yolk_dots 0.2.0

Templated dotfile management without template files
allow_dirty = true # allow updating repositories with uncommitted changes
# changelog_config = "config/git-cliff.toml"       # use a custom git-cliff configuration
changelog_update = true            # disable changelog updates
dependencies_update = false        # update dependencies with `cargo update`
git_release_enable = false         # disable GitHub/Gitea releases
pr_branch_prefix = "release-plz-"  # PR branch prefix
pr_name = "Release v{{ version }}" # template for the PR name
pr_labels = ["release"]            # add the `release` label to the release Pull Request
publish_allow_dirty = true         # add `--allow-dirty` to `cargo publish`
semver_check = false               # disable API breaking changes checks
publish_timeout = "10m"            # set a timeout for `cargo publish`
release_commits = "^feat:|^fix:"   # prepare release only if at least one commit matches a regex
publish = true
git_tag_enable = true
git_tag_name = "v{{ version }}"

protect_breaking_commits = true
commit_parsers = [
    { message = "^feat", group = "added" },
    { message = "^changed|^ux", group = "changed" },
    { message = "^deprecated", group = "deprecated" },
    { message = "^fix", group = "fixed" },
    { message = "^security", group = "security" },
    # { message = "^.*", group = "other" },
link_parsers = [
    { pattern = "#(\\d+)", href = "https://github.com/elkowar/yolk/issues/$1" },