# Rust XCB
Rust-XCB is a set of bindings and wrappers for [XCB](http://xcb.freedesktop.org). It uses the XML
protocol descriptions from XCB to generate the bindings and the wrappers.
Rust-XCB is only intended as an interface to XCB, so provides nothing above and beyond that.
xcb = "0.8"
## The bindings
The bindings are generated from the `rs_client.py` script with help from the `xcbgen` library (also
from XCB). The bindings are inside the `ffi` module, which also contains the hand-written bindings
to the core library.
Bindings reflect the C API almost one for one.
## The wrapper
The wrappers are generated from the same files, and provide a safe and more convenient wrapper over
the low-level bindings by having automatic destructors for returned data, trait implementations for
object "types" and other safe helpers.
## Example
Drawing example (checkout for more [here](https://github.com/rtbo/rust-xcb/tree/master/examples)
and also [here](https://github.com/rtbo/toy_xcb))
extern crate xcb;
fn main() {
let points: &[xcb::Point] = &[
xcb::Point::new(10, 10),
xcb::Point::new(10, 20),
xcb::Point::new(20, 10),
xcb::Point::new(20, 20),
let polyline: &[xcb::Point] = &[
xcb::Point::new(50, 10 ),
xcb::Point::new( 5, 20 ), /* rest of points are relative */
xcb::Point::new(25, -20),
xcb::Point::new(10, 10 )
let segments: &[xcb::Segment] = &[
xcb::Segment::new(100, 10, 140, 30),
xcb::Segment::new(110, 25, 130, 60)
let rectangles: &[xcb::Rectangle] = &[
xcb::Rectangle::new(10, 50, 40, 20),
xcb::Rectangle::new(80, 50, 10, 40)
let arcs: &[xcb::Arc] = &[
xcb::Arc::new(10, 100, 60, 40, 0, 90 << 6),
xcb::Arc::new(90, 100, 55, 40, 0, 270 << 6)
let (conn, screen_num) = xcb::Connection::connect(None).unwrap();
let setup = conn.get_setup();
let screen = setup.roots().nth(screen_num as usize).unwrap();
let foreground = conn.generate_id();
xcb::create_gc(&conn, foreground, screen.root(), &[
(xcb::GC_FOREGROUND, screen.black_pixel()),
let win = conn.generate_id();
xcb::COPY_FROM_PARENT as u8,
0, 0,
150, 150,
screen.root_visual(), &[
(xcb::CW_BACK_PIXEL, screen.white_pixel()),
xcb::map_window(&conn, win);
loop {
let event = conn.wait_for_event();
match event {
None => { break; }
Some(event) => {
let r = event.response_type() & !0x80;
match r {
xcb::EXPOSE => {
/* We draw the points */
xcb::poly_point(&conn, xcb::COORD_MODE_ORIGIN as u8, win,
foreground, &points);
/* We draw the polygonal line */
xcb::poly_line(&conn, xcb::COORD_MODE_PREVIOUS as u8, win,
foreground, &polyline);
/* We draw the segements */
xcb::poly_segment(&conn, win, foreground, &segments);
/* We draw the rectangles */
xcb::poly_rectangle(&conn, win, foreground, &rectangles);
/* We draw the arcs */
xcb::poly_arc(&conn, win, foreground, &arcs);
/* We flush the request */
xcb::KEY_PRESS => {
let key_press : &xcb::KeyPressEvent = unsafe {
println!("Key '{}' pressed", key_press.detail());
_ => {}