reference](https://docs.rs/winnow)
- [List of combinators](https://docs.rs/winnow/latest/winnow/combinator/index.html)
# Contributors
winnow is the fruit of the work of many contributors over the years, many
thanks for your help! In particular, thanks to [Geal](https://github.com/Geal)
for the original [`nom` crate](https://crates.io/crates/nom).
<a href="https://github.com/winnow-rs/winnow/graphs/contributors">
<img src="https://contributors-img.web.app/image?repo=winnow-rs/winnow" />